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Whats Your Scariest Fall?


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Ok this isn't to do with your worst fall like a not scary crash but a bad injury. I mean a really scary crash lol.

Mine (this probably isn't much to you but I have not been biking for long and I don't do extreme things yet). Well I hate staircases if the steps are 45 degree steps like this: |_


I only like staircases where the length of the step is twice the hight e.g |__


Anyway I was just following a friend and I saw some steps up ahead, they were the ones that run down into a underground road crossing where it goes down and then there is a path underground that comes up the other side , anyway this set is about....16 steps, with about a 3m flat after the first 8. anyway my friend goes up and doesnt jump, but rides down them, i come up next and think oh my god no, because this is an 8 set at 45 degree :P and im like ahhh and I pulled the brakes and pulled the front too hard (Y) This was the scary bit: slowly up and up like you do when you just know your'e going over :P I was like :- :lol: and I let go of the front brake and the front rolled forward onto the lip of the first ramp and i was like ahhhhh (Y)(i wanted my mummy..) and then the back came down and span and i toppled sideways and just tumbled with the bike down the first few steps, it barely hurt but going slowly over on the front wheel was the scariest thing I have done lol.

Lets hear some (Y)

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mine was when i was riding my crates and i'd made a little hop up thing and i didn't get up it right and nose dived it and landed on both my wrists and no one was in my house so i had to wait till my mum came home from work luckly i only i only sprained both wrist and seezed up my right elbow that was scary so lucky i didn't brake my wrists

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Scariest fall happened just the other week

I was just hopping around on a low wall just like a foot high and when I went to hop off the wall instead of hopping the back wheel just rolled probly because I was nakered an I fell into the back breaker postion it hurt so much I stayed off the bike for like a week an i had to walk like 2 miles with my bike to get home :( but i consider myself lucky that I didnt slip a disk or break anything

so this is my lesson to you "Dont do it if your nakered" haha :ermm:

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my worst fall was wen i was about to do a about 6 foot gap and my chain skipped and i landed on the top bit of my chin and it pushed the roots of my teeth up and my teeth were pointing forwards and i managed to break my jaw in 6 places, but wen i was better i was straight back on my bike.



Edited by t-mag boy
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me and big gay john were in keighley rock yard and there were two 4ft high (at least, non TF tape measure) stone blocks stood on top of each other and john being the big gay he is made a ramp from pallets to get up on these rocks.

anyways so we were doing it and landing pretty hard ot bash and getting up form that, then i for some reason went really fast got up onto the top on back wheel and had to bail out backwards from about 10ft with a bike landing ontop of me. ouch! :(

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I was doing a 5 foot high mud back (off a kicker) and landing on top on back wheel, then i seriously went WAY to fast! and then ended up going to high and my back wheel didnt even touch the top, instead i sortof started doing a backflip, but obvioulsnt never landed it :ermm: and ended up falling 5 foot onto my back and back landed ontop of me! :(

Didnt hurt too much, but scared the shit outa me!! lol

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Set of 20 steps was going over on my sisters new mountain bike, (i was only like 10) i did the 1st 2 steps pulled the new V brake woo better than U brakes and the back wheel came up an up an locked out all i saw was my head hitting the 7th step and my left knee (which still causes me problens) landing at the bottom taking the whole impact, yes i cried lol like a baby lol

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skating a double handrail on a set of about 50 marble steps on an office buiding on london bridge. Was about 6ft from the end when my jeans got caught on a pointy thingy in the middle causing me to stop instantly and swing over the front smacking my head into the railing and the marble step at the same time. I was seriously concussed and was puking for 6hours straight :(

Also came off another handrail fakie, (backwards) turnt round and didnt notice the marble ledge right in front of me. The corner of the ledge went into my shin and cracked my shin bone. THAT HURT!!!

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When i was about 10 i was on the back of a bmx you know the trick peg things, anyways my mate somehow crashed into a large hedge making the back wheel go up lauching me up into the air! i think i traveled at least 3 metres, i can still remember opening my eyes to the sound of the rear hub clicking at a slow pace lol!

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In the middle of town on a six foot wall with a tree on it,started pedal hopping off and caught my back wheel on a root front wheel went down over the edge and i followed. Landed on my head cracked my helmet(glad i was wearing one) chipped four teeth nearly broke my hand and got a big scar on my shoulder, and i can't jerk my neck back without it hurting loads. And then i passed out in hospital So :'(

And i didn't get it on video

Edited by yoyoyo
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Tapping a 50"-ish wall today with a small drop on the other side, my foot slipped forwards off the pedal and my leg soemhow got hooked on the back edge of the wall, so i fell 50" onto my back, and put a nice big dent into my helmet from the tarmac.

I woulda been walking around with a bit of metal in my noggin if i hadn't have been wearing a helmet.

*Wanders off to find Paracetamol*

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i was about 8 going down a dark ally as fast as i could trying to get home for the simpsons :D and i cliped my handle on a stone in the wall and flipped over my bike and i got all twisted in the frame i thought that i at least broke my back i was lying there and i realised i only had bruses and gashes :"> so i was able to ride home and still watch the simpsons lol :'(

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It was when i first got my bike, I went down to my local spot down my road. I was just doing some drops and doing them ok. Then i done a drop and i shinned myself.

Didn't think anything of it till I saw a line of blood down my leg, then there was a a wrinkled up bit of skin and a hole. I proded it and it felt so soft :D . so ITHOUGHT OH SH*T i BETTER GO HOME . So I was really scared because I knew I 'd have stitches.

I went home and said mum I've cut my leg she looked and I went to the hospital had 6 numbing injenctions ( which didnt hurt), then four stitches ( that didnt hurt for my releif). Got it bandaged had 3 days off my school with no pain lol but i couldnt ride properly for at least a month.

Conclusion is not a very good confiedence booster lol. It was scary for me. Got over it now though.And got a big scar

toby :'(

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Luckily I cant remember any of the fall hapening but I woke up in the back of an ambulance with all blood on my hand and the ambulance people asking me questions

I must of clipped my back wheel on some coping on a quarter pipe and fell straight to my face on the concrete

My tooth had snapped in half and gone into my top lip and I had cut all my face up, but I still dont know exactly what I done as no one saw it happen either :'( All I can remember was me sitting on my bike on the top of the quarter

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well i did not do this but it's for my freind, right what he did was we made a rail gap we had a 3 stack of pallets to a rail about 2 and half foot, he gapped to it and he got on but he was right on the edge and his finger slipped off his brake and he went for kick and his bike flipped him over, so then he smacked his head on the floor and his right hand crank arm smacked him straight in his back. so i went over to him and his head was pissin with blood and he got a dead deep cut in his back and so he went hospital and had to have 7 stitches.



cheers !!!!!


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me and big gay john were in keighley rock yard and there were two 4ft high (at least, non TF tape measure) stone blocks stood on top of each other and john being the big gay he is made a ramp from pallets to get up on these rocks.

anyways so we were doing it and landing pretty hard ot bash and getting up form that, then i for some reason went really fast got up onto the top on back wheel and had to bail out backwards from about 10ft with a bike landing ontop of me. ouch! (Y)

What about when u fell on your head in shiley buck? of a cliff

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