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Bb Threads


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hey there, i received a specialised p2 frame a while back off a mate which was mint apart form the old bb was stuck in and he had sawn the tabs off to remove it with in a desperate attempt to fit a new frame.......he wouldnt listen to me about the proper tool........crazy fool

anyway i sold him my spare frame and he gave me this to try and fix for myself, and so today i finally got round to fixing it, woooo

due to the way in which the bb cups were stuck and situated, the only way i could get them out was with a hammer and a screwdriver, breaking it into pieces which worked :-

trouble is some of the threads got damaged, which didnt surprise me

so now to the question, where can i get a bb tap? i wanna buy 1 really, as i know itll be handy in the future (Y)

cheers, paul :lol:

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thetool in the link will not cut threads in a frame from scratch, it will only clean the thread up. and it will last a long time as long as cutting compound is used when in use, or a bit of oil :(

backwards forwards backwards forwards in out in out

backwards forwards backwards forwards in out in out

backwards forwards backwards forwards in out in out

backwards forwards backwards forwards in out in out

lol more oil


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backwards forwards backwards forwards in out in out

backwards forwards backwards forwards in out in out

backwards forwards backwards forwards in out in out

backwards forwards backwards forwards in out in out

lol more oil



and it forwards 2 turns back 1 turn

that tool is only for chaseing the threads, notice it does not have a tappered start :(

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ah i love that tool ;) i always use i at work, cos im the only one who klnow how! :P well ours is a park one (600 quid!) but it'll be the same concept, BEWARE! this WILL mess your whole frame up if not used right!!!! Ok,

Take the threading part off the tool, Using your fingers, put it in, make sure you get the right side in each side (on park ones they have left on one of them, the LEFT goes in the DRIVESIDE. (Check just beofre doing it it might be different on different companies) anyway once its in finger tight then put the handle back on, Then Slowly turn the so the thread screws in. You will see loads of bits of metal come out but thats fine. then take it out, check bb fits and hopefully if you done it right it will do :D Ill try find parks guide to doing it, im not brilliant at puttint things in words, i can use it though no problem ;)

EDIT: http://www.parktool.com/repair/readhowto.asp?id=97 Id advise you to read that, thats parks way of saying how to do it, like i said im not very good at poutting things into words, good luck :'(

Edited by Ingram
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