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Some Pics From Me.... Enjoy...


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Helmet boy! HELMET!


He can do what he damn well likes. I wish all this helmet commenting would stop. :lol:

As for the pics, looking quite good, but maybe do some sequences or stand further away as in the picture with the big rail, i've not a clue what you doing. (Y)

Looking good though, some big riding too. :P

Also, what frame is that? (Y)

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He can do what he damn well likes. I wish all this helmet commenting would stop. :lol:

But this is a very rare good example of peer group pressure. Keep the helmet reminders coming I say (Y)

Impressive riding going on - Nice photos!


P.S. Simon, get your helmet on too! (Y)

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I agree with Simon on this one, if he chooses not to wear a Helmet then no one on the Forum's gonna stop him wearing one. I chose not to wear a helmet for the first year of me riding, I saw how important they are and got one(Thanks CRC sale! :lol: )

Anyway, back on topic. Really good pictures. What frame is that? :-

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I agree with Simon on this one, if he chooses not to wear a Helmet then no one on the Forum's gonna stop him wearing one.

Just to follow up on this point - I'd disagree with this opinion.

Most people don't wear helmets because they think that their peers reckon helmets aren't cool. I mean, on every other aspect it's an overwhelming hands down win for wearing a helmet :-

Like smoking, keep telling people it's stupid, and it's goodbye to a possible self induced early grave.

If you turn this trend on it's head (excuse the pun) then the increased wearing of helmets follows.

If I had a penny for everytime some one has let me know that they've invested in a helmet due to my sig......

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if you dont wear a helmet then your more likely to be killed if you are knocked off or come off the bike!!!! why the HELL do you think helmets were designed?for the fun of someones help???? i dont mean to sound off but the helmet thing is SERIOUS!!!! Kev will tell you just how serious wearing a helmet is just as i can and bucky too!!!!!

if you dont wear a helmet i dont have no sympathy for you!!!! if you wear a helmet i have full respect for you!!!! its simple, they wouldnt have been designed if they were made for a god damn good reason.

how many people have fallen off and mashed a helmet???? a good example was at the world round when Gav Bedford crashed his Xen and it literally snapped the back of the helmet off!!!! if he hadnt of being wearing it HE WOULD have been in either serious trouble could have been death or serious brain disability!!!!!


i only feel strongly on this front as iv fallen myself and felt luck was on my side, and iv never gone out without a helmet on and done anything stupid with out one on.

especially when your advertising on this forum, that the age range could be between 6???? - adult 50 or whatever, no point saying "ere jimmy dont buy a helmet its no use" when all the lads i ride with (there was a group quite alot of them are in the newbies section) all were out riding and didnt have helmets on we were doing quite simple things and i crashed out only a few weeks ago yet i got up and said look DONT forget to wear a F**KING helmet yes i did swear cos no one had a helmet on, i did and i crashed if it had been one of them crashing it would have been on my conscienous i dont want it or need it, the following day ALL of them ended up buying a helmet from the shop. and i fully respect that they all bought helmets so quick.

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Sometimes I don't wear it because it makes my head itch and is uncomfortable, but recently I've been wearing it most rides. In fact, the other day D-L-B forced me to wear it, and he (like some of the comments here) had a good point.

It's a small price to pay to insure your head. You can't get a new brain, and damage to the skull takes a long time to heal and isn't fun. When I first started riding trials I went over the bars near the top of a big flight of slippery steps. Totally idiotic thing to do, riding down them, and I was knocked out with a helmet.

It is important, and you'd regret it if something went wrong. Think about the things that can happen...

1) Hubs skips, over the bars

2) Chain staps, over the bars super-quick

3) Gears slip, over the bars

4) Back brake fails, off the back (head to rail wouldn't be fun...)

5) Snapped forks, forehead smashed

I could go on...

And Simon, I think it's good that people get pestered to wear helmets. A lot of the time it's for silly reasons like trying to look cool, or negative peer pressure from people who don't wear lids.

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Nice pictures mate. What frame is that?

I also think if he doesn't wont to wear a helmet he doesn't have... Its his problem if he falls off.

the frame is made in me ahahahah BT-CHILE ORIGINAL VERSION 1.2 :- .... beacause in chile are not frame of trials...... and to bring them is very expensive even....

sorry my bad english.....

Edited by dAnKs
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good pic mate, you look sorted! no lid pressure online is ok just 1 person thought not an army of lid loving felllows. i dont ride with a lid my friend say something its not about being cool as i also ride a 20yr old raleigh massif with pink lol its just..... dont like it

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Simon and heatsink, how come your names on the posts are no longer pink?

On topic: You should not get harassed/diminished for not wearing a helmet. If you hurt yourself you hurt yourself and if your not wearing a helmet by choice you are going to hurt yourself worse, unlucky.


BTW, Danny and/or Tomturd I like the nice new setup.

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