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Advice About Ddg's Shooters


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if you have ruled out the other options and really want a shooter then get the £400 trials spec, great bike hs33's etc but ask about geting a crank upgrade, as the standard ones are crud.

btw there is no difference between combat issue and standard, other than paint.

Get white, it looks the best :- :rolleyes:

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Hi im looking at geting a DDG shooter but im not sure on what one to go for can anyone give me some advice about them ?

I bought my shooter(trials spec) two years ago as a starter bike to trials, loved it then and still love it now.But as people keep on saying to me "its not a pure trials frame", but i don't care. I got the artic issue(white and blue) and it looks COOL.

sorry about the pun.

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Look at the Saracen MAD 2005, Base and Onza T-Raptor. They're all far superior in terms of weight and geometry, and it'll be far easier to get to grips with proper trials moves. The Shooter will be rubbish on the backwheel and will only hinder your performance.

When I started trials there was little else to choose from, but now you can get frames dirt cheap. If I was you I'd look on eBay where it's not uncommon to find T-Raptor frames (as ridden by Baz Huskinsson and Chris Akrigg) for £50-70 brand new! Onza do some very competitive builds as well if you're after a full bike. Check their website.

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  • 3 months later...

he doesn't want it for trials

Why did you a bump a 3 month old topic to well, add shit all to it?

dont get 1,i cracked n snapped 3 of um on the chainstays within 8 months. supercycles were good and replaced them everytime,but i'd keep away if u can . (Y)

Why did you even bother to type that out? Is there a bomb waiting to blow your face off if you don't write the reply in a certain amount of time, or do you for once have a valid reason for typing like a retard?

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or do you for once have a valid reason for typing like a retard?

Why did you a bump a 3 month old topic to well, at shit all to it?


Nice attempt at a sneaky edit though. Nearly worked :rolleyes:

Anyway, yeah, T-F rule: don't bump that which does not need bumping, e.g.: this.

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