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Im A Fraud .....


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Its Chris Ratcliffe. So if harsh, he does know what he's talking about.

Personally, i think the pictures would of been 10x better if it wasn't for that lense. Its way to much. You need to get a lens that doesnt force you to look at the inside of it for half the picture.

If you didn't have that lense, the pictures would be a lot better. :)

You dont have to have the photo looking like that with that lens its just that i quite liked the circular photo effect - we just play when we are out... eg the sequence we did when we were out before (in the same gallery) is just a set of nice photos.....

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Nice pics Rowan... loving the bike too :)

Oh and I'm not bumming the pics - I just really like them as they are different from the norm... also they look reahter smart wit hthe whole circular thing going on - the fisheye is abit too much but it still looks minted :)


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Ok, allow me to elaborate.

I have no problems with fisheye lenses, christ, I have one myself - though I challenge you to spot when I'm using it 99% of the time. I'm not a fan of circular fisheyes like this, but that's not what I'm objecting to.

What I don't like about these photos is that while it is an interesting effect, they're not adding anything to an otherwise fairly boring photo. Used correctly, they can be interesting. The whole BMX world can't be wrong...

I'm also trying to add some balance. What would be the point of me going 'Yeah, cool!" and adding nothing else. I don't say these things to be mean or the anti-bummer, but a little criticism, constructively taken, is good. Hence my post -even though it wasn't asked for.

It's true, photos don't have to be perfect. People have said that they weren't keen on my blurry pics from the Bike Show, but that's a look I was going for. It wasn't wrong for me to post them or for them to give their opinions, it's just the way. What I object to are bad photos being taken for art, or for being cool when they're just not good pics. You may think it looks cool, and that's your opinion, I'm just giving mine.

And yes, when it comes to photography, both myself and TRA know a thing or two. Simon has also proven himself to have a good eye for these things.

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Ok, allow me to elaborate.

I have no problems with fisheye lenses, christ, I have one myself - though I challenge you to spot when I'm using it 99% of the time. I'm not  a fan of circular fisheyes like this, but that's not what I'm objecting to.

What I don't like about these photos is that while it is an interesting effect, they're not adding anything to an otherwise fairly boring photo. Used correctly, they can be interesting. The whole BMX world can't be wrong...

I'm also trying to add some balance. What would be the point of me going 'Yeah, cool!" and adding nothing else. I don't say these things to be mean or the anti-bummer, but a little criticism, constructively taken, is good.

And yes, when it comes to photography, both myself and TRA know a thing or two. Simon has also proven himself to have a good eye for these things.

mmmm so because he doesnt have the sun shining in the background and he is on the edge of a cliff on his back wheel its not a good photo???? you make me laugh dude. how is a huge tap not intresting how is showing his bike in a diffrent way other than a simple photo of the bike on its own not intresting,

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I can see where Chris is coming from here.

To a good photographer who knows what there talking about it may be a bad effect and not always a great photo but to the average joe it looks cool. Like I said I like this effect (hope thats not saying something about what i know :) ) and it's a great way of showing off a new bike and what you can do on it already. I paticualry like the big bunnyhop one and the effect goes well.

Maybe a little less black around them may be better.

Still its a MUCH better way of showing a new bike in action, I know i'd rather see this than a bike up against a fence or something.

Still he did say new bike and just some shots of it in action rather than yeh look at this wicked shoot we did today with loads of interesting photos.


Rob :)

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mmmm so because he doesnt have the sun shining in the background and he is on the edge of a cliff on his back wheel its not a good photo???? you make me laugh dude. how is a huge tap not intresting how is showing his bike in a diffrent way other than a simple photo of the bike on its own not intresting,

You've completely missed my point.

A good photo isn't about a perfect sky and a huge move, it's about a composition of elements within the scene.

The 'huge tap' photo was taken far enough back so that the actual interesting bit isn't really affected by the fisheye. If you crop to only what's important in the image, then you lose the effect completely. Similarly, the one showing the backwheel doesn't get in the whole rider, and is just too close instead of too far away.

I'm all for interesting photos, and for something a bit different, but these just don't give me that. Hey, different folks, different strokes...

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