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I Have A Gym Related Question

Michael Hardman

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Personally I really don't like the idea of doing weight training purely to help trials/BMX. I do trials and BMX for fun, and if I had to 'train' or do 'weights' it would cease to be fun. The more you ride, the more you build up the relevant muscles.

but lifting a heavier weight than your bike helps more.... its like when you where a kid you would probably struggle to lift a 2 litre bottle of water.. but now it seems like nothing, and it wouldn't tire your muscles like it did when you where a child... the same will happen with the bike.. the muscles can only be trained so much on the bike... so lifting heavier weights using the same muscles used on the bike... will help alot...

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thats what i was trying to get across....... i think youve misunderstood slightly...

but eventually... that weight wont challenge you will it... and youl have to increase it..

thats what im trying to say

There's the 10% rule, which means like every one or two sessions, increase your weight load for explosive strength, or reps is you want endurance. Or sometimes a bit of both.

Yeah. Alexx knows quite a lot, but I think he does know more about Diet, Carbs, Proteins etc, than gym and reps etc etc. I'm not sure though. Might of just been an impression I got from him.

As someone was saying before about lifting a certain weight as much as you can for 2 years or something.

That will make the fibers in your muscle become more leinient to slow twitch fibers. This means they're more endurance based, and get tired slower, but have a less efficient 'outburst' of energy.

You'll want to work on anaerobic explosive strength really if it's for biking, as endurance is mainly comps and what-not.


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eating shit like macdonalds etc isnt good..... lots of high protein food such as tuna... creatine will make you "look bulkier" but wont make any difference to your strength.... it just makes your muscles hold more water so they are bigger but not any more efficient...protein shakes for boxers are VERY good... they are virtually pure protein and contain no fat ....to keep riding i strongly suggest a boxers diet..... but instead of boxing... lift weights... its what i was on for a while when i was well into boxing..

not true.

I used creatine before steroids. it worked for size a little, but more for strength. I wasn't retaining much more water than when i didn't use creatine.

Creatine works like this....

During exercise the muscle's primary fuel, ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), loses a phosphate group and becomes ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate). Creatine, when present in the muscle in sufficient amounts donates a phosphate group to ADP and it rapidly retransforms to ATP which is the immediately available to the muscle to be used a fuel for exercise. ATP is the primary source of fuel for muscular exercise. It is used before sugars (carbohydrates) and before fats.

It's worth a try as it's cheap for the amount of time the purchase lasts.

At the end of the day though like you say aust, without eating enough protein, you'll get f**k all out of training your nuts off, so don't lie to yourself and pretend you have eaten enough protein today, then go the hym, cos you'll be basically wasting your time.

I used to eat a few tins of tuna a day, 7 or 8 eggs, few chicken breasts. Get creative. Making yourself into a chef is f**king fun!

Bottom line, if you wanna put weight on, eat 1 gram of protein for every lb of body weight you have. Split it up over the day and eact no more than 30grams every 3 hours.

my day = 30grams 9am, 30grams 12pm, 30grams 3pm, 30 grams 6pm, 30 grams 9pm, 30 grams 12am.

its a fanny for a week, then it's just life. so do it and you'll reep the rewards. Oh yeah, don't lift fanny weights, kill yourself with 8 barely doable GOOD repetitions 3 - 4 sets. Fanny weights are shite, they'll tone up what you already have instead of making more.

A good way to think of it is like this...

You need to hurt. hurt = tears in muscle. Protein = muscle filler. tears in muscle get filled in with protein effectlively and make the muscle bigger. Then you lift more to tear it again.......

If you get serious, use steroids lol. I put 2 stones on in 8 weeks the first time i used them. 2 injections per week, 2 different steroids, £6 & £4 per week = £80 overall. I am glad i did it i don't regret it and i wouldn't put people off, but the ting to do is think lONG and hard and learn about the different kinds, the different side effects, the time they work for and the time they are in your body for, then whether your jobs could be affected. See the risks, talk to people, talk to your doctor and only get them off someone you know/trust. I did it right and i've come out of it learning a lot, looking back happy i made the choice. It shocks people because they don't understand anything about them. I say i had 2 needles in my arse every week and they think i'm on heroin or something, The simple fact is, an intra-muscular needle is much safer on the body than pills, which rape your stomach lining and liver.

Like i say, read up, eat, train hard.


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