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I Have A Gym Related Question

Michael Hardman

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amino acid... helps muscle repair faster....

magnesium.. prevents cramp

protein will feed the muscle... so a protein shake after working out and a good meal with a high protein content should be eaten 30 minutes or before working out.... because during those thirty minutes you can eat as much as you like and not put any weight on at all... this is because your muslces are torn and soak up everything you take in.. thats why it is important to have a high protein meal and protein shake after working out.... protein feeds muscles.. makes them grow etc etc..

make sure you warm up proper before you start lifting heavy... lots of stretches also... if you want to get upper body strength for riding.. make sure its explosive power.. not just like normal lifting... you should lift around 80% of your maximum weight... lift it explosively and let it down slow...

LOW WEIGHT HIGH REPS is the key to explosive power...

hope this helps :-


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Me and my mate go to the gym often now, been going for nearly 2 months now, 3 times a week and you can see and feel the difference! Just ask the gym/fitness guy who runs the place to help you out, explain what you want and he shall show you what exercise machines and weights you need to do to build your upper body :- (N)

I really enjoy working out, and it also make your bike feel lighter etc... :)

Have fun :-

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eating shit like macdonalds etc isnt good..... lots of high protein food such as tuna... creatine will make you "look bulkier" but wont make any difference to your strength.... it just makes your muscles hold more water so they are bigger but not any more efficient...protein shakes for boxers are VERY good... they are virtually pure protein and contain no fat ....to keep riding i strongly suggest a boxers diet..... but instead of boxing... lift weights... its what i was on for a while when i was well into boxing..

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Me and my mate go to the gym often now, been going for nearly 2 months now, 3 times a week and you can see and feel the difference! Just ask the gym/fitness guy who runs the place to help you out, explain what you want and he shall show you what exercise machines and weights you need to do to build your upper body  :-  (N)

I really enjoy working out, and it also make your bike feel lighter etc...  :)

Have fun :-

its not just what weights you lift and what positions you lift them in.... its the way you lift the weight thats important... otherwise you are building the wrong sort of muscle.. you need to build explosive muscles... fast muscle fibre is what you want... if your just lifting slow dropping slow you helping slow muscle fibres.... which is bad for your riding cos youl get really slow and not very explosive...

lift explosively and let down slow...

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Never said i ever did it! im built like a boxer anyway (or so ive been told) go to the gym 4 times a week and feel great! and helps your riding too! my bike feels like the weight of a sponge

what ?? skinny with long arms ???? :-... take up boxing.. its amazing... you dont have to fight (like i did).. you can just train.. when you fight you get your head kicked in... tisn't good.. i just train now

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its not just what weights you lift and what positions you lift them in.... its the way you lift the weight thats important... otherwise you are building the wrong sort of muscle.. you need to build explosive muscles... fast muscle fibre is what you want... if your just lifting slow dropping slow you helping slow muscle fibres.... which is bad for your riding cos youl get really slow and not very explosive...

lift explosively and let down slow...

Ah rite, thanks! so doing it your way will help with riding?? Also will it still show? Like will your muscles look bigger? :-"

Edited by BI-KING
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amino acid... helps muscle repair faster....

magnesium.. prevents cramp

protein will feed the muscle... so a protein shake after working out and a good meal with a high protein content should be eaten 30 minutes or before working out.... because during those thirty minutes you can eat as much as you like and not put any weight on at all... this is because your muslces are torn and soak up everything you take in.. thats why it is important to have a high protein meal and protein shake after working out.... protein feeds muscles.. makes them grow etc etc..

make sure you warm up proper before you start lifting heavy... lots of stretches also... if you want to get upper body strength for riding.. make sure its explosive power.. not just like normal lifting... you should lift around 80% of your maximum weight...  lift it explosively and let it down slow...

LOW WEIGHT HIGH REPS is the key to explosive power...

hope this helps :angry:



To highlight: LOW WEIGHT HIGH REPS is the key to explosive power....

Erm - No it's not.

Low Weight, High reps for Muscular Endurance. As you're working for longer. This is for Muscular Endurance.

High Weight, Low reps for Explosive Power, as you're exploding into a high weight load. Low reps 'cos you'll die and make all your muscular fibers become more like slow twitch endurance ones. Actually.

Also, work 60-80% of your Max Heart rate. This is the target zone.

Work out your max heart rate by 220 - your age. So 60-80% of that is what you want to aim for.

If you wonna know anything else, gimme a shout on msn.


Edit: Also try eat a high Carbs diet before training. Protein helps but it's for muscle repair mainly. Creatine aids muscle growth.

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one of the key things to think about is the number of reps and sets you are doing. But also importantly the length of time between each set.

for size and strength i was told to look for between 1min - 2 mins between each set

for just strength over 2 minutes

and for endurance muscles such as stomach muscles 30 seconds with more reps.

also unless you are doing c.v work not too important to worry about your heart rate.

the key is to work each muscle to the max then allow it time to repair. at least 2 -3 days.

try to use free weights as they do work you alot harder than gym machines.

also technique is key don't sacrifice your technique to lift heavier weights.

you want to eat loads of protein. chicken, eggs, tuna etc.

and dont expect it to happen over night, for most people it takes alot of time and effort.

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Low Weight, High reps for Muscular Endurance. As you're working for longer. This is for Muscular Endurance.

High Weight, Low reps for Explosive Power, as you're exploding into a high weight load. Low reps 'cos you'll die and make all your muscular fibers become more like slow twitch endurance ones. Actually.

That's what I was always lead to believe.

you dont have to fight (like i did)

Made me chuckle... :angry:

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To highlight: LOW WEIGHT HIGH REPS is the key to explosive power...

Erm - No it's not.

Low Weight, High reps for Muscular Endurance. As you're working for longer. This is for Muscular Endurance.

High Weight, Low reps for Explosive Power, as you're exploding into a high weight load. Low reps 'cos you'll die and make all your muscular fibers become more like slow twitch endurance ones. Actually.

Also, work 60-80% of your Max Heart rate. This is the target zone.

Work out your max heart rate by 220 - your age. So 60-80% of that is what you want to aim for.

If you wonna know anything else, gimme a shout on msn.


Edit: Also try eat a high Carbs diet before training. Protein helps but it's for muscle repair mainly. Creatine aids muscle growth.

(Y) This guy knows his shizzle.

I was planning on going to a gym, but I just bought a door frame chin up bar instead, pretty good, definately recommended because you can use it for sit-ups aswell by putting it low in the frame and locking your feet undernieth. Only £8 or something. ;)

Edit: Just to add, this won't really add anything to your overall strength, but its the only way to improve cardiovascular endurance, which will in tern help you excersize longer, making your body more efficient at supplying oxygen and removing waste. It's all good. :angry:

Edited by Haz
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Low Weight, High reps for Muscular Endurance. As you're working for longer. This is for Muscular Endurance.

High Weight, Low reps for Explosive Power, as you're exploding into a high weight load. Low reps 'cos you'll die and make all your muscular fibers become more like slow twitch endurance ones. Actually.

But if you only do high weight low reps stuff it isnt that good for you really. You still need to do some lower weight stuff. Do things in sets of say 12 working up 3 weights one after the other.

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You don't really need to join a gym. Spend the money on some free weights and a big mirror. Free weights should be better for you if you're working out to improve your riding since they also build supporting muscle groups up and give you good proportional perception.


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Wel I have my induction hingy this thursday and then Im gonna stay on for a bit afterwards.

Im looking to build more upper body muscle for bmxing as Im not riding trials anymore. My egs areplenty strongfrom al the cycling.

Ill will ask the trainer wha sort of programe I should do.

What use is the rowing machine is it a substitute for sit ups.

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Wel I have my induction hingy this thursday and then Im gonna stay on for a bit afterwards.

Im looking to build more upper body muscle for bmxing as Im not riding trials anymore.  My egs areplenty strongfrom al the cycling.

Ill will ask the trainer wha sort of programe I should do.

What use is the rowing machine is it a substitute for sit ups.

its more a CV work out....

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