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How much did that screen set you back/what model is it so I can check it out? My last Samsung TFT was really noice, broken now though, only three years old. (Y)

I will take a photo soon as the new addition arrives. :D

Samsung 930Bf cost me £261 from komplett.co.uk

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Looking at some of these setups, I really look fwd to the day when some of you have a little more to spend your cash on.. Im not bitter at all. :">

I'll second that but no bitterness at all :- , Posting the computer I use for my video work e.t.c and gigs in a mo. Its a dual 2.7 G5 and a G4 but the placement is a bit funky.

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My computer was the cheapest I bet - It was a cast off from my brother because it was outdated spec wise. I think it's 400Mhz and has a 6GB harddrive. Cost me £0.00

Understandably since I got it, new parts have been fitted. The motherboard wouldn't allow the 160GB HD I bought to be run, so this secondary HDD has only 30GB available. Plopped a DVD Read/Write and CD read drive in, addition USB ports, and it's running on a Local Network. I'm lagging behind with PC technology, but have no need to upgrade!


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My computer was the cheapest I bet - It was a cast off from my brother because it was outdated spec wise. I think it's 400Mhz and has a 6GB harddrive. Cost me £0.00

Understandably since I got it, new parts have been fitted. The motherboard wouldn't allow the 160GB HD I bought to be run, so this secondary HDD has only 30GB available. Plopped a DVD Read/Write and CD read drive in, addition USB ports, and it's running on a Local Network. I'm lagging behind with PC technology, but have no need to upgrade!


Whatever you do don't go to a local computer shop, my grandad went and paid £350 for an upgrade I could of done on my own for around £100 if that. But he wouldn't let me build him a computer. :- Listen to your grandchildren they know best :lol:

I am no way insinuating you are old enough to have grandchildren though (Y)

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just been shown this and thought i'd share, no need for a whole thread though so i guess here'll do.

If Microsoft made cars...

General Motors press release

For all of us who feel only the deepest love and affection for the way computers have enhanced our lives, read on.

At COMDEX recently, Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with the auto industry and stated, "If GM had kept up with the technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25.00 cars that got 1,000 miles to the gallon."

In response to Bill's comments, General Motors issued a press release stating: If GM had developed technology like Microsoft, we would all be driving cars with the following characteristics:

1. For no reason whatsoever, your car would crash twice a day.

2. Every time they repainted the lines in the road, you would have to buy a new car.

3. Occasionally your car would die on the freeway for no reason. You would have to pull over to the side of the road, close all of the windows, shut off the car, restart it, and reopen the windows before you could continue. For some reason you would simply accept this.

4. Occasionally, executing a maneuver such as a left turn would cause your car to shut down and refuse to restart, in which case you would have to reinstall the engine.

5. Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the sun, was reliable, five times as fast and twice as easy to drive, but would run on only five percent of the roads.

6. The oil, water temperature, and alternator warning lights would all be replaced by a single "This Car Has Performed An Illegal Operation" warning light.

7. The airbag system would ask "Are you sure?" before deploying.

8. Occasionally, for no reason whatsoever, your car would lock you out and refuse to let you in until you simultaneously lifted the door handle, turned the key and grabbed hold of the radio antenna.

9. Every time a new car was introduced, car buyers would have to learn how to drive all over again, because none of the controls would operate in the same manner as the old car.

10. Oh yeah, and last but not least . . . you'd have to press the "Start" button to turn the engine off!

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Lol, good stage that!

Some good plans played there!!

Espically Amy Newton!

If anyone has her stuff then cud they send some over?



I would love if I got the rights to keep all the music that we recorded but I didnt even get rights to my own projects as it was a £30,000 media job for most of it. :( Did anyone see the VJ stuff ??


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New pooter! B)


Low quality pic but you get the idea. Screen, keyboard and mouse will be replaced as soon as i have money, but they were lying around. :sleeping:

Spec is:

3.4ghz extreme edition 2Mb cache

1Gb crucial Ram

74Gb Raptor high speed HDD (+80Gb External laCie/firewire)

ATi X800 Pro

Audigy 2 ZA soundcard (or something)


JBL The Creature II speakers (+ Packard bell flats under bed, for bodged surround sound)

XP Pro

:) eBay special :)

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  • 1 month later...

I've got a new Mac mini, with an Apple 20" Flat, aluminium screen. And this thing which makes it available to watch freeview on my Mac. Getting the screen tomorrow from this shop, I'll get some pics up when it's done.

Spec is:

1.43 Ghz Mac Mini.

80Gb internal Hdd

160Gb External Hdd

Internal Bluetooth and Airport

It's got 512 mb of ram but I'm going to order 1gb of it tonight hopefully.

Can you get 2gb? It's only got one slot for it....

Also is ebuyer cheapest?

Wireless keyboard and Mighty Mouse. I was going to get a duel screen set-up but the Mac Mini doesn't support it, and I've already got an iMac so I'm not getting one of them. And the Duel G5 = Too expensive.

Woop it's pretty neway.


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Spec is:

1.43 Ghz Mac Mini.

80Gb internal Hdd

160Gb External Hdd

Internal Bluetooth and Airport

It's got 512 mb of ram but I'm going to order 1gb of it tonight hopefully.

Why you downgrading (Y) And why not stick the 160gb drive inside.

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Why you downgrading (Y) And why not stick the 160gb drive inside.

It's not downgrading.

My old iMac can't go in my room and doesn't have much ram.

I'm technically upgrading :)

Just need a USB + Firewire hub. The screen's better, and The external, La Cie hdd is fine where it is. I'm not wrecking my little Mac Mini box :)

It's pretty. Get the screen too. Woop. And It's got TV.

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Can you get 2gb? It's only got one slot for it....

Also is ebuyer cheapest?

I think the biggest you can get is an extra 1Gb, giving you 1.5Gb in total. Are you getting the Cinema 20"? Mmmm, pricey :)

I have screen spanning on my iBook, it's nice but nothing important really. Nice to hook it up to a bigger screen for DVDs though (Y)

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I think the biggest you can get is an extra 1Gb, giving you 1.5Gb in total. Are you getting the Cinema 20"? Mmmm, pricey :)

I have screen spanning on my iBook, it's nice but nothing important really. Nice to hook it up to a bigger screen for DVDs though :)

It's only got one slot apparently. PDI slot is it? Something like that, but It can only get one card in anyway. So that means whatever's the biggest, compatible Ram Card thing is, Is that Max i can have.

Yeah, Cinema 20". It's lush. £502 with Edu discount. Worth every penny though. I was looking at the 23" but it's twice the price than the 20" (Y) hehe.

I got this TV thing too, which was £90 odd quid, and it's free view with a remote, arial which is magnetic onto the top of your Cinema screen etc. Really good quality. Can record stuff, freeze tv etc. I really like it.

My mum gave me £450 towards, but still meant I owe he £600 and something.

Nick :)

Ps. I hope Tiger's good :) I'm still running Panther on the old supermac.

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It's only got one slot apparently. PDI slot is it? Something like that, but It can only get one card in anyway. So that means whatever's the biggest, compatible Ram Card thing is, Is that Max i can have.

Yeah, 1Gb max. Check on Crucial UK and it'll tell you what you can and can't use. If you buy from there, they will guarantee that it is compatible.
Yeah, Cinema 20". It's lush. £502 with Edu discount. Worth every penny though.
Damn nice, but I could never buy a screen that costs more than the PC itself.

I got this TV thing too, which was £90 odd quid, and it's free view with a remote, arial which is magnetic onto the top of your Cinema screen etc. Really good quality. Can record stuff, freeze tv etc. I really like it.


Ps. I hope Tiger's good (Y) I'm still running Panther on the old supermac.

Tiger is ace, but I've never used Panther so I couldn't compare. The two differences that I know of are the dashboard (pretty but pretty useless), and Spotlight which is absolutely awsome. Totally puts Windows to shame for finding files, it's soooo quick.
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