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Kanye West

Dr. Nick Riviera

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There you go then... the black people were starting to feel left out and were trying to find something to blame their lazyness on.  (Y)

Naaah... I'm sure the general consensus of the New Orleans people is that George Bush is just narrow minded and obsessed with Iraq, not that he like drowning black people for fun. I guess the influence Kanye has, has gone a little bit too much to his head...

I think I should be a senior member  (Y)

Nice try at subliminal messages there (Y)

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Nice try at subliminal messages there (Y)

Now you're under my control you can make it happen. "Make what happen?", you say. But inside you know...

I don't think millions upon millions of people can be represented by one mans opinion, and I think that Chris Tucker showed that by his face afterwards. The fact that Kanye was dressing his opinion as the opinion of all the black people in New Orleans is a cowardish way of saying, "I have my own radical judgemental opinions, but I want people to think that I have a mighty army backing me up, not just me being a knobend"

EDIT: My spelling has really gone downhill today...Grr

Edited by andyroo
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Correct me if i'm wrong:

There is a kind of rule in America where the head of state deals with his state, until he asks for extra help, when Bush can declare a national emergency?

Meaning, perhaps it was more the head of state's fault...?

That isn't 100% but i'm sure that has something to do with it

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To conclude...

Kanye West needs to nob off.

but didn't we know that already? :(

basically Mr Bush doesn't give two hoots about the poorer people in america and in the inner city areas, these are mostly non-white (and mainly black) and thus Mr West concludes 'Bush Hates Blacks' ...

I think the fundraiser was the wrong time too, make the comments he did. It was meant to be a positive event trying help people out. Not somewhere to throw blame around. Plus his comments may have lost them money from bush supporters too.


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It was a bit of a disaster waiting to happen... New Orleans sits under sea-level and has a massive river (Mississippi) running through it just to make things worse!

Andyroo - your point about getting out of town on the brilliant public transport system is flawed. The poor people who needed to use it, as they had no car or means of self-transportation, found there was no infrastructure in place when they needed to evacuate. This is because all the train and bus drivers were the first ones to get out of town, which is pretty farcical.

I don't have much to add on the Kanye West thing, but I empathise with his views on the the misrepresentation of black people in the American media.

On another note... I heard Quentin Tarantino is making a new film about the New Orleans floods. The working title: Reservoir Wogs.

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Everyone is making a big point about how easy it would be to just hop on a bus and leave town before the hurricane, but let's just stop and think about that for a minute. If the whole of the city of London all wanted to leave at the same time, do you really think they could all just go to their nearest train/bus station and get on the first one that arrived? It'd be absolute carnage, and what would probably happen in a 'titanic' sort of way is that the richer people would be able to buy their way on, leaving everyone else (quite literally) up shit creek without a paddle.

I think if this had happened in a nice mid-west middle class town, stuff would have happened a whole lot quicker. Not sure that amounts to racism though.

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Everyone is making a big point about how easy it would be to just hop on a bus and leave town before the hurricane, but let's just stop and think about that for a minute. If the whole of the city of London all wanted to leave at the same time, do you really think they could all just go to their nearest train/bus station and get on the first one that arrived? It'd be absolute carnage, and what would probably happen in a 'titanic' sort of way is that the richer people would be able to buy their way on, leaving everyone else (quite literally) up shit creek without a paddle.

I think if this had happened in a nice mid-west middle class town, stuff would have happened a whole lot quicker. Not sure that amounts to racism though.

It happened when the bombs went off :(

Dont forget the amount of people per square metre in New Orleans and London is hugely different.

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I didn't read erething in this thread but I think Bush did a terrible job after the hurricane hit. First off he stayed on holiday a few days after the hurricane hit, then went to some meeting, and finally he flew over New Orleans. The reason most of the people who are suffering the most are blacks are because most of them are poorer and do not own a car. How can you evacuate if you can't afford a car? Obviously their are buses but not enough to take over 250,000 people out of New Orleans to other parts of the country. I wouldn't call Bush's response racist but he doesn't seem to care too much for lower/middle class Americans. While he gives tax cuts to the rich the middle class really doesn't get anything.

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i love how there moaning about crap like that when there are still people dying from the disaster, we do see where the priority for the airtime given lies now dont we.

anyways the yanks deserve it for killing all the british troops in iraq! :("

my view now have a rant :P

Edited by craigdavies
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racist racist racist!!

bigin' up da respect to da big boiz!


i love how there moaning about crap like that when there are still people dying from the disaster, we do see where the priority for the airtime given lies now dont we.

anyways the yanks deserve it for killing all the british troops in iraq! :P"

my view now have a rant :)

Er, the excerpt was from a clip trying to get publicity for a fundraising thing for the flood, so the whole point of it was to help those who are in trouble now by getting money to people to help them?

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Er, the excerpt was from a clip trying to get publicity for a fundraising thing for the flood, so the whole point of it was to help those who are in trouble now by getting money to people to help them?

ok matey!

i understand but i think its stupid none the less.

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