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Kanye West

Dr. Nick Riviera

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http://www.big-boys.com/articles/kanye.html  (Y)

repect for having the minerals to say that on national television

What has George Bush got to do with what some journalist puts for a caption on a photo? The majority of votes George Bush got were from... *fanfare* ...black people!!!

Its such a bollocks attention thing, Lenny Henry did it at Live 8 this year. He said how he was upset that there were hardly any black artists playing at the gigs... a bit inappropriate I think. And it turned out that all the black artists refused to play because none of the other blaack artists would play, and most of them wanted paying for it anyway! And the thing is when you watch the Lenny Henry show, all his audience are black and he makes loads of rascist comments about white people!

If George Bush really hated black people, I'm sure he would have blown them all up by now, as it has been seen that it is his faviroute method of sorting things out...

Edited by andyroo
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Also, it has to be said that if it wasn't for America, their white leadership and the slave trade, Kanye West would probably be living in a mud hut somewhere.

And if you thing that's a rascist comment then you have some very serious problems.

EDIT: And as a side note, it bothers me that do-gooder-petrified-of-saying-anything-remotely-offensive-about-ethnic-minority people lap up so much propaganda, especially that put forward by Al Qaeda ("Blame your government!" "Ok..."). But that's another story.

Edited by snappel
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President Mugabe hates white people, and has had them killed mercilessly and thrown out of therehomes. But thats ok. George Bush hates black people because some guy who George Bush has never heard of wrote the word "looting".

Its charming saying that after all the help the Government have givin to help those who have been affected by the flooding, a great way to say thankyou. If I were Bush after that, I'd pull all the aid out of there and tell them to sort themselves out if theyre going to bring racial separation into it. Its always the same, when something happens that should bring the worlds nations together to work as one, some black guy goes and brings racism into (which is racist, because Kanye is the one making a divide between black and white people)

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Are some of you not aware what's happened or something?

The reason people are saying "Bush doesn't care about black people" is also to do with the fact that when the evacuation was ordered, the poor people couldn't afford to leave their homes/get out of the city. The majority of poor people in New Orleans were black people, and with the White House's retardedly slow rescue/aid effort which is fairly ineffectual even now it's technically in operation, the poor people left there were dying, mostly the black people.

It's not just about captions...

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I see where you're coming from Mark, but that doesn't mean the Government was slow to act because the people were black does it? Just happens to be them that were there, and them that suffered.

If it was a predominantly white area in the south, I expect the aid would have taken the same amount of time to reach them. It's just pig ignorance on the Government's part, regardless of the victims skin colour (IMO).

Edited by snappel
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President Mugabe hates white people, and has had them killed mercilessly and thrown out of therehomes. But thats ok.

Yes, everyone loves Robert Mugabe. What the f**k you talking about? He is practically public enemy number 1 in the world (Depending on who you talk to I guess (Y) ).

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So what has the fact that they couldnt afford to evacuate (not that it cost much to get a bus out of town) got to do with George Bush being rascist? Warning was given to evacuate, the people living there decided they didnt want to, so they stayed, got flooded, what did they expect?

Im sure the rescue operation is slow, but I know for a fact that I've never atempted to organise a rescue mission to save people who didnt listen to a warning and then got hit by the biggest storm in America's history, and I know the White House hasnt either. Im sure George Bush would be deemed much more rascist if he hadnt done anything at all.

Dont forget that taxes are less there, so emergency services are paid for privately, as is medical stuff, so to get the emercincy services and hospitals to open up for free when they usually make money on it is a difficult job.

So I think its sheer rudeness and lack of gratitude that has caused this racial uproar. Its not going to help anything, all the people in New Orleans are being treated the same. And if people are going to make a rescue operation that is already difficult enough even more dificult, then they deserve to be dealt with by the law.

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kanye west is a complete nutbar anyway - when he lost at the mtv music awards to some band (i dunno who) - he said that his music was the only music that comes from the heart (Y) and my mate said he has also said somethng about AIDS being introduced into the poorer areas of america, to off all the blacks!!!

anyway - the american government did cock this right up, they could have (and should have) evacuated the poorer areas of new orleans. They still have evacuation plans (for every major city) from the cold war era too


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Yes, everyone loves Robert Mugabe.  What the f**k you talking about?  He is practically public enemy number 1 in the world (Depending on who you talk to I guess (Y) ).

What I am getting at is that the extent of the racism caused by George Bush (if any) compared t Mugabe is minute, but you dont see white celebrities making a fuss about that on national television, so why should black celebrities make such an embarrassing fuss over tiny things that have nothing to do with race whatsoever? Like the Lenny Hanry thing, he was making a huge fuss about racism in the line up of Live 8, when in fact it was the black artists themselves who didnt want to perform.

Why make a mountain out of a molehill? You dont see David Beckham start telling everyone how Robert Mugabe hates white people and how he is purposely using aid funds to do his own thing during a national fund raiser do you?

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Yup, I agree... take aid out and see how they like that racism!

They just need someone to blame for the fact the weather f**ked them over.


Seriously, people need to listen to the news or something.

The actual hurricane had passed. However, the levys which hold back all the water (New Orleans is below sea level, so they have lots of barriers called levys to hold the water back...) broke, causing the water to flood the city, which is also why it needs to be pumped out and won't just 'go' on it's own. The city had $750million to spread over 15 years to try and build and update them. This is supposed to carry them over until 2010. However, they'd already spent $500million because it had cost more to do all the work than they'd thought. They asked the Bush administration for more money, but money was REMOVED from their budget to fund the war in Iraq. Therefore, the levys weren't built to the correct standard (only to grade 2 or 3 hurricanes, when they were supposed to have been updated to have worked against greater problems), and they failed when they were hit by the wall of water that had developed way out to sea. They'd thought the water would just wash over, but it undermined and smashed 2 of the levys, which in effect put them all in the shitter. The people there are pissed because they told the government that they weren't built to an adequate standard. They'd even had warnings that this could happen, but they chose to ignore them despite the city asking for more money to shore up their sea defences.

This meant that because of money being syphoned out of the already stretched budget, the levys couldn't be built strong enough.

After this had happened, Bush decided to stay out on holiday, then actually went fundraising in another state. Finally, he ended up having his flight directed so it'd fly over New Orleans so he could see what it was like. I'm not saying "He should have been tehre shaking hands with people" or any shit like that, but he IS the leader of the country so he should LEAD them, not just go on holiday/whatever. It's the same as when he heard about Sept.11th, he was in a school in Florida or Texas or something, and he kept reading "The Littlest Goat" (I think that was the name of the book). His aides even told him that there'd been two terrorist attacks, and he continued to just read, sitting there. If you've watched the start of 'Fahrenheit 9/11' you can even see this from footage from news teams there. He just doesn't seem to be able to understand what to do when shit happens. Presidencies tend to be defined by how they actually deal with crises, so maybe they'll ditch the loser next time.

Either way, the aid didn't get distributed until pretty late. One news correspondent said he'd even driven into New Orleans in a normal car, but the emergency services weren't going in. Hell, the police force have been filmed looting shops, so it's not great there...


Just had to go and film a vid of some gaps, so I've totally forgotten what I was gonna say :">

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kanye west... he has also said somethng about AIDS being introduced into the poorer areas of america, to off all the blacks!!!

It's all just Michael Moore style propaganda and rubbish, lapped up by all those who want to believe. Just like all that conspiracy rubbish that surfaces after any and every major World event. WW2 was apparently the ground part of some Intergalactic battle, so I read once. It all depends what you want to lap up.

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Yes Mark, but can you say that was because he doesn't like blacks? Is there any real evidence? It's like every time an Asian gets attacked in Britain since 7th July it's 'thought to be a racially motivated attack'. I don't think the aid efforts or George Bush's behaviour would have been much different if 99.9% of Katrina's victims were white. He behaved wierdly when he was told about 9/11 (That was in Fahrenheit 9/11 wasn't it?)...

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Yes Mark, but can you say that was because he doesn't like blacks? Is there any real evidence? It's like every time an Asian gets attacked in Britain since 7th July it's 'thought to be a racially motivated attack'. I don't think the aid efforts or George Bush's behaviour would have been much different if 99.9% of Katrina's victims were white. He behaved wierdly when he was told about 9/11 (That was in Fahrenheit 9/11 wasn't it?)...

Hey snappel,

I'm not saying that I think he hates blacks or anything, I was just explaining why some people seem to think he might do because he didn't exactly rush to help them, and it was known that the majority of people left there were black.

I'm just saying he's a complete numpty, as are most of the administration having heard/read/seen interviews with some of them (Y)\

EDIT: Seeing as this thread's about him too, Michael Moore's just as much of a numpty as Bush. Fahrenheit 9/11 pissed me off hugely just because he's trying to stand up against the people he portrays as not telling the public the full truth about certain matters, yet he does exactly the same thing. It's been a while since I saw it, but I remember talking to some friends afterwards and we'd all spotted several points where he'd been...hmm..."economical" with the truth? He lies just as much as the people he's trying to put down, and largely seems to just do it for cash, really. He's just a bit of a dick, really, which is why Team America made me laugh even more (Y)

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So it would have been a little bit more helpful if the people of New Orleans had done what they were told and atually evactuated the city... and like I said, even after September 11th, the majority of Gerge's voter were black. So some of them like him!

I dont like Bush, and don't agree with his morals, but it would be more realistic to say that the funds and aid are being delivered slowly because Gorge is crap president, not because he is a rascist who wants to see all the blacks drown?

My point being - in something that is non race related, why bring racial divide into it? I'm sure the white people living in New Orleans are just as wet as the black people.

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It's all just Michael Moore style propaganda and rubbish, lapped up by all those who want to believe. Just like all that conspiracy rubbish that surfaces after any and every major World event. WW2 was apparently the ground part of some Intergalactic battle, so I read once. It all depends what you want to lap up.

er...not too sure what your point is!

I was merely trying to make the point that Mr West is a bit of a nutbar (Y)

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So it would have been a little bit more helpful if the people of New Orleans had done what they were told and atually evactuated the city...

That's the whole point: Some of them couldn't afford to, either from having no money and therefore not being able to just leave all their worldly possessions, and some just couldn't afford to go in terms of transport and so on. This is why people were pissed. The people who couldn't afford were the poorer people, the majority of which were black.

EDIT: The size of area that's been affected is apparently the same size as the UK, so sayeth the guy from Newsnight last night. So really, unless you could drive or whatever there was naff all you could do anyway...

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