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Bleeding Maguras


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Remove grub screw in lever and the one in the caliper. Let the oil/water drain out. Submerge in water and move about, making sure all the air has come out. Beware of air getting trapped in places that might not be obvious, like in the cross-over hose. Then do the screws up while the brake is still under water.

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I picked this up a while ago..

1. fill up your BATH with water.

2.take the whole magura brake off ur bike and unscrew all the hoses. ALL the hoses. and put all of the parts in the water.

3.unbolt the lever blade from the lever to make sure the master piston is fully out.

4. Under the water of the bath, Turn, Twist and shake every caliper, hose and lever. so in theory, all the air bubbles will escape and the parts will fill with water.

5. Keeping all the parts under water... Re-assemble the brake.. BUT Make sure u DONT take any parts out of the water!

6.put bak on bike and hope it worked!

in theory, it shuld work ok so long as you get every trapped air bubble out of the system.

also, if its spungy after, and you have a decent brake booster fitted, its NOT because u beld it with water. its because there is still air in it. Water has a very solid feel when bled right.

Hope it works!!


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pumping the lever to get the water in works really well.

not sure when you keep the hole cobvered and when you release it though.

think you cover hole pull lever, take your hand off then it such water in.

just have a play with it under water, i did yesterday and now mine is mint.

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I used a bucket with hose water :( Just took the bolt out the back calliper and the one out the lever and put the whole lot under the water and squeezed the lever while holding my finger over one of the holes now and again. When all the tripe is out just put the lever bolt back in and put your finger over the hole at the back and squeeze the lever and you should feel it sucking, if you dont squeeze the lever a few more times and put the other bolt back in under the water :P Done.

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When we bled my brake the other day we thought it would be best to get all the old crap out so I wrapped a load of tape around the top on the hose on the bleed kit, then put the footput on the end on it, put it in the pod as usual, undo the screw on lever and pump away, out flies loads of gack and sh*t.

Then you have a pretty clean system, not as clean as maybe putting it in the bath but less hassle.

Then bleed about 4 big syringes through with water and you have the perfect working brake.

My brake couldn't feel any better, it was perfect.

Rob :(

Maybe try a compresser instead, may be a bit better.

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Hi Could someone do a step by step guid to bleeding maguras in the bath. From start to finish.

thanks matt

If you tried the search there's loads of info on this. for example:


i used sebJT's method when i did my magura and i havn't had a problem at all.

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