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You Know Its Love When...


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(Excuse the soppiness :"> )

Was thinking last night, how do you know when you really love somebody?

Is it when you want to spend every minute of every day with them?

When time goes really slow without them, but really fast with?

or, as happened yesterday, when she squeezes a spot on your stomach, and thinks nothing of it?!

What do you define love as?

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You know its Love when...

She encourages you to continue riding . ( bicycles.)

Crappy one - liner aside , I could extoll the virtues and characteristics of true love endlessly , but ultimately , one simply knows and believes it when it happens .

Edited by Endohopper
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You know its love when you can stay up for hours on end and talk about everything and anything, when you feel completly at ease with them and when you miss them when they have only been gone 5 minutes!

Another question about love though... everyone says 'your not old enough to fall in love' to people at all ages! So WHEN is the age you can fall in love? opinions?

(Snappel, not all girls under 18 say ''I love you'' after 5 minutes of meeting someone, mature ones take time to get to know them, and they dont really say it untill they know they mean it!)

Kerrie, x.x.x.x

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Love is unconditional, so say you were hit by a f**k off bus, lost all your limbs and were a cabbage in a wheelchair, fed by a tube and ridden with your on piss and shit. If she still loves you then. That's when you know it's real.

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It's just terminology. And don't feel pressured to say 'I love you too' the moment she first says it, which, if she's under 18, will be 5 mins after meeting you.

Too. Chuffing. True.

Question: Who here thinks they would still have 'fallen in love' had they never heard of it?

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Monkey has a point. But at the same time, it shouldn't really need defining.

People will describe it in different ways.

People will think love is about different things also, theres no concreate definition.

I think it has more to do with understanding of each other, as well as the two of you functioning better when your both around etc.

Oh I don't know....

One thing though, theres no reason people won't 'fall in love' quickly, though love at first sight is impossible, thats lust....

Its impossible to explain imo...

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