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Sram Power Links


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hi, i'd basically like to know of any experiences anyones had with sram powerlinks on a trials bike, i currently run a sram pc68 chain and i remove it a lot to clean it, i've never used the powerlinks with chains i've got because i'm a bit scepticle about its strength but with removing the chain alot to clean it i'm not sure how good that is for the chain with pushing out and in pins all the time

so basically sram powerlinks, strong or not ?


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Thats a lie to start with.

Ive run Sram chains on a trials bike for almost 6 years. I allways use the power link, and have NEVER (touch wood) had one snap.

Do yourself a favour, ditch the PC68, and get the cheaper 48.

Ive found that the more expencive ones are weaker, and snap alot.

PC58 used to snap every time I put pressure on the pedals, and it wasnt bad join, links sheered in 1/2.

this is because the more pricey ones are designed for smoother shifting, and lighter weight.

Seeing as Trials doesnt need good shifiting, go for a PC48, ive used them for years, and they rareley snap.

You shouldnt need to remover the chain that offen, just used a chain cleaner, and leave it on the bike

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I allways use the power link, and have NEVER (touch wood) had one snap.

Ive found that the more expencive ones are weaker, and snap alot.

go for a PC48, ive used them for years, and they rareley snap.

So cutting out the nonsense.. the power link is stronger than the rest of the chain. No chance of the power link letting you down, you just have to worry about the 10's of other links. :)

Edit: El typo made me sound dyslexic

Edited by Spacemunkee
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if you need to know :: i've run a cheapo sram chain with the powerlink jobbie, the same chain, for nearly 2yrs!! no breaking!! its unbelievable.

Not only do i use these chains for trials, but also for DJ, XC and DH. They're as strong as anything, you can whip them off in a second, and they're cheap >_< (Y) ;)

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