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A Dog Allergic To Grass!


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My auntie came round today and one of her colleges have just (a few days) got a puppy from there partner. She loves the puppy to bits. She didn't get any insurance cause it was only a puppy and she could always get it later. On that day she took her puppy for a walk around the block a couple of times and when they got home the puppy had really red saw skin. She took her puppy to the vets and they found out that the puppy is allergic to SUN RAYS!!! And now she has too buy £30 worth of tablets a month for the next 3 years!!! then the next day she took her puppy for a night walk on a park and when she got home the puppy had swollen skin. So she took the puppy to the vets and then they found out that the puppy is allergic to GRASS!!! Now she has to get £40 worth of cream a month for the next 3 years aswell!!! Thats £2520 of treatment!!! And if she had pet insurence it would of been be free!

Poor little dog ;)


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= Problem Solved.

There's no puppy-problem that a sack and a river can't solve.

That is a pretty cruel way to put it. At least should have said its not worth keeping it, get another one thats the same or something.

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or put some grass and a torch in the bag with it.

LMAO a torch, hahahahahaha thats the funniest thing i've ever read on this forum (at least since the old jewish people in an oven comment)

oh my god harsh, but funny to the max.

i hope the owner is very rich, or likes remorgaging the house.

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At the end of the day, the only humane thing to do is put the dog down... I'm guessing those tablets aren't going to be an instant fix and, by the sounds of it it's gonna take aaaages before the dog is cured...

What type of a life is it for a dog to spend it's days locked inside a house and only ever to get walked on tarmac... Shit.

Put the dog down.

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