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i have been using ebay and paypal for about a year now and have just won some side skirts for a mates fiesta he asked me to get him.

come to pay for them and paypal have said my limit will eb exceded by this transaction and i need to upgrade myt account.

to upgrade it cost £1 and a code gets put on your statement and you enter the code and get verified and upgraded allowing you to spend more (i think)

basically if i tell this seller that is my problem he wont believe me and give me back feedback. (Y)

any ideas on what to do next??

i cannot setup another account as i only have one debit card....and one email address......

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That £1 gets put back on once you verify the account... so, just get it verified, and then you can spend as much as you want (Y)

ok kool but i dont knwo how long it will be until i get my next statement :P so im worried it could be the end of next month and that a long tiem for a seller to wait on ebay and i dont want to be blacklisted or negative feedback......

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Do you not have online banking? If not, do so! You can have it set up and ready within a day im sure. Can track all your incoming/outgoing payments when you want.

None of this waiting for your statement rubbish (Y)

And what happened to me with PayPal was, they took out 2 installments of 49p and 51p, which you have to say how much was taken because its random (adds up to £1 though im sure) for security reasons.

p.s you can get statements from your bank when you want them by going in and asking for one.

Edited by Bluegrass
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