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Car Raising! How To?!?!

Rob Thomson

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Well my mate wants to raise his car...and when i eventually get a car I'm planning on setting it sky high!!

He works in a garage so he knows a fair amount but we're trying to track down some suspension set up's off of 4x4's etc in order to whack them super high! Does anybody have any idea how to get our grubby mitts on some?

The car in mind is either an escort van or a astra van if that makes a difference...

Sorry about this slightly random, hard to explain thingey thingey..

Cheers muchly peeps...

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Get under the car you wanna raise and read the weight of the spring that should be written down the side of it, then measure the eye to eye length of the shock and the diamiters of the shock bushings at each end.

Go to youre local scrappy with these measurements and look around till you find shocks with the same bushing diamiter but with an eye to eye length that is longer than the old ones and a corespondingly lighter spring rate. Youre best bet would be to look at lightish 4X4s made by the same make as youre car (or a sister company eg. Dedford 4X4 with the Astra van may work. Then purchase and fit the shocks.

PS. it might be a good idea to jack one of youre cars wheels off the floor and disconect the shock at one end to make sure that the suspention linkage alows more movement than it currently has.

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You have your reasons for doing this, but have you considered:

You car will handle like a boat

You may need to re-make brake pipes/hoses to cope with the extra length

Your going to wear out suspesnion bushes and linkages like there going out of fashion

You may also damage steering gears and linkages, and you may affect the way the car steers

Your going to wear your tyres out like no ones business

Youll look stupid

Making a car higher is easy, you can go for the longer shocks, springs approach. and do it professionaly.

Or you can buy a couple of Caravan towing risers.

These are plastic disks that you can place between the coils to raise you car to cope with a caravan.

Jam a few of them in each spring, and you will have a hard, but high ride.

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