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Just A Little Question To The Mods/admins


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well, this is my sig on another forum -

As you can see, it's relatively small... it would be less obtrusive than all the text some people have.

Ok seriously, you must be taking the Micky J here? If that isn't obtrusive I dont know what is! Can you imagine if EVERYONE had one of them... :P not good.

yeah but people on 56k dont deserve to be on the internet, I dont even know anyone on 56k

Ahem, I'm a 56ker and I know a shit load about computers and t'internet... Can't afford BB over here though and I'm very patient :P

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56k people can set it so they sigs arn't viewd. Everything in sigs is crap unusefull info anyway so i just ignore it anyway.

I'v had a pic in my sig since i joined anyway, never been removed. :P

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Ok seriously, you must be taking the Micky J here? If that isn't obtrusive I dont know what is! Can you imagine if EVERYONE had one of them... wacko.gif not good.

Right...so you're saying my sig image is more obtrusive than lots of large bold coloured text?

Of course...

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No offense, but that image you want in your sig looks crap anyway. And I certainly wouldnt want it in every post you made. And by the time everybody has one, it makes the forum look rediculous. I dunno why you have your computer in your sig by the way, its not exactly amazing, and its not even relevant to trials forum :(

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Yeah, basically? Text is a lot less dense than a colour image. It draws the eye less than a colour image does, which is the main problem. Plus they tend to look shite, and I don't really get how your sig image "expresses yourself"? It doesn't tell me shit about you apart from your name? If you're so 1 dimensional you can "express yourself" in such a tiny image, maybe getting some depth of design talent might be an idea...

Guess who's tired and bitchy \o/

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Personally.. if image sigs were allowed im sure the whole "no advertising" war on terror would start up again. Plus being a 56k (only because i live out in the sticks) i wouldnt be arsed to wait for some random image or some blokes car forum loading up. However.. text signatures.. are usually more interesting than the actual threads ive ended up reading nowadays.

Also my large text sig is sexy so deal with it nucca

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Yeap its been in the news, the sparrow is infact benifiting from global warming. It doesn't have to fly as far south anymore to keep warm during the winter months thus allowing it more time to shag and have little sparrow babies throughout the year.

On topic: Sigs suck

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