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Whats The Most Popular Trials Frame Out


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yes what im trying to ask is-would a frame that is cheap and rides quite well out sell a frame thats supposed to ride extremly well as in a big name frame rather than say an onza

well essentially the t-rex is just a strong and cheap coustellier and they are cerainly more onzas than coustellier frames about!

and if you look at mods - the onza t-pro is probably out selling the the koxx levelboss mod too.


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levelbosses are still quite a popular trials frame i feel. i remember a couple of years ago every man and his dog had them as they were "THE" trials frame and now with so much more options there still extremly popular but more and more people are buying what we could class as knock off frames that are designed to a lower price point. for example heavier weights or a slight tweek in the geomtry of a "Good" frame as you could call it.

the tweeks are what make the bike no where near as good as the original thing though thats what people NEED to note about bikes/frames etc etc. me and alex from matchbox films have been looking into for a good 2years now on designing and making a frame and importing them from taiwan his dad is extremly keen to do so, but the problem we have is it has to be spot on, you have to have people riding them, and they have to be strong. i think i could get all that into one bike but the problem being the market is flooded with trials frames at the moment. too much choice. i think we may see a frame imported into the country next year designed by me and maybe ridden by a few other local lads but who knows we will all see what time does for us.


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