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Magura Hs33 Pads - Where Can I Get Some


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Im looking for hardish pads, i usually use tar.

I just want somehthing that will last a while. I used Kool stop ones with tar and they lasted less than 2/3 months.

I need them asap, so Tarty bikes, heatsink bikes etc are out of stock. Bike dock is too expensive

I didnt really want to spend over £10.

The rim jam website says they are restocking and i was really looking for Rim Jam Blues

PLEASE any help would be great.....i kind of need them by Wed!!

thanx for the help

Neil (Y)

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plaz crm + tar is very nice.

brown bloxx + fanta is pretty nice aswell.

Plaz CRM in general are nice. A friend of mine runs (or ran them, not sure) with a light grind and they were really good

I agree too, Koolstops are krap though. Cant believe I actually bought some

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the Monty ones are £10 and will come in two days from Clean bikes, that doesnt sound too bad, But are they any good? I willhave a look at the reviews and see.

Any more info on where to get the pads would be great guys! thanx Neil

Are rim Jam greens any good/better than the monty ones? the green ones seem to wear fast from what i can decipher.

Edited by Clownbike
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Have a look through the brake pad review topic up the top - Plazmatics seem to get excellent reviews right across the board. They were also designed for smooth rims and tar!

I ordered some Plazmatic CRMs from Tartybikes yesterday. I'm looking forward to trying them out. :blink:
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Thanks for all the info, i've ordered the £6 ones from heatsinks because i can't wait :)

They should be ok as i have a smooth rim, and the wear rate shouldnt be too bad, especially for £6! ;)

I will buy some of those new heatsink pads when the come out, and these have worn down! :blink:

~Neil~ :-

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