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X-box 360


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Just wondering who is getting and which package are you getting because there will be two different packages one of which comes with a headset,universal remote and 60gb i think and thats £280 where as the other will be £210

Check it out at www.game.uk.com


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Yeah, the £210 option, whilst cheap, seems pretty rubbish in comparison. If it can do everything my chipped xbox1 can do, I might consider it, but I doubt it will be able to. I haven't really been following it, but doesn't it come with Windows Media Centre or something? Looks pretty cool, but I'll probably stick to my xbox which is awsomely ace anyway :(

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They are both roughly the same you wont notice that much difference to be honest. Fan boys will argue. The Cell of the PS3 only has 512kb L2 cache (I think) and with 9 cores using that its one hell of a bottleneck where as the xbox has 1MB and 3 cores using it which is alot better but still a bottleneck. So the 360 wins there.

As for waiting for a PS3 its not coming out till 2006/07 at the moment. Sony have also admitted it might cost £500+

Edited by Team War Rider
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  Tomm said:
Yeah, the £210 option, whilst cheap, seems pretty rubbish in comparison.  If it can do everything my chipped xbox1 can do, I might consider it, but I doubt it will be able to.  I haven't really been following it, but doesn't it come with Windows Media Centre or something?  Looks pretty cool, but I'll probably stick to my xbox which is awsomely ace anyway :)

Yer little more info on the site. Xbox 360 site

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Apparently its gonna be much more than just a console, its gonna be your entertainment hub, you can connect your PC, Phone, Camera, MP3 player etc...

PS3 looks shite (as usual), its gonna come in one version only, and ONCE AGAIN you're going to have to buy add ons such as a HDD.

It all depends on release titles for me really. Right now i'm not overly impressed, but if they bring it out with some serious software then i might be tempted.

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  cooke said:
I might get it but i would have to sell my ps2 first...

Or i might just wait till the PS3 comes out !  :P  B)  :)


  merlin_rider said:
Sod the ps3, im gettin xbox 360.

Dad will probs end up buying both though :-"

This guy, please pay close attention to the bold writing :P

the xbox 360 is better, for a start when they revealed the ps3 and xbox 360 they showed xbox 360 in game footage, and ps3 introduction footage of the games, and you could hardly tell them apart, and ive heard that sony said they have 7 processors in it, which is a blatent lie because it would melt the plastic of the damn case, lol :P or you would need the damn thing water cooled, and that would cost a hell of a lot

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  TrialsLord said:
ive heard that sony said they have 7 processors in it, which is a blatent lie because it would melt the plastic of the damn case, lol B) or you would need the damn thing water cooled, and that would cost a hell of a lot

Remember it's not a PC. The XBox is only a 700MHz processor + 64MB RAM, and it still plays modern games fine. Consoles aren't the same as PCs in loads of ways - you can't compare. 7 cores clocked really low would be cool anyway, so it's a silly thing to say that it would melt the case.

Just had a look at the spec and it looks pretty awsome. I would probably get one if I played games. Just imagine being able to plug the Xbox360 into your home network, and stream trials videos from your computer to your TV. That would be pretty cool, non? Well basically you can do that with a chipped Xbox. I suppose if it does that straight out of the box, it could be a very nice piece of kit, but there's nothing extra that it will be able to do for me :)

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  Bondy said:
Last time i checked i thought we used a gaming console to play games on ....and as i prefer playstation games, i will be getting the ps3, simple as

which games on the ps3 do you 'prefer' to ones on the xbox?

cos as far as i can see, xbox has all the games ps3 has and does them A LOT better.

maybe GT is a playstation plus point, but imo PGR is much much better.

(this sounds a bit of a bitchy comment but it's not, i just can't see which games PS2 lovers actually prefer)

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What's been the leading Games Console Battle for the last god knows how many years? PlayStation; it has a huge (and uncontested) variety of games blah, blah, blah. I could go on but the PS series has never failed to beat the market every time. I'll stick with Sony as they're so good at what they do.

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  Smo said:
You get what you pay for.

Yea and you usually end up paying for about 8 PS2's after they all break down B)"

Most games are universal these days so it doesn't matter too much Microsoft is gaining a massive market share and developers are working on both units, Sony are loosing loyal people weekly Square-Enix has signed deals with M$ on the Final Fantasy games and the GTA games make there way over as fast as they can legally do so.

The PS3 wont be coming out for ages, so all these waiting people will be left with dead and dusty PS2's way before a UK PS3 launch is confirmed.

13 days till PSP is launched here, I cant wait to deal with the hundreds of faulty units that'll be returned weekly :)

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  RicH_87 said:
which games on the ps3 do you 'prefer' to ones on the xbox?

cos as far as i can see, xbox has all the games ps3 has and does them A LOT better.

maybe GT is a playstation plus point, but imo PGR is much much better.

(this sounds a bit of a bitchy comment but it's not, i just can't see which games PS2 lovers actually prefer)

well i like the final fantasy games and there on playstation B) i cant be bothered to look through my collection of games to see which ones i prefer that arent on xbox either

I never said i was a playstation lover, as i havent really bummed or defended it in anyway, i was just saying i used a games console to play games on dont see the need for all these extra things which i would never use

and to be honest only games ive found i liked on the xbox are halo, 2, and hunter the reckoning as its fun to play with mates, thats about it......

Yea and you usually end up paying for about 8 PS2's after they all break down

Never had any problem with my playstation in the slightest, neither have any of my friends :)

Edited by Bondy
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  Bondy said:
well i like the final fantasy games and there on playstation  B)

Never had any problem with my playstation in the slightest, neither have any of my friends  :)

Final Fantasy games will be available for 360 and fair play thats the only reason I got a PS2 I've got them all and theres nothing like them on the box right now.

PS2's Explain? I work at Game we get soooo many returned with DRE's (Disk Read Errors) and other such things its not even funny, there was a massive case on watchdog etc Sony were found guilty of designing parts that would break after 2 or so years and had to change them etc.

Sony are crap basically.

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  Olly C said:
Final Fantasy games will be available for 360 and fair play thats the only reason I got a PS2 I've got them all and theres nothing like them on the box right now.

PS2's Explain? I work at Game we get soooo many returned with DRE's (Disk Read Errors) and other such things its not even funny, there was a massive case on watchdog etc Sony were found guilty of designing parts that would break after 2 or so years and had to change them etc.

Sony are crap basically.

Final fantasy on xbox :) hmm interesting, yeh i have lots of final fantasy games there great, and it really is good value for money due to the long stories, and gaming hours in it and the graphics are usually pretty sweet!

as for the ps2's i never knew anything about that B) i must be lucky then as i aint had any problems!

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