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Leeson Clear 660 Disc

Rich Pearson

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yes the bar on a dh bike is to keep the disc floating and not compress the sus whne braking, aslo the froce which kills frames is when you land on eadge of summt and the wheel is pulling back on the disc/frame, likle when you back wheel summit and extend ur body.

i used to run an m4 and it was an amazing brake better than any magura, BUT it snapped 4 frames so i gave up on it, i did as lesson if he could make me a frame with the disc between the stays but the m4 was to big to fit. BUT now that the magura marta is around it would fit betwen the stays, and they have loads of power, i do wish they were out when i had my disc,

oh well would be to much expence for me to get one now so im not going to bother. :sleeping:

oh thats a bit long,sorry for going on and on

and on

and on :">

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Looks good, though with that torsion bar it looks like the disk mount was an after thought rather than a specifically designed frame.

Have you seen the Peyto rear mounts?

They're designed specifically for an Avid and have post mounts rather than having an IS mount plus the adaptor.

Anyways, let us know how it goes.

Is there any problems with spoke flex/caliper flex?

You running full length outer?

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I see there are some mixed views on the frame, well I've been out riding for a couple of hours, so heres the lo-down:

The frame itself is beautiful. I used to ride a 995mm leeson and this one has a 1030mm wheelbase, so nothing stupidly bigger, but the differnce is noticeable; front taps, coust-hops, sidehops, I've pretty much equalled or gone higher than any I'd ever done before.

The disc: Is amazing. The bite when you go for a front tap isn't amazing, but I think thats down to individual technique rather than anything about the bike. Rolling gaps, coust-hops, the brake just didn't budge, yet I could manual further and smoother than I have ever been able to do with rim brakes. All in all I'm increadibly happy with it and nothing looks to be going wrong.

I know people are sceptical about the mounts or frame snapping due to the disc, but I think thats one of those things where time will tell, and if the disc just keeps getting better and better as it seems to be, it'll be a gamble worth taking. NOTE: This is a prototype frame which will probably not be available to the public (doesn't seem much demand for them), if things go wrong, or if people have any input that they think will be helpful in making a better frame it will always be welcome.

If you've never tried a bike with a rear disc because 'everyone knows maguras are the best,' just try one and see, you may hate it, but you may be pleasently surprised. I know I have been. (Have just read that back and I'll count the seconds before someone accuses me of advertising for leeson...).

Glad people have taken the frame in a good natured way (on the whole...).


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Whats a coust hop??

Its where you do a rolling gap on a flat piece of ground before a wall/rock/bench and then as the back wheel lands and the brake locks you kick again with the pedals to place the front wheel on top of said obstacle and then switch to the back wheel... The thing Neil Tunnicliffes really good at and the coust brothers came up with, ergo, 'a coust hop.' (N)

looks sweet should get two gothic rotors for it :(  looks nice as fook. how much was it? :-

I'm getting some normal hope M4 rotors for it, a bit lighter and a bit nicer. It's very hard for me to discuss how much this frame costs because its a prototype, but all I can say is if you wanted one, it would cost you more than I paid for it, which was a little over the normal price of a leeson frame. :-

Rich that looks minty.

If the rear disk is anything like it used to be on the old frame it will be awsome. There is a strange feeling with rear disks but the avid used to bite so damn hard it just didn't matter.

hope it lasts out :)


Its amazing when its dry now its kind of bedded in, in the wet it'll be unreal, which is why I wanted it (damn hampshire comps...)

Dan, I garuantee, as soon as you see this in the flesh, you'll want one. :( Or at least you'll really really like it.

:P :o


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Oh my god! That is the nicest stock bike i have ever seen. Pro's over now for the con's i think its a bit gay that because monty have made awesome duel disc bikes that everyone else are gonna start trying it. I mean dont get me wrong, it was always gonna happen. But they could have released it a bit later on. Then they would seem less like a 'copy', if you get me. :- but that is a gorgeous bike mate, well done!



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Oh my god! That is the nicest stock bike i have ever seen. Pro's over now for the con's i think its a bit gay that because monty have made awesome duel disc bikes that everyone else are gonna start trying it. I mean dont get me wrong, it was always gonna happen. But they could have released it a bit later on. Then they would seem less like a 'copy', if you get me. :- but that is a gorgeous bike mate, well done!



This bike has been on the cards for a very long time thought and Megamo made disk specific frames years before Monty so I see no problems there.

Looks very smart rich although isn't it a bit long for you :- I look forward to riding it on sunday.


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Looks good, though with that torsion bar it looks like the disk mount  was an after thought rather than a specifically designed frame.

Have you seen the Peyto rear mounts?

They're designed specifically for an Avid and have post mounts rather than having an IS mount plus the adaptor.

Anyways, let us know how it goes.

Is there any problems with spoke flex/caliper flex?

You running full length outer?


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