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Another One Bites The Dust


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How Graeme put it is all that really needs to be said:

The XTP is designed as a serious competition bike. The frame only weighs 1.7 kg's and is made out of lightweight aluminum tubing. There is no way you can get a couple of years of hard riding in on this frame without this happening. And Koxx makes no attempt to hide this by only offering a 6 month warranty on the XTP. However, they do make other frames such as the levelboss that hit lower price points, are burley as hell, and can handle the abuse non-elite level riders put on their bikes. Proof of this is the first ever Levelboss imported into the states is still going strong on it's third owner. This frame is over 3 years old.


At the end of the day we all know that they break, and have broken, news of another (about 1.5 months ago) breaking just seems like someone's trying to stir unneeded beehatching :shifty:

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oh thats as usual then eh.............no F**KING change there..............

Life Get Need One You ======aust re assemble them words and make a phrase that you seriously need to do!


we will wait and then have a laugh at urs when urs breaks???? oh they have only been in the country a few months.........christ its a bike when ridden hard they wil break.........just stop stirring shit about koxx........oh wait a miinute "t-raptors snap for fun" so do t-pros at the headtube o o o o o o thats F**KING awesum news i best spread it like shit on the inther net!

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was merely pointing out.. after 9 months its managed to get 3 cracks wayne.... was just pointing it out to everyone.. would you wanna waste 700 quid and have that happen to you...

look at the price difference in t raptors and t pros... and then look at the price of the xtp :shifty:

and im sure most t pros i know of have lasted longer than 9 months... and i could nearly buy 2 whole onza bikes for just the frame of an xtp !!... and they still have the same quality !

Edited by aust
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9 Month aint bad, its a comp frame not a steet frame.

:shifty: :lol: :lol: :P :D :D

most people know you have vendettas against certain people...........and companies. you make it more obvious by posting shit like this. skewse the french.



i would be happy to pay £2.50 a day to ride an xtp for 9 months

well played :lol: thats cheap to ride a bike/frame for a day. im going to start looking at things from that point of view :D :P

like a £2700 preston 46.............over 2/3 years its paid for itself in fuel economy :P"

Edited by Waynio
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depends what you use it for and how you use it!!!!simple.

as always nothing is un breakable!!!!!its just how it is used and how long it lasts, my new 05 levelboss has gone through more use than aust's bike goes through in 2years and is only 3/4month old and is absolutly had the pasting of its life and is still spot on????? and i really mean that i have hammered this bike as iv been aske dto do some filming for a couple of videos that are going to be released.

i was planing on getting a belaey but am thinking otherwise due to down tube durability, as it is slightly thinner than the levelboss yet i like the look of the frame. it may have laot more to offer for me (lighter and nicer looking bike) but to me i could easily get away with out breaking a Belaey or XTP if i use it in the manner its designed for, but my style of riding and how i look at things compared to others i may aswell use something that is so much more durable. maybe i will get a Belaey..........i just have to use it how its designed and not use it stupidly. no point doing a 10/11ft drop gap to down tubeis there????its obvious most frames would break, but if the lad on OTN has been street riding an XTP in a bad manner it aint going to last.............


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It depends if you ride like a tank.

My "T-Snaptor" never snapped, that had 4 owners over 3 years.


i could compare it when akkers rode for onza, he may have done a few yet i was doing them weekly????whats the difference my type of riding was doing it and its the same with that XTP. it may have lasted 24 months if he hadnt have been rough with it?when you ask someone if there bike has been used in an in considerate manner they will always say no, im probably one of the only person aong maybe with a select few (ie bike shop workers) who will put there hand up and say yes i do ride my bike to its potential or more!!!!and when you work in a bike shop and see how many frames come in broken and the same old excuse is "i was just riding along" what alot of B*LL*X!!!!


i was just walking down the street and the lamp post ran out in front of me and caned my ass with a tree stump...............YE RIGHT!

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It would be interesting to know how much profit each company makes on each frame, taking into account all the research and design costs, manufacturing costs.. etc... then you would be able to tell if Koxx rip people off or not. If Koxx really do shed loads of research into frames like the XTP and so have to sell them for more to end up gaining the same amount of profit on frames made by other companies, then fair enough, but if they just sell loads of rebadged products for stupid money and sell frames that dont really have much research in them to give good strength/weight ratios, and good geo, then they are bad sports. Only the top financial people in Koxx would know that kind of stuff.

But again, they may charge more for their stuff so they can spend more on bringing trials to the public, you just dont know really.

It does make me wonder how Echo and Zoo can release all of their stuff for lower prices than Koxx, but still come up with original ideas for frames and parts.

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depends what you use it for and how you use it!!!!simple.

as always nothing is un breakable!!!!!its just how it is used and how long it lasts, my new 05 levelboss has gone through more use than aust's bike goes through in 2years and is only 3/4month old and is absolutly had the pasting of its life and is still spot on????? and i really mean that i have hammered this bike as iv been aske dto do some filming for a couple of videos that are going to be released.

i was planing on getting a belaey but am thinking otherwise due to down tube durability, as it is slightly thinner than the levelboss yet i like the look of the frame. it may have laot more to offer for me (lighter and nicer looking bike) but to me i could easily get away with out breaking a Belaey or XTP if i use it in the manner its designed for, but my style of riding and how i look at things compared to others i may aswell use something that is so much more durable. maybe i will get a Belaey..........i just have to use it how its designed and not use it stupidly. no point doing a 10/11ft drop gap to down tubeis there????its obvious most frames would break, but if the lad on OTN has been street riding an XTP in a bad manner it aint going to last.............


somebody doesnt know what i put the front end of a bike through.. you never see me training... only rding comps.. how the hell can you say something as stupid as that when you dont have any facts against it???... i think that was a bit big headed there wayne...

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echo/zoo are chinese and the owner is chinese therefore lives in the same country. tax and stuff like that will be different. to say koxx who are from france. (air freight and shipping fees etc etc) ask phil williams if he has a huge courier bill. i think he may well have as its quite expensive to ship around the world so 2 lots of postage ie from china to france then to its destination country is alot. as echo/zoo go only into china somewhere then to a destination.

andyroo just look at how many world champions they have riding for them??? therefore means of sponsorship will need sorting too to support their team riders as well as keeping on top of top designs and geo etc etc.

echo/zoo should never be as expensive as they are copies of originals for example they take original designs THEN they re-make it with slightly different geo metry therefore it not being the same and then they dont ride the same. its like me designing a NEW vinco and selling it for the same as koxx it wouldnt ever sell.......therefore deng knows this and cant afford to try selling at much higher prices. from what i saw ££££ when i was in auz staying with the then australian distributor or echo/zoo i was astounded by how cheap the cost price was then when dan told me how much the freight was it can be quite scary.


nothing big headed aust i was just explaining to you that you probably couldnt put a frame through as much pain as me!nothing big headed there il just be honest with you. front touch christ, what about chainstays??? the whole bike i put through pain.............

Edited by Waynio
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im with you on this one wayne,

i feel that trials forum and its members just seem to diss everything they dont like

whether its frames, companies, styles of riding, drugs, or whatever

i dont give other poelpe shit on this forum, i am very open minded, but it makes me very angry when i see this kind of thing

trials-forum was not like this 2years ago, what has happened?


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i think that was a bit big headed there wayne...

Wayne, big headeded? Don't make me laugh!! If your head was any bigger it would be bigger than this planet. In fact, if I climbed up the hill by my house now I could probably see your head from 100 miles away...

The XTP does what it says on the tin (foil). The Levelboss is always an option, and a good one at that. Probably why Wayne chooses to ride one. Horses for courses and all that. Any aluminium frame/parts can brake, just depends what you do with it.

Oh, and I found the 'training' comment particularly amusing. Training? For what? That's your problem, you don't ride for fun...

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Wayne, big headeded? Don't make me laugh!! If your head was any bigger it would be bigger than this planet. In fact, if I climbed up the hill by my house now I could probably see your head from 100 miles away...

The XTP does what it says on the tin (foil). The Levelboss is always an option, and a good one at that. Probably why Wayne chooses to ride one. Horses for courses and all that. Any aluminium frame/parts can brake, just depends what you do with it.

Oh, and I found the 'training' comment particularly amusing. Training? For what? That's your problem, you don't ride for fun...

i dont ride for fun... ahaha.. thats the biggest load of bullshit ive ever heard in my life.... as anyone will say there are times to take things serious and times when not to... just because i call it something you dont you slate me for it... your full of more shit than anyone on here... because your slating me when you dont even know if i ride for fun or not... i have a trumendous time riding with mates and going on group rides...... looks like you got prooved wrong.... get facts straight before mouthing off......... and quote me on anything ive said thats big headed :shifty:.. please dooo...

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im with you on this one wayne,

i feel that trials forum and its members just seem to diss everything they dont like

whether its frames, companies, styles of riding, drugs, or whatever

i dont give other poelpe shit on this forum, i am very open minded, but it makes me very angry when i see this kind of thing

trials-forum was not like this 2years ago, what has happened?


Luisio i would like to know the last answer to question in the passage there too. personally its too much conflict............

Wayne, big headeded? Don't make me laugh!! If your head was any bigger it would be bigger than this planet. In fact, if I climbed up the hill by my house now I could probably see your head from 100 miles away...

The XTP does what it says on the tin (foil). The Levelboss is always an option, and a good one at that. Probably why Wayne chooses to ride one. Horses for courses and all that. Any aluminium frame/parts can brake, just depends what you do with it.

Oh, and I found the 'training' comment particularly amusing. Training? For what? That's your problem, you don't ride for fun...

it would be interesting to know why i would want to be big headed just like snappel has said, i was only stating inthoery that i really put my bikes through their paces so im usually the one to break something if anything its meaning my riding is more harsh,i can/could be extrmly smooth i just like to go out and get things done and have a good laugh.......i dont take things too serious you just ask the people that are around me alot, i just hate hearing BULLSHIT and snotty stuff like this post!!!! purely because you dont get on with a few people!!!!


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because your slating me when you dont even know if i ride for fun or not


before mouthing off......... and quote me on anything ive said thats big headed :shifty:.. please dooo...

Mouthing off? Your bag again. I usually do quote you on things you say that are big headed, like, for example, your comments on Ben Savage's (and your own) performance at the UCI champs the other week.

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definatly too much conflict, we have turned against each other in the battle for best bikes, the pimpest parts, or who you think is the best rider/riding styles

and of different opinions of 'trials' as a sport

i dont particularly see trials as a sport,from living in an island with 60,000 poeple and only about 4 trials riders, we dont see it as a sport, its just messing around on bikes

its all about fun, going to uni in 2 weeks, and i want to compete and stuff, but that is not going to change my views on trials

as for training, and all that, you dont really need that, possibly go to the gym, ride a bit of xc, and bmx for influence

but you shouldnt have to train like a roadie to be able to ride trials, aust, i have to say, i get a very competitive vibe from your posts, i think that you think you are the best and are just trying to boast about it

thats why trials forum has gone to shit, too much 'look at me!!! i am the greatest'

confusing post, but if you see it from my point of view you will understand it


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and quote me on anything ive said thats big headed :lol:.. please dooo...

well... im going to the world youth games this year... have a chance of winning... so i do think that makes me a world class rider.. not been big headed at all but get your facts straight before you post shite

yeah but a GOOD chance.. if you actually went to some of the uci events and saw most of the kids my age ride. yopu woudl sort of know.. ill see you after summer when im youth world champion

then whos gonna be wrong

A pm I received a while ago... :shifty: (saved especially for such an occasion as this)


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D-L-B i lurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrve u!!!!you always bring out the best on TF :shifty: :lol:


too much conflict as i ride the cheapest koxx and enjoy it loads and dont care about having an XTP it would be "nice" to have an expensive bike and such forth but i dont see the point in me trashing it.

Luisio i have recently been on one of the best rides going on the road trip when everyone was in bristol and i went with quite a scarse attitude as i thort all these young lads coming through that are so good il just sit on the sidelines and have a watch. and did so and it encouraged me to get going as all i was seeing was young lads and the older lads too having such a good laugh and a good time there were groups of lads every where practising and sessioning so many different obstacles and it was so awesome to be in such a nice and relaxing atmosphere, i met some of what i would class as the best riders out there and they were all so down to earth and extremly nice lads. its just a select few who have to have the "im the greatest attitude" which spoils it for the majority.

personally if i see a young lad out and about i tend to watch how they do things, sometimes they ask me for advice sometimes i just try and help them along a bit, in yorkshire i probably go riding now with about 20/30 different riders aging between 12-30 say and they all are keep and wanting to learn some times im learning off other and others learning off me and its all a big learning circle, i sometimes have to sit down especially to one lad (Bucky) and just think F**K me this lad deserves sponsorship and sometimes it makes me feel like giving up my bike just to give to him so that he is getting something for free and it to encourage him to really really try more and more, mind you he pushes the boundaries enough but there is so much potential!!!!

trials is such a great sport yet it only takes a minor few to spoil. which real F**KS ME OFF! if IT could ever stop then that will be the day i lay in my grave.


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