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Here Are Some Pics Of James And Paul


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Hi all. I want riding with james noyce and paul turner yesterday in southampton and i took my dad's old camera which the flash doesn't work on. i haven't taken photos of people riding before so these are my first time riding pics. What do you think?

Joel (Y)


James getting up a wall with only half a paddle.


James with big tweak x-up


Paul with x-up


James with his wheel chopped off a bit


Paul about to drop off


James doing ballard gap


Paul doing ballard gap


Paul doing ballard gap


James getting up a stair wall


Paul tire tapping stair wall

Edited by Joelio
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great pictures , at least youve got the timing to capture james's x-ups  :">

that slightly out of focus one looks great  (Y)

Ha ha :). how many times did it take you to get james with his x-up?

Edited by Joelio
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southhampton wasnt that good when we went on the roadtrip hardly worth riding round for the day.

looks like u found some good ridng though.

You probably didn't know where to go as theres lots to ride, especially asda, saying that, at your standard, you've more then likely done every line at asda within around 30 minutes. (Y)

Nice pictures, but maybe stand further away, as you've got no real perception, and you can't photograph a gap from the landing side of it just a few degress's of axis.

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