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White Spirit

Dai the Socket

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It is it leaves a thin film on the rim, it then goes onto pads and pads become worse than they were. Trust me its happened, use white spirit then clean with a household de-greaser or fairy liquid and warm water works, then wash with warm water only. Removes residues, OR go buy a proper de-greaser to remove white spirit crap, a bike degreaser.

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The white spirit leaves behind a white film. This gets on your pads and will make it all slippery as sh**e. Not good idea, i don't like tar, gets too messy good when your brakes don't work and your in the middle of london or something for the added bite.

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White Spirit the rim with a cloth then wipe it all off, then go over with meths and wipe that off also :'( .

You wont need to wipe of the meths. Do it in the sun and you can watch it evaporate. By wiping you will probably put more on the rim.

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GT85, WD40, BikeSpray.

Spray either one of those on your braking surface and then wipe the tar off with a rag. Simple :angry:

Dont worry about the oil, it will have all evaporated by the morning, trust me.

Lol no way am I doing that!

I used white spirt and left it for like 20 mins before riding. Brake works f**king mint :P

Might just be the new ace pads I guess. Hasn't seemed to leave any residue though. I know that Meths, the purple one, is just pure alcohol, but has something which doesn't affect anything but taste and colour, so people don't buy it and drink it.

Thanks for everyone's help. I think i'll put some more Meths on tomorrow. I'll be scared of my brake though. It'll be too good :'(

Thanks :S Nick

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