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Grind With Honigs?


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Just got my heatsink honigs pads this morning. At the mo im using a smooth rim, with a bit of tar with zoo pads. But im sick of tar to be honest so i want a grind again. Can anyone tell me about experiences with honigs and a grind? I'll try to do a light one but i want my brake to work aswell (Y) and ive heard the honigs are soft.

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dont go silly with the grinder!!!!mine lasted bout 6weeks BUT had a few muddy rides and the grinds i put on (3of them (Y) ) were super duper harsh. but the brake didnt let me down AT all.


you can always grind harshly then just sand the sharpness off if you think its too harsh. you cant put more on with out grinding it again making the rim thinner and thinner.

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Cheers waynio.

just set it all up with a medium-ish grind, and the brake is nothing less than awesome! Without bedding in theres the proper honking noise and really good hold. Theres a little bit of slippage there but its all set up perfectly so itll probably just need bedding in.

Very pleased, will probably order another 3 sets as theyre £6 (Y)

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yo dude are these the red pads or the murky yellow colour????

i just waked mine on dragged brake for a minute or two while pissing around then got straight into action. didnt even consider bedding them in as such.


go try a big gap and be positive then they will suprise you even more when they hold..........absolutly awesum.

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to be honest, i wouldnt trust the pads simply cause of the colour :D :D :S sounds abit weird, but the colour just put me off, i wouldnt trust the brake to work :S :S :S

But my pads on the other hand, they are AMAZING!!!!!!! best pads EVER!!!!! lol

Im gonna try n order a few more pairs pretty soon so i have these pads for a long time :P

(sorry people, im not aloud to tell you what pads i have simply cause of manufactuarers (SP?) orders (Y) :P )

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dont go silly with the grinder!!!!mine lasted bout 6weeks BUT had a few muddy rides and the grinds i put on (3of them  (Y) ) were super duper harsh. but the brake didnt let me down AT all.


you can always grind harshly then just sand the sharpness off if you think its too harsh. you cant put more on with out grinding it again making the rim thinner and thinner.

if you do that youl just make the grind not so deep and less sharp.. you shouldnt be looking for deep grind just sharp ones... if you have a deep blunt grind it WILL be wank... you will get a deep blunt grind from sanding the grind... because your sanding the edges off the sharp metal... not a good idea so just steer clear to keep those grinds nice and sharp

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to be honest, i wouldnt trust the pads simply cause of the colour (Y) :P :D sounds abit weird, but the colour just put me off, i wouldnt trust the brake to work :D :S :S


Basing them on the colour? Chocolate tastes nice but it's the same colour as shit.

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I think i might invest in some of these pads when i get back off of my holiday! Does anybody know what theyre like on a softer metal rim? Such as koxx or monty... And are these pads hard compound or soft as putting hard pads on a soft rim will cause the grind to wear off in about 2 days. And i cant be arsed to keep grindin up!



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I think i might invest in some of these pads when i get back off of my holiday! Does anybody know what theyre like on a softer metal rim? Such as koxx or monty... And are these pads hard compound or soft as putting hard pads on a soft rim will cause the grind to wear off in about 2 days. And i cant be arsed to keep grindin up!



joe, there the pads piki's got. he's got them on a koxx rim with a grind.

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iv found if you put a deep grind on it lasts longer, put a sharp not so deep grind on and you end up taking your wheel out every 5minutes to grind it.


and i will ride in anything Mud,SH!T, water, sand. so a deep grind wont wear down as quick when loads of mud,grit and SH!T are trying to wear it down.

terror error probably has a pair of pads that im getting next week off heatsink (if what he has got are heatsink) its not as if things like this are top secret brake pads are brake pads. if they work "THAT" good you would want to advertise them to let people know how good they are. personally i dont think heatsink needs to make any more pads than the Honigs and Konigs as both have been awesum for me. but hey others may have different opinions mine wore down spot on, didnt have any MAJOR premature wear problems.

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Less than 2 months before they're totally worn down is not very good. They may work very well (only tried Konigs briefly on Tic's bike) but wear rate could still be improved lots.

If you have the time/patience/money to replace pads every other month or even more frequently, that's fine. But if you could choose between a pad that worked well, and one that worked a little less awsome, but lasted 4 times longer, which would you choose?

I've been running some Plazmatic pads now for about 6 months. They have worn down about 3 millimetres. I grind my rim frequently aswell, deep and sharp grinds. I'm not trying to slate the Heatsink pads, as I had good experiences with the batch A pads.

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Hi there!

Just a quicky to answer some questions: The pads are very slightly softer than plazmatics so I'd be very surprised if there's the issue of them wearing out grinds which happens with some pads harder than Plazzies.

The wear rate isn't on par with Plazzies, it's faster than I'm happy with on a harsh grind, hence the very attractive pricing! Since they're not the compound to go forward with, I may aswell let them go at a decent discount because I'm sure many people can get alot of use out of them even if they aren't the life kings on harsh grinds.

There's a story behind this compound - According to a supplier, it was meant to be top notch for wear life, the very best you can get, and I had to buy a considerable minimum order quantity for them to consider it worth their while making because it was also more complicated for them to process as well as being more expensive. 3 weeks later the batch arrives and from there it becomes apparant that the supplier was wide of the mark :huh:

Since then, during the Tartybikes/Heatsink testing we've ow hit on some exciting compounds which are giving new levels of wear life better than anything I've found in the past. However, learning from past lessons we're waiting until we're 100% sure of the state of play before making the pads available at the full RRP.


Less than 2 months before they're totally worn down is not very good. They may work very well (only tried Konigs briefly on Tic's bike) but wear rate could still be improved lots.

If you have the time/patience/money to replace pads every other month or even more frequently, that's fine. But if you could choose between a pad that worked well, and one that worked a little less awsome, but lasted 4 times longer, which would you choose?

I've been running some Plazmatic pads now for about 6 months. They have worn down about 3 millimetres. I grind my rim frequently aswell, deep and sharp grinds. I'm not trying to slate the Heatsink pads, as I had good experiences with the batch A pads.

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the way i look at it.

Brake = working awesum pad wear rate quite fast = i dont care cos my brake is working WIKID!

Brake = working quite poor or very on/off = bit of a problem death could be round the corner!!!!!

so i really like to go with the top option (Y) :) keeps me safe and worry free :huh:


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terror error probably has a pair of pads that im getting next week off heatsink (if what he has got are heatsink) its not as if things like this are top secret brake pads are brake pads. if they work "THAT" good you would want to advertise them to let people know how good they are. personally i dont think heatsink needs to make any more pads than the Honigs and Konigs as both have been awesum for me. but hey others may have different opinions mine wore down spot on, didnt have any MAJOR premature wear problems.

:huh:" :)" (Y)" :o" :P"

One few words for you to expect from the pads wayne.... LOCK ON, DONT SLIP!!! lol

They are the best pads ever! cant tell anyone which ones they are though :P

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