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A Few (25) Recent Riding Pics


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Just some pics (Ben Slinger, Dave Gill, Tom Rigg) I've been snapping away at over the last few rides. We've got some pretty decent natty up here, so I've been riding that about 5 times a week or more, along with a few other guys up here :P

If anyone fancies a ride at these spots, get in touch and I'm sure we can sort summat out! :P Will be riding at both of them over the course of this weekend I should think. Theyre both within 20 mins of J34 and J35 of the M6.

Pics aren't really sorted out... I just numbered them for ease of typing:


















Any comments etc welcome...



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looks ace, those are some quality pics, I can see the artist comming out in you (Y)

Slinger is just getting better and better, it doesnt suprise me he got up that cliff!

When my car is back up and running I will have to come up and ride that place with you, it looks really good, bit sharp though, I dont think my tyres or skin will like it :P

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some very nice pics :P wouldn't mind riding there sometime !

Pic 17 is the best pic I have seen in a very long time (Y)

Good work. lots more like that one please.

Edited by dean
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Surprised that no one has mentioned 4, like, shit the bed. (Y)

Really good pictures, can see you've tried for almost all of them, but the last photo really is to cheesy for my liking, nice one for trying though, and hasn't come out to bad either.

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Nice pics Adam... You have stolen my riding spot, and are showing it off as your own! (Y)

But nice pics, and i expect everyone to thank me for introducing that spot to them! :P

(Come to burton for a ride tonight Ads)

Edited by philking
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Nice pics Adam... You have stolen my riding spot, and are showing it off as your own! 

I don't really see how he's doing that, you don't own that riding spot - so how can he steal it?

Sweet pics, ben slinger ones are my favourite - going massive!


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