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Hi,after 6 months of riding I think I have the basics down(ish) but I'm still to scared to go bigger, I know I could do most of the things I want to but I'm just to scared. What i want to do is a little drop gap and I mean like this:


I've done something similar but not that high off the ground.

Has any one got any tips on gaining confidence quickly ,

Sorry if this is a stupid question,


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Nice diagram (Y)

Yeh that stuff is hard for everyone, just the 'what if..' situation.

The only real way is to find yourself a flat bit of ground like normal, with the same distance marked using a stick or soemthing, and just do that a few times so you convince yourself that you CAN make the gap.

Then it's just a case of going to the gap and doing it...

You'll probably find that you found it easy and wonder what you were worrying about!

Good luck (Y)

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THink possitive and stop caring about your well being.

Thinking posotive is good, but you should still care about your well being. After all if you look big and hard doing massive high gaps. If and when you fall, your not going to be riding for 6 weeks becuase you can bend your leg where it didn't use to bend befor.

I prefer to go further closer to the ground, curb hight is preferable. (Y)

There's no point going for it if you can't do it and belive you can't do it. You must know that you can do the gaps distence. And you must know your going to do it. When people back out of things, thats when they get hut. So you must know your going to do it.

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iv got a simalar problem, just kinda getting back on the bike properly after a few months off due to an injury, fnding it extremely hard to push myself ect just because of the thought 'what if' im sure itl get better as i get better at the smaller things then il feel the need to go bigger...

thats the plan anyway.....

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