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As a newcomer to this 'trials' thing, as I believe you call it (Y) , on some posts I am understanding maybe every other word.

Anyone feel like posting up some trials and forum jargon/terms/words to help me out. For example, I think I've figured what 'tar' is for, but 'grind'? And 'bump'? Go on, help me out here. Even the obvious stuff to you probably isn't to me.

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For the word 'bump', it has 2 meanings on good ol' Trials-Forum...

A front bump is where you ram the front wheel into the face of a wall in order to shoot you up and onto your back wheel.

However you might see the word 'bump' on topics, this is where you want our post to be at the top of the page again, as has been explained by Siders77 (Y)

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'BB' was one i didn't get for a while, it's just short for Bottom Bracket.

Tap - can either be another name for hitting your front wheel on a obstacle in order to get more height

or in another context it would be perhaps to 'tap your break mount thread' if you've stripped it.

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This: 'w00t LoLZz !!1111oneone!!!' is just someone trying to be a wanker (Y)

I do it now and again, people do it for loads of reasons, mainly over exaggerating typing errors hence the !!!'s turning into 11's, then someone will go another step and deliberately type 'one' afterwards. w00t and LoLZ etc etc is just a piss take of leet speak or '1337'.

Basically, just ignore it.

FS - Forsale

Wtd - Wanted

OT - Off topic

Erm can't think of any other things at the minute.

Oooh and:

PX - Part exchange or Planet X

Edited by Urpedigreechumdog
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Yesterday we met up with some riders in southampton and they were calling a pedal kick a blunt.  Is this right?

Its what us southerners call it. Different regions or groups of people call it something else. Blunt however i feel is the best for it.

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Wheel swap-where you place your front wheel on top of an object then balance and hop up to the rear wheel from that position.

Wheel switch-where you hop onto an object and land on your front wheel then hop to your back wheel.

Hs33- a leading hydraulic rim brake that is almost standard in the trials world.

Cant think of any more (Y)

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Wheel swap-where you place your front wheel on top of an object then balance and hop up to the rear wheel from that position.

Wheel switch-where you hop onto an object and land on your front wheel then hop to your back wheel.

Hs33- a leading hydraulic rim brake that is almost standard in the trials world.

Cant think of any more (Y)

this can also be called a pigieon,, or a replacement

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Cheers guys.

I'm fairly up to speed with terms like 'wheel' and 'tyre', and even some of the more obscure stuff like 'headset' and 'bearing' (Y) I'd even go as far as 'pawls' and 'cassette' :P

I was thinking more trials specific stuff - as some of you nice people have already done (Y)

See, I didn't even know what grind was. How hopeless is that!

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