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Cleaning Mag Pads Propperly

Mr Motivator

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Ok, my pads were great, then one day they went not so good. I only have about 4mm of pad left on the backings but I havn't got 17 odd quid to dish out on pads right now so I have just been whacking on a little tar here and there.. ON A GRIND!! :D So anyway, tomorow I plan to clean the tar off with muc-off and clean up the pads. I've tried rubbing them on a brick and glass paper but that didnt work well enough obviously soo I'm thinking of hacksawing a slither off of just by using a stanley knife?

Hmm, actualy I might also whack a new disk in my grinder and give my ronnie its 4th fresh grind.

Hmm, so yeah how do I clean off the pads propperly well? :shifty:


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I found that trying to cut a thin slither off a pad with a Stanley knife was pretty much impossible.

That was with a Heatsink pad, maybe if you're using some gay piece of shit like a Zoo! pad then you might be ok.

I go with the glasspaper idea, or try rubbing it with Muc-Off or Acetone as suggested above :shifty:

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Well what I did in the end was spray WD40 all over the rim and ride around with my brake on. Then muc-off the whole kaboosh, scrub with a brush and WD40 it all over again and muc-off one last time. Then finaly chuck water everywhere and leave in the sun to dry.

Works fine now (Y) and I didnt have to take my wheel out which is good as I've lost my 8mil :-

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Well what I did in the end was spray WD40 all over the rim and ride around with my brake on. Then muc-off the whole kaboosh, scrub with a brush and WD40 it all over again and muc-off one last time. Then finaly chuck water everywhere and leave in the sun to dry.

Works fine now (Y) and I didnt have to take my wheel out which is good as I've lost my 8mil :-

wd 40 on a rim, care to elaborate?

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Yeah, I muc-off'd it after though if you read my post properly.

WD40, GT85, Bikespray; they all evaporate btw  (Y)

best to clean them, they leave a little residue as thier cleaner/lubricants.

when your sanding your pads, keep sanding till ALL the black sh1t comes off and it looks all spangly new.

make sure your rims clean enough to eat off before you put the pads back on, or thell contaminate and hey presto, youve just wasted a cleaning job.

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I use petrol, works really well (Y)

I told you to use petrol :D (Y)

Works very well, its also good, do you know when your riding your bike and on the side of your trainers which os next to the crank, its all black from the crank arm, so put abit of petrol in a rag, then wipe trainers till they white again :P

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