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Riding Addingham - Directions + Camping?


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Hey guys.

I'm heading up to Addingham tomorrow, as I couldn't make it up for the worlds, so I can do a bit of riding.

I've been told it's Steeton train station, which I can get to easily enough, but how far/how easy is it to ride to the moorside from there? Bearing in mind i'll have a tent + sleeping bag. :)

Also, where is the campsite? I presume I can just turn up there?

If anyone's got Ducko's number, it'd be appreciated.

Thanks, Mike.

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you get off at steeton and silsden then you head in the direction of silsden (over the round about) cycles all the way to the top of silsden then take a right off where the road bends to the left. continue up that road past the caravan site take the next right then it is along there on your left.

realistically it isnt a short ride probably bout 3 miles all up hill. but it is worth it.

to be honest not sure about the camp site think most people will be heading home :)

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