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I'm just going by what i've seen.

It's the way the human brain works, except for when you are putting together an arguement to call me racist. Think about it:

If we go over to Turkey to watch a football match, England are known as "Soccer Louts". Now sure we aren't all rioting beer drinking wankers, but that's how we're seen. It's how it is. Until I meet a nice illegal immigrant I will brand them all the same, sorry but that's how I am. I DO disciminate until it is proven that the discriminee (Real word?!) is not what I think he / she is.

You don't need to meet one to understand what's going on. Just open you eyes or ears to any of the news that's going on around you. I think we have a pretty good life here in Britain, we have a democratic goverment, we have a fantastic health service which is all free of charge, sure we have problem in out country but nothing on the scale of some of the countries around the world.

Just the fact we have freedom to say what we feel about our goverment/royal faimly is something that many countries fight for. Just look at the situation on Iraq before the war.

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Most asylum seekers are fine and work hard, and don't cause a fuss and apreciate Britains hospitality, but its on the whole, the 20 something males that cause all the trouble, deal drugs etc. I have seen a lot of trouble caused my asylum seekers, and they are always young males, in gangs causing trouble.

The problem is that they much so much trouble that they end up branding the lot of them, which is unfair, but how do you filter them out? The heads of state for saudi arabia and pakistan said England is a soft touch and should stop lettting immigrants in. If quite a few people are coming from their countries, and thats what they think, surely for the moment, thats the best thing to do, while a more thorough filtering system is sorted out?

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I don't see her as illegal, I'm talking about the bastards that hide in Banana crates and come here solely to get free Cars, Mobiles, Benefits and Houses.

I'm not against helping another human being survive, I am against giving them what they don't need. They come from so-called poverty, and instead of being grateful for a roof over their head and a bit of food they fraudulantly (Sp?) claim extra benefits under 4 different names etc to get cars and luxuries that good honest working Britains can't afford...... These are the people I hate.

I work 40 hours a week, and some of the scum around here on benefits have more than I do, by doing f**k ALL for it.

That's why I may seem racist. It is annoying and anyone that says it isn't is obviously silly. I pay tons of tax to give to lazy bastards.

Best example, is down my road.

There's a guy living opposite me, he get's loads of benefits, has a nice shiny car and he is out there washing it and polishing it EVERY day. I said to him the other day "You'll have no paint left on that soon" he replied: "It's boredom, nothing else to do". I thought, why not get a f**king job???

I would have said it, but his family are rough and would have vandalised my flat.

This country needs sorting.

Get my point now?

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Most asylum seekers are fine and work hard, and don't cause a fuss and apreciate Britains hospitality, but its on the whole, the 20 something males that cause all the trouble, deal drugs etc. I have seen a lot of trouble caused my asylum seekers, and they are always young males, in gangs causing trouble.

I have seen a lot of trouble caused by British people, and they are always young males, in gangs causing trouble.

I'm not going to offer any solutions to the problem as I only know what I see/hear on the news and I'm not going to pretend to myself that this is a fair representaion of how Britain is at the moment.

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I don't see her as illegal, I'm talking about the bastards that hide in Banana crates and come here solely to get free Cars, Mobiles, Benefits and Houses.

By definition she is an illegal asylum seeker.

There are plenty of "British" people who are commiting benefit fraud everyday.

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No BONGO i wasnt taking the piss at all, thats just what i always call her when im on the net, it always has been "momma" dunno why just a word i prefer to use like the use of "haboooo" that most of you on here probably dont know the meaning of but a few of you on here will.

stu :turned:

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I have seen a lot of trouble caused by British people, and they are always young males, in gangs causing trouble.

I'm not going to offer any solutions to the problem as I only know what I see/hear on the news and I'm not going to pretend to myself that this is a fair representaion of how Britain is at the moment.

Im not saying British people arent bad, but theres no point bringing in more young hooligans, when we have our own fair share to sort out here in the first place

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I think we should do trough aslyum seekers out aswell, that is narrow minde dof me.

What gets me is some muslim man on the radio said when he was asked wht nationality are you he replied muslim. Now muslim is not a nationality its a race.

If your living in this country you speak you respect our way of life, yes you are entitled to your customs but the english/british come first.

Theres more dont want to carry opn ranting becasue Ill get carried away and get slated

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Wow, Munki you love talking shit don't you. You know exactly what MadManMike is trying to say. But you're trying to start an argument. He's said he hates the Asylum Seekers who are here illegally, then you go on about a one off case, then you say that they aren't all like that. People go off what they have seen, heard etc. Not what other people have seen and heard. Then you say that British people sponge, yeah so what? We've been here longer, we don't force the government to do things, we don't have more rights than every f**ker. We know our place we always have, oh and about escaping their "war torn" countries, they're supposed to stop at the closest none war torn country. Not cross Europe and then the sea to get here. Remember what Australia did? They got the drivers from an Oil Tanker off the ship and left all the immigrants on the boat. Got rid of 'em didn't it. :turned:

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I'd stop for sure...

Unless I was Arnie, then obviously i'd re-mould myself using my liquid metal structure, steal their uniform and weapons and then protect a random little mouthy gimp called John, in the end though i'd end up in a big vat full of really hot metal and i'd melt to pieces.

Sorry, back to the topic: Yeah, erm, ok... er, i'm gonna get on with some work and stop posting just to waste time :turned: :D

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Unless I was Arnie, then obviously i'd re-mould myself using my liquid metal structure, steal their uniform and weapons and then protect a random little mouthy gimp called John, in the end though i'd end up in a big vat full of really hot metal and i'd melt to pieces.

[whisper=MadMadMike] That wasn't Arnie, watch the movie again :turned: [/whisper]

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It's awesome, if they ask you to stop and you keep running you've done something wrong. Or else you'd just stop.

If its the innocent brazilian guy that got killed your on about then maybe in brazil its different and you run like f*ck if some man with a guns chasing you.

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If its the innocent brazilian guy that got killed your on about then maybe in brazil its different and you run like f*ck if some man with a guns chasing you.

It's not just a man with a gun, it's armed police in full unifrom, with MP5s walking about. If they told me to stop I think I would, I wouldn't just go "Oh noes, better run away and get shot".

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In the end there's nothing 'we' can do about it directly. We can voice our opinions all daylong, it isn't going to change anything.

The people who are doing this have the mind set of a spoilt child. Once they have decided on something they cannot be persuaded to think something else. They just follow what they have been brainwashed to believe is right, (their religions).

I believe in justice and revenge. If someone personally bombed my family/friends/hometown, then i would try and seek revenge on them, (an eye for an eye if you will), but i wouldn't go to jail just to get them back, and there is noway i would kill myself for revenge. If however, they bomb other people/places then it up to those people to seek revenge and fight whatever cause they have.

What i don't understand is why these people are allowed to continue preaching their f**ked up religions. The autorities seem to know exactly who is doing it, they know where 'religious trianing camps' are based, yet we never hear about them being raided, bombed or arrested.

IMO, if someone or some groups of people are prepared to take other people lives as well as their own, they should be killed as quickly as possible. They want to die anyway so why don't we save them the trouble and do it oursleves.

And, on the subject of revenge, if someone has a member of their family killed, they should be allowed to sek the killer or the group of people behind the murder, and kill them with no conciquences to their actions. However if my mum was killed tomorrow, and i went and killed the murderer, then i would be tried in court and sent to jail, merely for seeking revenge, where as if my mother was never killed, then i would never have commited a crime.

I have been called racist many times for the things i've said about GROUPS of people, however, i never hate anyone for their colour, i only hate them for their beleifs and their actions.

I strongly believe that without religion, there would be a LOT less violence all over the world, but in the end it all boils down to greed and selfishness. Ulitmatly it's selfish people who want their own way that cause trouble (like a spoilt little child).

The majority of violence always seems to be casued by the least educated/intelligent people in the world.

I know my point hasn't really come across, more like a few points to think about.

And to finish, if tomorrow i could kill/remove from society all religious leaders no matter where they live and what they preach, then i would without hesitation.

I think if people just chilled out and lived their life for fun, rather than to please their god then the world would be a much nicer place.

Religion used to be a massive part of society, it was used in medicine, polictics and in almost ever action people made throughout their day to day lives. However over time it has been phased out of medicine by science, its been phased out of politics by itellegence and it's been phased out of peoples day to day life by technology and a general view that life it for living not for preaching un-confirmed bullshit. Maybe it time is was phased out of the world completely.

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That man had been under police surveillence for weeks. they watched him walk to the station, and when he got there, he started running, vaulted the ticket barriers, ran to the platform, where no less than twenty armed police officers were there waiting for him. the told him by his name to stop or they will open fire, he turned and ran up the other end of the platform, went to jump onto the train and tripped up, which is when the policemen caught up with him and shot him.

Doesnt seem too innocent to me :turned:

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AndyRoo is right, enough said why would you run away if your innocent, you would merely wait see what they want and if infact you were innocent you would be released after an enquiry had been followed, you would then have a better idea yourself of the sort of thing that is going on in London at the moment and could feel a bit safer knowing that the police are offering a better service of protection.

He wasnt innocent!

stu :turned:

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Wow, Munki you love talking shit don't you. You know exactly what MadManMike is trying to say. But you're trying to start an argument. He's said he hates the Asylum Seekers who are here illegally, then you go on about a one off case, then you say that they aren't all like that. People go off what they have seen, heard etc. Not what other people have seen and heard. Then you say that British people sponge, yeah so what? We've been here longer, we don't force the government to do things, we don't have more rights than every f**ker. We know our place we always have, oh and about escaping their "war torn" countries, they're supposed to stop at the closest none war torn country. Not cross Europe and then the sea to get here. Remember what Australia did? They got the drivers from an Oil Tanker off the ship and left all the immigrants on the boat. Got rid of 'em didn't it. :turned:

Fuccccccccking hell you're such a twat.

I wouldn't call the posts that me, Mike and AndyRoo an argument, I'd call it a debate at the most, I state my point of view, they stated theirs. The was no name calling and by Trials Forum standard it was a good debate with very little name calling and personal insults, then you come along and act like the twat you are.

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I never use personal insults on here unless someone really annoys me, or insults me first. I just debate and put my point accross. If someone calls me a twat i'll usually just laugh at them and say get a life!

Shouting at someone online does nothing really, so I only do it when someone is REALLY out of order.

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Fuccccccccking hell you're such a twat.

I wouldn't call the posts that me, Mike and AndyRoo an argument, I'd call it a debate at the most, I state my point of view, they stated theirs.  The was no name calling and by Trials Forum standard it was a good debate with very little name calling and personal insults, then you come along and act like the twat you are.


Sorry I really can't be bothered with you.

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