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Southampton Ride


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Hey everyone,

Me and a few people are trying to organise a ride for the 29th of july in sunny ol' southampton so if everyone wants to make it a nice big ride then come along down.

Shall we say the usual 11am at the station? Ride there for an hour and a half and move on otherwise everyone stays all day!!!

There should be a fair few riders about of all abilities so get on down and lets make it a good one.

Any questions etc just ask.

The date will not change!

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The date will not change but there may be many more dates to come untill I can drive (N) Don't want to spend a fortune on train tickets! So yeah should be getting some of ye olde southern boyos out of our shacks! And agreed on hour and a half of stationness, otherwise its just annoying! Me thinks we need to check out that park thats in soton that I've never ridden!

James (N)

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The date will not change but there may be many more dates to come untill I can drive :lol: Don't want to spend a fortune on train tickets! So yeah should be getting some of ye olde southern boyos out of our shacks! And agreed on hour and a half of stationness, otherwise its just annoying! Me thinks we need to check out that park thats in soton[b/] that  I've never ridden!

James :)

The skate park there is amasing i cant beleve you havent riden it.

Thanks Sam.

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Oh by the way guys I have a theory test in the morning... So I will be late, as will Steve, Kerley and Mitch! But we shall be around later! James i'll get you number and I can ring you when we get there!

James (Y)

You best turn up!!

Good luck with the test, didnt think youd been learnign that long though ;)


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