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oi oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

i finally got my frame through letterbox so thats everything.. wooo .. aint ridden bmx for ages BUT my last had V mounts whereas this is running a U brake... whats the very awesomest bestest way to make U brakes work super good?

any little tricks or anything ?


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Dirty harry lever

Nokon cable (oil with finishline wet lube)

Fly bikes u-brake (set with the smallest amount a spring tension as possible)

Plaz pads on a chrome rim.

You won't get a u-brake any better than that.(This set-up makes alot of noise but apart from that works better than most peoples maguras)


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My back brake's pretty masterful now...

Hombre w/Fiesta pack.

Red Koolstops.

Odyssey Monolever (medium).

Standard Clarks cable.

I cream cleaner'd my rim which got it all shiny and dust free, and it's working super well.

Pretty cheap set-up too :S

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thankyou all so much for the help but i never said i needed a brake... i already have the brake/lever/cables/pads i wanted to know if there were any tricks to setting them up so they lock a bit better.

new pads may help and im hoping to get some chromes when i run into some cash.


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Just thought I'd add that, I have Plaz flies, a diacompe gold finger lever, slic cable, etc, and ran a chrome rim and the brake was always the bollocks, apart from being too noisey..... but i have recently got a temporary rear wheel with a black rim, and the brake works just as well, and creates less noise, so I'm well chuffed!

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