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Hydro Disk

Mr Motivator

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  JT! said:
Avid BB7.

Trying to avoid that one now. Its broken 3 times. I bent the calliper just by pulling the lever hard twice, and yesterday it just exploded and fired the internals everywhere.

Its a shame cause I spent 40quid on a lever and cable :blink:

Basicaly, I want the same bite + lock as an avid but without the power fade.

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Any 203mm disc on a mod bike would be like a switch though :blink:

For ultimate power, its gotta be a BB7.

The Mono trial offers loads of modulation, great bite and power, and would be (well, it is) my choice.

The only Hayes 9 I've tried was a 203mm, and it wasn't very good at all.

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  Adam@TartyBikes said:
For ultimate power, its gotta be a BB7.

The Mono trial offers loads of modulation, great bite and power, and would be (well, it is) my choice.

So you saying my avid will have better power than a mono trial?

Oh yeah, did your avid used to flex like a beast? Mine did. I was using an XTR cable and that was fully stretched but the calliper arm used to bend and flex.

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my hayes is very on and off. sometimes it can be ace and work really well other times for no apparent reason it goes shitty.

also mine doesnt seem to like getting wet, cause when it gets soaked its like it has had oil on it which is very strange.

im going to be getting a mono trial on pay day though.

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I would say get the Juicy 7, its still avid and if the BB7 has amaing locking power then imagine what power the hydro version will have. Also if you have say a 203mm BB& buy the 185 Juicy 7, save some money and also get a choice on rotors as you will have both of the mouting brackets in the 185mm and the 203mm with a disc to fit both. So if it has too much power at 203mm then try the 185mm and vice versa.

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My mates mono trial with hope gothix rotor is pretty beasty, seems to work well. By far the nicest front disk i have ever tried was when waynio had one of them hope mono 6 pot ti things on the front off his bike, that was awesome. Had lovely feel to it and great power and modulation, heavy though


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Well I'm quite tempted to get this http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=4791

Mainly due to the fact that its SOOOOO adjustable just like the avid, and if it is anything like my BB7 then it should be awesome.

Iv had the BB7 for a couple of months over a year, recon I can get some warrenty on it?


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Cloooooose topic :lol:

Just ordered a Juicy Seven DH 185. I figured that seing as it has the same pads and my BB7 its going to be just as good, but it going to have even more modulation! (Y) Also I'm gonna loooove the adjustability on it like my BB7.

Yay, thankyou mummy for lending me money :o

Sam :blink:

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  James_Porter said:
my hayes is very on and off. sometimes it can be ace and work really well other times for no apparent reason it goes shitty.

also mine doesnt seem to like getting wet, cause when it gets soaked its like it has had oil on it which is very strange.

im going to be getting a mono trial on pay day though.

Mine is like that i think it is because of the black pads that are supplied with it,But im getting some new pads. I would say get the Hayes and you will love it.

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Juicey 7 or a Matra sl (180mm rotor).

Remember to get your mounts faced as well, which would increase the power of hold and bite :S

Avid bb5/7 tend to break rather than brake :S :S If you get a good un, then theyre good, but do you really want a disk brake that has a possibility of the calliper snapping off( think gaps up to front wheel on rails :S )

Hope/Try-all 190mm Mono Trials? Imagine the 180mm version, but just alot better :D

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  Team War Rider said:
Probaboly sound a tard but how does facing the mount gain you any power? I really cant see how.

so the caliper will be in a better position so the pads hit the rotor at a square angle.

its like having a maggie pad set up at a wank angle (not faced)

compared to a really well set up pad, ie pads hitting the rim square (faced)

sorry if that makes no sense, i know what im trying to say in my head, just cant get it accross in text. also i might be wrong, aha.

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Mono trial disc is probably the best but it is a bit tempremental. Played about for ages trying to set mine up, and then when i finally thought I had done it after the first ride it was rubbing again. :S Stil has a nice lever feel, and has to be the nicest looking brake out there no matter what any one says. I also like the fact that it has to bolts on the lever clamp so that you can install/remove it without taking the grip off.

On the other hand I have been using a 04 Magura louise freeride on my woodstock and that is also a very nice brake. Probably more reliable than the hope and is a bit cheaper £99.99 at CRC.

Which ever you choose they are both awesome. :D

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