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Time Travel

Gaz M

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Im bored and things like this interest me, just googled a few things and found this

"The Theory Of Time Travel

Albert Einstein's theory of relativity suggests that time slows down the nearer to the speed of light an object goes - therefore if an object was traveling at the speed of light itself ( 300,000,000 m/s ) then time would stop completely. From there, exceeding this speed would cause the whole process to go backwards, and in theory at least, you would actually be traveling backwards in time. Unfortunately it is thought impossible to reach the speed of light, generally due to the "infinite mass" brought on as a result of speeds comparable to that of light.

Whether time travel will ever be a reality is very difficult to say, as there is no real guarantee that it is even possible at all. Some suggest that 'suspended animation' could be regarded as time travel into the future, but physical time travel into the past appears to be a lot less likely. However it remains to be seen whether or not we will ever possess the technology required to create a 'time machine' so to speak. Perhaps one day science will surprise us all."

i dont posses the intellect to fully understand that so could someone shed light on what "suspended animation" is? also does anyone know of any other theories of why it can/cant be possible. also another topic which we could put into this thread would be urban myth's

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But if time travel was ever invented then surely we would know about it because of people travelling back, but then they would have to be careful otherwise we would find out and change the future.

Guess we just gotta wait n see.

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Or you can jump into a passing black hole and hopefully come out the back in one piece in a different time.

How'd you work that one out? (Y)

A black hole is an object of such huge mass and tiny size that it has an unimagineable gravitational force. It's not a portal into another dimension haha

A wormhole on the other hand might be different, but I can't be assed to look up on wormhole theories at this time of day...

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How'd you work that one out?  (Y)

A black hole is an object of such huge mass and tiny size that it has an unimagineable gravitational force.  It's not a portal into another dimension haha

A wormhole on the other hand might be different, but I can't be assed to look up on wormhole theories at this time of day...

I didn't some physicist did, they reckon if you jump into a blackhole once you come out the other side (a balck hole apparently rips a hole on space) you will be somewhere else. This change in location will probably also include a change in time.

The only problem is surviving the black hole. (Y)"

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Well, its not just any black hole they believe we can enter. scientists believe there are 'kerr holes' these are rotating blak holes, might not have a singularity (the bit where you everything gets completely crushed) so if they dont have a singularity, they think that it is safe for people to travel through without being killed, they beleive on the other side they will exit through white holes which do the opposite to black holes and isntead of taking all matter it, it throws it out, so they believe this could be a means of time travelling, or just moving through space to 'parallel dimensions'

about moving at the speed of light, i dont really think it can be possible because i think the amout of G's that would be there would be crazy and you would simply be crushed and flattened into whatever you were sitting in.

also you dont necessarily have to be going at the speed of light either you can go close to the speed of light and still reach time travel because as you got closer to the speed of light time would start to slow down, but not as quickly as it would if you were at the speed of light.

Edited by Bondy
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No in a nutshell (Y)

With relativity it is possible to send yourself off whizzing round at the speed of light and time will be instant for you but continuing as normal back on yee old earth or whereever.

Trouble is to travel the speed of light you need to have zero mass.

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I dont think its possible, cause how would your atoms be able to travel back into the past, maybe you could make a car fast enough to travvel back like on back to the future, just you would have to buy some plutonium for that, and beleive me, you cant buy that at your local corner shop!

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I've always thought ( whether accurate or not ) that it's not at all possible to physically possible to travel through time... this is gonna be hard to explain..

basically, to me, time is something that we use to measure.... er... time

we measure a distance in metres.... so its like we travel along metres the same as we a we travel along a timeline.... we dont travel through metres and likewise can not travel through time.

I know this is really vague but its my theory thingo ??

time is a non-physical thing that we created and therefore is not a conduit for us to travel.


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c2=speed of light squared

can be rewritten as m=c2/E

since energy cannot be made, as you speed up, mass increases exponentially

before you reach the speed of light you will have an infinite mass, which is impossible

I remember this from ages ago so its probably not 100% right, but basically, we cant travel at the speed of light.

Also, it was only thought that black holes could be used as "portals" if light cannot escape them. Unfortunately for us , especially sam, Big steve hawkins found out that light can escape from them so time travels not possible that way either.

We gotta keep dreaming though...

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c2=speed of light squared

can be rewritten as m=c2/E

since energy cannot be made, as you speed up, mass increases exponentially

before you reach the speed of light you will have an infinite mass, which is impossible

If anyone knows the exact theory id like to remember it again...

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My Theories:

1. Run really fast backwards.

2. Go back in time in spirit

3. Go on ebvay and buy the Back To The Future car! (might not be on ebay..haven't looked)

4. Get everyone in the world to do everything backwards..and soon you will be back in time..clocks can be made to go backwards etc.

5. Sit and do all these fancy explanations and after many many years of finding out how to do it...do it.


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Traveling back in time is impossible FACT. You can kind of go forward in the sense you do not age and the world carrys on as normal. But as has been said you have to go the speed of light for which you need to have zero mass because as you approach the speed of light your mass increases exponentially so you in theory have infinite mass. At cern they can make individual atoms get to about 99% the speed of light.

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I dont posses the intellect to fully understand that so could someone shed light on what "suspended animation" is?

If its what I think your thinking of its where you freeze say your mind and body etc so you can then be woken up and mind and body-wise you'll have missed a big section of time. Reading that back that sounds more like cryogenically freezing yourself but its got something to do with that, maybe.

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It's all bullshit. Keyword in the theory of relativity is 'suggests'. Scientists don't know shit, they then build upon the shit they think they know, with more shit theories on top of other shit. How the f**king hell can someone say 'to travel the speed of light you need zero mass', or 'when you travel at the speed of light, time stops completely'?


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Well, its not just any black hole they believe we can enter. scientists believe there are 'kerr holes' these are rotating blak holes, might not have a singularity (the bit where you  everything gets completely crushed) so if they dont have a singularity, they think that it is safe for people to travel through without being killed, they beleive on the other side they will exit through white holes which do the opposite to black holes and isntead of taking all matter it, it throws it out, so they believe this could be a means of time travelling, or just moving through space to 'parallel dimensions'

about moving at the speed of light, i dont really think it can be possible because i think the amout of G's that would be there would be crazy and you would simply be crushed and flattened into whatever you were sitting in.

also you dont necessarily have to be going at the speed of light either you can go close to the speed of light and still reach time travel because as you got closer to the speed of light time would start to slow down, but not as quickly as it would if you were at the speed of light.

They're making shit up. BULL SHIT.

I dont think its possible, cause how would your atoms be able to travel back into the past, maybe you could make a car fast enough to travvel back like on back to the future, just you would have to buy some plutonium for that, and beleive me, you cant buy that at your local corner shop!

Plutonium would help how?




c2=speed of light squared

can be rewritten as m=c2/E

since energy cannot be made, as you speed up, mass increases exponentially

before you reach the speed of light you will have an infinite mass, which is impossible

I remember this from ages ago so its probably not 100% right, but basically, we cant travel at the speed of light.

Also, it was only thought that black holes could be used as "portals" if light cannot escape them. Unfortunately for us , especially sam, Big steve hawkins found out that light can escape from them so time travels not possible that way either.

We gotta keep dreaming though...

Huge contradiction, proving that theory bullshit - if you're right. And if it's right (which it most likely isn't), it's still bullshit.

Apologies for the skepticism, and no offence to anyone who thought I was having a go at you. Time travel is a joke, and won't happen.

Edited by Smo
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If its what I think your thinking of its where you freeze say your mind and body etc so you can then be woken up and mind and body-wise you'll have missed a big section of time. Reading that back that sounds more like cryogenically freezing yourself but its got something to do with that, maybe.

Yeah thats basically it. You freeze yourself down to absolute zero so none of your atoms are moving anymore (I think), then in the future when they have the technology they wake you up and defrost you.

I don't think time travel will be possible, if it was people from the future would have already been back here doing stuff and as its human nature for someone to make a right mess of it, someone would have been noticed by now. Also time is not something you can see or feel or whatever, its just sort of constantly going on, if you were going to reverse the effect of time I would have thought it would effect everyone not just the person trying to travel, as everyone is experiencing time at the same time, erm (Y) that makes hardly any sense and my brain is starting to get confused.

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Also time is not something you can see or feel or whatever, its just sort of constantly going on, if you were going to reverse the effect of time I would have thought it would effect everyone not just the person trying to travel, as everyone is experiencing time at the same time, erm (Y) that makes hardly any sense and my brain is starting to get confused.

Maybe there have been "rewinds" then, and a select few found a way to continue knowing the future. So they have prevented things. Never know do you. (Y)

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It's all bullshit. Keyword in the theory of relativity is 'suggests'. Scientists don't know shit, they then build upon the shit they think they know, with more shit theories on top of other shit. How the f**king hell can someone say 'to travel the speed of light you need zero mass', or 'when you travel at the speed of light, time stops completely'?


No it isn't bull shit time dilation has been proven with atomic clocks sent round the world in fighter jets.

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