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Which part?

Trials isn't strength. Especialy in comps. If you get the techniquite spot on, you can do it without even getting out of breath.

You have to throw the bike around more physically over off-camber terrain, roots, rocks, on muddy banks and so on. When you dab, you sometimes have to lift the bike up and over something, which is all strength. If you go to put the power down and the wheel spins, it's strength to stop yourself bodily and correct it. If the bike slides on, say, a muddy bank or on a wet rock, it's strength to throw it back where it needs to be or just to hold on.

If you look at any of the worlds top riders riding sections, you'll hear them breathing out heavily quite often just because it is physically tiring to ride them, and they're just controlling their breathing. Backhopping or just hopping constantly takes strength and stamina, and as they're the basis of ALL moves, you're wrong. Plus comps do take in different contours and so on so you actually have to pedal harder at times.

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You have to throw the bike around more physically over off-camber terrain, roots, rocks, on muddy banks and so on.  When you dab, you sometimes have to lift the bike up and over something, which is all strength.  If you go to put the power down and the wheel spins, it's strength to stop yourself bodily and correct it.  If the bike slides on, say, a muddy bank or on a wet rock, it's strength to throw it back where it needs to be or just to hold on.

If you look at any of the worlds top riders riding sections, you'll hear them breathing out heavily quite often just because it is physically tiring to ride them, and they're just controlling their breathing.  Backhopping or just hopping constantly takes strength and stamina, and as they're the basis of ALL moves, you're wrong.  Plus comps do take in different contours and so on so you actually have to pedal harder at times.

I can see where your comming from, but i wouldn't call a push down on a pedal, or a sidehop 'strength'. Well obviously you need some sort of strength or you'd just be lieing on the floor in a big pile of goo.

Something like the running, that is 98% strength (at a non professional stage) now i can understand why women would have a dissadvantage there.

Also, even if women do have a physical dissadvantage, by how much is it? Again refering to running, there isn't that much difference between males and females. Nothing realy noticeable. So why should there be in trials? It's down to the mental side of it.

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Your just now seing it?  :blink:

She got way less dabs than I did last comp I went to.  :lol:

I still dissagree with saying 'female ridiers arn't as good as male riders because their bodys are different'. As trials is mostly technique,a nd very littlely based on strength. I personly think, like i said earlier, it's all in the mind.

im 100% with you on that one!!

and thats coming from a girl..

it IS all in the mind you just have to know how to use it, in that way

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im 100% with you on that one!!

and thats coming from a girl..

it IS all in the mind you just have to know how to use it, in that way

So a 6 stone 8 year old girl could learn how to backwheel 50" without putting on any muscle whatsoever??? I dont think so...

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yeah... it is possible.. obviously she'd be very good by the time she would of got the my age lol

suppose you do have to have abit of muscle to hold a bike up on back wheel.. but not much.. just like every other person learning.. your going to acke..

i'm just waiting for the day a girl just makes everyone of you speechless.. THEN i will LMFAO!!

Edited by crazy_gap girl
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yeah... it is possible.. obviously she'd be very good by the time she  would of got the my age lol

suppose you do have to have abit of muscle to hold a bike up on back wheel.. but not much.. just like every other person learning.. your going to acke..

i'm just waiting for the day a girl just makes everyone of you speechless.. THEN i will LMFAO!!

So if you need a bit muscle to hold the bike on the backwheel, how much do you need to jump with a bike higher than most people can jump bikeless? Or do the pros do it with their mind? :blink:

The day one girl makes everyone speechless is when she drops the bike and gets her arse back in the kitchen... (Y)

If a woman got to the top mans level in trials, she will obviously have sort of hormone problem, or be pumped up to the eyeballs on steroids. We will see, when this amazing girl you speak of comes along, if she has a hairy back then it doesnt count :lol:

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If she has a hairy back then it doesnt count  :blink:

Or a hairy dick, then she definetely don't count.

I might not ride, but I can still appreciate skilled riders. If some girl came along and tapped like 8 foot I wouldn't say. That was shite. But it will never happen.

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So if you need a bit muscle to hold the bike on the backwheel, how much do you need to jump with a bike higher than most people can jump bikeless? Or do the pros do it with their mind?  :blink:

The day one girl makes everyone speechless is when she drops the bike and gets her arse back in the kitchen...  (Y)

If a woman got to the top mans level in trials, she will obviously have sort of hormone problem, or be pumped up to the eyeballs on steroids. We will see, when this amazing girl you speak of comes along, if she has a hairy back then it doesnt count  :lol:

oh my god you sexist load of bastards!!

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If it weren't for the Spice Girls you wouldn't think like that. Wrecking this country with their "Girl Power" rubbish.

nahh.. your just gonna be one of them husbands that brings his wife down with all the crap.. making her feel bad about her self...

people like you make me so mad, stupid stereotypical selfish b*****d!

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nahh.. your just gonna be one of them husbands that brings his wife down with all the crap.. making her feel bad about her self...

people like you make me so mad, stupid stereotypical selfish b*****d!

HAHA, you sure you want to make that judgement :blink:

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already have mate :blink:

Ok, I'll go through this slowly. I've already told my girlfriend that if we're still together and she wants to study something at a higher level I'll drop out of whatever I'm doing and get a job to pay for her to do it. I'm currently making my girlfriend a birthday card. You don't know me and obviously shouldn't make judgements about me or anyone else on this forum without meeting us in real life. Yet, alot of people feel it neccessary to judge me especially and have a go. So yeah, shut up.

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oh my god you sexist load of bastards!!

What!? Women don't have a proper idea of sexism at all... or equality... women can get into mens jobs with much less qualifications, can sue men and win with no evidence, can blackmail men at the drop of a hat, and think making a meal is sexist. In most families, once the wife has had a baby, she doesnt go back to work for the rest of her life. DOS!!!! Even my wife doesnt understand mothers who say staying home and looking after a baby and keeping the house clean is harder than a full time job at managerial position. Women get life soooo easy, and can get what ever they want when they want. Most women have no idea of the meaning of hard work, tiredness, pain, they have very protected lives.

Women have a much easier stab at life than men, so don't give me crap about sexism.

EDIT: British women, that is

An example would be, why does a little chav girl get very mouthy a bloke of twice her weight? Because she knows how to play the sexism game, how to use it to her advantage.

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What!? Women don't have a proper idea of sexism at all... or equality... women can get into mens jobs with much less qualifications, can sue men and win with no evidence, can blackmail men at the drop of a hat, and think making a meal is sexist. In most families, once the wife has had a baby, she doesnt go back to work for the rest of her life. DOS!!!! Even my wife doesnt understand mothers who say staying home and looking after a baby and keeping the house clean is harder than a full time job at managerial position. Women get life soooo easy, and can get what ever they want when they want. Most women have no idea of the meaning of hard work, tiredness, pain, they have very protected lives.

Women have a much easier stab at life than men, so don't give me crap about sexism.

Being the victim is the in thing. White, straight, males have it hard.

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Ok, I'll go through this slowly. I've already told my girlfriend that if we're still together and she wants to study something at a higher level I'll drop out of whatever I'm doing and get a job to pay for her to do it. I'm currently making my girlfriend a birthday card. You don't know me and obviously shouldn't make judgements about me or anyone else on this forum without meeting us in real life. Yet, alot of people feel it neccessary to judge me especially and have a go. So yeah, shut up.

well said!.. but didnt need a life story..

men seem to think they have to wear the shoes.. NO!.. i dont know why males in general always think that.. always one over women.. take alook at thatcher(sp) she showed alot of women it was posible to become priminister.. and i dont care wether the counrty was run badly at that time..

im not saying all males are like that.. my boyfriend for one is NOT!..

but just chill out n give us a chance ffs!

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but just chill out n give us a chance ffs!

Like the chance you gave me? And I see you're taking on the victims role.

My mum doesn't have a problem with cleaning, cooking etc. Oh and that wasn't exactly a life story was it. I dunno if you were trying to be funny or are just a little slow. But I just pointed out 3 things, I hope more than that has happened in your life :blink:

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Like the chance you gave me? And I see you're taking on the victims role.

My mum doesn't have a problem with cleaning, cooking etc. Oh and that wasn't exactly a life story was it. I dunno if you were trying to be funny or are just a little slow. But I just pointed out 3 things, I hope more than that has happened in your life :blink:

give you a chance for what..? give your own mouth a chance why dont you..

there again always asscoicating women with cooking and the kitchin.. only women,

i dont mind it either.. and neither shoud you so..

my dad cooks more than my mum

my mum does but not as much

.. but she cleans..

my dad works

my mum dont


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I beleive that women can if they try, achieve what men can do. But whats the point. Why try to be something your not. Why the comparing two clearly unequal objects in a fruitless search to make them equal!? I would love to be a house husband while Karen goes to work! All day with a few chores, and the rest of the time to go see friends (theyd all have to be female becuase thered be no other house husbands). Who ever earns the most when we have a kid will be the one who stays on working, so my luck may be good!

Its not a case of men thinking they are the ones wearing the trousers (not shoes you silly billy), its women thinking they are missing out because they are not. Believe me, its a big responsibility, and not something fun or exciting! women need to stop acting like the kid without the ball, trying to get what ever they dont have, becuase they are entitled to a much better, easier life then men, something they would be crazy to pass up. There are less marriages now because women want to be men, leaving noone to for the men to marry. Which goes to show something is obviously wrong with it.

Women, stop trying to prove yourselves all the time!

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give you a chance for what..? give your own mouth a chance why dont you..

there again always asscoicating women with cooking and the kitchin.. only women,

i dont mind it either.. and neither shoud you so..

my dad cooks more than my mum

my mum does but not as much

.. but she cleans..

my dad works

my mum dont


Sounds equal... I can clean a house from top to bottom in an hour... compared to a 8-9hour day, plus travel, that doesnt sound even slightly equal to me.

Prove us wrong, get a clever, high paying job in engineering, buy a house, get a car, and become an amazing trials rider

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Sounds equal... I can clean a house from top to bottom in an hour... compared to a 8-9hour day, plus travel, that doesnt sound even slightly equal to me.

Prove us wrong, get a clever, high paying job in engineering, buy a house, get a car, and become an amazing trials rider

do the last thing you said.. and u dont need a clever high payed job but youv got all the rest :S

why do you think women should stop trying to prove them selfs..?

the reson for this is because. some women want to get a decent living. to love their job which is also i high payed one.... to me its better!!.. independence is always the way of a women..

it just shows how much males dont understand women.. lol and thank god they never wil!!

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do the last thing you said.. and u dont need a clever high payed job but youv got all the rest :D

why do you think women should stop trying to prove them selfs..?

the reson for this is because. some women want to get a decent living. to love their job which is also i high payed one.... to me its better!!.. independence is always the way of a women..

it just shows how much males dont understand women.. lol and thank god they never wil!!

:S Apart from that post being utterly hilarious that point stood out the most. Women aren't independent, if they were they wouldn't need men for anything at all. If this was the case the male of the species would of died out, how would you open your jars. If women wanted to prove themselves we wouldn't have feminists saying things ain't fair. If they wanted to prove themselves they should do it against all odds, just like in the First World War, that got them the vote.

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