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What? They now sell female skate clothes? That has nothing to do with sponsorship. Until you find me a list of female skaters that's a similar ratio to to the ratio of male:female sponsored riders I will give up. But at the moment it seems you're just trying to say there are sponsored female skaters, but there just ain't many, which is my point. :)

what the f**k are you on about? they ain't that many sponsered female riders anyway. take a look at this forum -






lee (mr koxx)






and loads others that i can't be bothered to list

i you had a team and had five male riders, sponsering a girl rider as well, will probably bring in more cash than another male rider (unless it was a big name)

plus sponsering a female rider is good for the sport and to those that have got sponsered, well done to them. so what if there standard ain't as good as the blokes - it ain't in most sports!

yeah i can't name loads of sponsered girl skaters, but i am sure they are them. all the ones that went to the x games were (probably) sponsered for a start.

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My point is Skateboarding is one of the biggest sports in the world. So you could churn out 100 male sponsored skater names for 1 female, easily. Yet in trials I can name 2 that I know of and I wouldn't say I'm really in the scene. Susanne from Sweden and Nadine, so yeah. Watch videos of them and then compare them to the level of the male riders who are sponsored by the same companys.

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My point is Skateboarding is one of the biggest sports in the world. So you could churn out 100 male sponsored skater names for 1 female, easily. Yet in trials I can name 2 that I know of and I wouldn't say I'm really in the scene. Susanne from Sweden and Nadine, so yeah. Watch videos of them and then compare them to the level of the male riders who are sponsored by the same companys.

yeah but watch videos of the best male skaters compared to female skaters and they are outclassed just as much - remember elissa steamer has been skating hell of a long time.

you spend most of the day on a trials forum, of course the likelyhood that you have heard of female riders, how many male sponsered riders could you name? do you spend the same amount of time on skateboarding forums

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yeah but watch videos of the best male skaters compared to female skaters and they are outclassed just as much - remember elissa steamer has been skating hell of a long time.

you spend most of the day on a trials forum, of course the likelyhood that you have heard of female riders, how many male sponsered riders could you name? do you spend the same amount of time on skateboarding forums

No, I spend part of my time on skate forums, but not as much on here. I could still probably name more sponsored male skaters than male trials riders though. Watching skate videos of male then female you are obviously going to notice a difference, but it seems in trials the difference is much much bigger. Elissa Steamer has pulled of 720s most male skaters do that aswell, usually 540s on vert though for the obvious reason of not having to ride switch. So the gap isn't that big. Whereas, you, in my opinion are a pretty decent rider, now watch a video of someone like yourself, if memory servers me correct you ain't sponsored, then watch Monty Susanne (Ain't having a go or anything) Who's sponsored directly by Monty Sweden. Now tell me you don't see something a tad wrong. :)"

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No, I spend part of my time on skate forums, but not as much on here. I could still probably name more sponsored male skaters than male trials riders though. Watching skate videos of male then female you are obviously going to notice a difference, but it seems in trials the difference is much much bigger. Elissa Steamer has pulled of 720s most male skaters do that aswell, usually 540s on vert though for the obvious reason of not having to ride switch. So the gap isn't that big. Whereas, you, in my opinion are a pretty decent rider, now watch a video of someone like yourself, if memory servers me correct you ain't sponsored, then watch Monty Susanne (Ain't having a go or anything) Who's sponsored directly by Monty Sweden. Now tell me you don't see something a tad wrong. (Y)"

actually i am a sponsered by egg credit cards :) :sick: (Y) but thats a bad thing! but no i don't anything wrong with monty sponsering susanne over me, i may be better, but obviously i would just be another bloke rider. where as susanne could be/become the next femina world champ. which is probably better for monty.

maybe it's due to the fact that trials is more comp orienated, so a lot of the more comp orientated companies have the idea, if someone is riding a comp its better to have them with your logo's on their back, etc!

the x games have only just introduced woman's street and there was no big money prize, it wasn't partically shown on tv. whereas trials has had the 'femina' catagory in trials for ages.

maybe trials companies are just more open to women riders than skate companies, i dunno!


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I was just tryna say that I think, because of someone's sex they shouldn't be put ahead of a rider who's a gillion times betters. I think it's a little unfair.

not if the person they are sponsoring is being used to open up a new area of sales to a whole new group of people. they hope it will encourage more females to ride and therefore have more customers. simple marketing,

also there is nothing to say the best riders should be sponsored, sponorship is for the people who best endorce a company be that with there approach, communication skills, or reputation plus there ability. it is no use sponsoring a complete wanker even if they are good as it is not the right image for many company's.

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I was just tryna say that I think, because of someone's sex they shouldn't be put ahead of a rider who's a gillion times betters. I think it's a little unfair.

Say you've got some 10yr old, who's say at my level of riding.

Who's gonna get sponcered?

Oh yeah, I thought this might be of a lot of help to you ape. :)



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some companies dont sponsor people because they are good riders... mainly because they want advertising...

Yeah, look at DiamondBack - they sponsored Martin Hawyes, who by todays standards isn't exactly the best rider, but is famous and can give the bikes a 'cool' image - given the choice between him and some geeky looking kid (whose name nobody knows) in lycra who can bunnyhop up a 70" rock in a World Round I'd pick Hawyes every time.

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sponsorship is all about getting there company name out there.

whats the piont in sponsoring a guy thats the best but doesnt ever get the company name out there.

monty sponsor a person in everycatagory probably. just to show that there bike can do everything.


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What the hell is up with the sponsorship in Trials?

Basically I've been watching many videos recently and seeing riders who are pretty under par that are sponsored. Ok, they're mainly girls. Now shush before you say I'm sexist, and I do realise girls are never gonna be as good as guys, and don't call me sexist for that either, because the female body is not built for as much physical punishment as the male body. 

I can see why companies are doing it, to try and make trials seem like a more lady friendly sport. But on less you're on some hefty drugs you can see it isn't, it requires alot of explosive power, something that you don't usually see in sports females play, even if you push the boat out to Rugby, it does involve strength but it's more enduranced based.

Anyway back to the point, sponsorship should be skill based, sex, or sexual preference, shouldn't matter. This isn't a dig at anyone or anything, and you can't say it isn't because I want to be sponsored. As I don't ride :) Nevertheless, I think this is a pretty major problem, as girls may see another girl riding and think "Wow if she's that good and is sponsored it can't be that hard." Then see guys riding to a much higher standard and they'll be put off the sport because they'll think "Well if she's sponsored and is only that good, to make myself an equal to a guy I'm going to have to be amazingly good." It might bring them into the sport but they aren't going to stay. 

I mean no offence to anyone, this was not a direct attack. More of an attack towards the people who are sponsoring people because they are a minority. Also to gather views, I know what most of them are going to be. Some bullshit about how it encourages them to ride more, if they need to be sponsored to ride more maybe they shouldn't ride?



you do know id read this sooner or later...

its not like i get asked it nearly everyday..

your just yet another simple minded person (Y)

i don't know why i'm sponsored.. just about every rider would love to be sponsored.. i wouldn't really care if i wasn't, but there isn't really and shouldn't be any major differece between the two sexes riding trials.. its just that its incredibly rare for girls to take part and maybe you should stop going on about it like you just have ^^^^^^^^ and just get on with your own riding.. maybe try get your self a sponsor to make you shut up (Y) and appreciate it a little more

sorry if it harsh.. but i am now seeing that you do post aload of shite..and you come across alittle big for your boots.

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you do know id read this sooner or later...

its not like i get asked it nearly everyday..

your just yet another simple minded person :blink: 

i don't know why i'm sponsored.. just about every rider would love to be sponsored.. i wouldn't really care if i wasn't, but there isn't really and shouldn't be any major differece between the two sexes riding trials.. its just that its incredibly rare for girls to take part and maybe you should stop going on about it like you just have ^^^^^^^^ and just get on with your own riding.. maybe try get your self a sponsor to make you shut up :lol:  and appreciate it a little more

sorry if it harsh.. but i am now seeing that you do post aload of shite..and you come across alittle big for your boots.

Sorry but I don't ride, so you're getting an opinion that isn't bias. And I actually think you're one of the better girl riders. You think I would care if you read it? Big deal, I wouldn't of minded if you had. But as usual you play the card that's the easiest way to get out of it, calling me simple minded and basically implying I'm sexist. Maybe, just maybe you should try understanding my posts and understanding what I mean, before getting the general jist and thinking you can have a go.

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so... tell me what the WHOLE point in "your" post is..?

Well from what you said, you think I'm saying girl riders shouldn't get sponsored I take it? I was saying it's ok for girl riders to be sponsored. But not just because they are girls, I know I post shit alot of the time and I never get to the point, but still. I was trying to say just because it's a girl on a a bike they shouldn't be sponsored. They should have to have some skill.

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Well from what you said, you think I'm saying girl riders shouldn't get sponsored I take it? I was saying it's ok for girl riders to be sponsored. But not just because they are girls, I know I post shit alot of the time and I never get to the point, but still. I was trying to say just because it's a girl on a a bike they shouldn't be sponsored. They should have to have some skill.

fair enough..

but for a girl to do any of what males do is a skill to them.. like you said our bodyies arn't physicly made to do things like that....

but i could tell you a few resons why some of the girls ARE sponsored..

lois is because purly she is awsome at natural for a girl though.. at the brits we was riding the same route as some of the really good riders.. and she gets low points.. its kinda like youv gotta see to believe..

i can also say sam howling(sp) not that i know of is NOT sponsored and she still gets some damn good results..

so it souldnt really matter if a girl is or isnt sponsored.. there isnt many and to the companies point of veiw to have a girl in a male populated sport promoting the company then the girl and the company is obvisouly going to get seen which is more that 5 male riders put together

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Some girl who Mark is obsessed with, got sponsored by MAD (I think) for turning up on a bike. Mark's words not mine. He also thinks she looks a bit manly.

Haha, you were the one who said it was 'cos she turned up on a bike...

Anyway, Rachel Burdett tried doing the original Hop Idol, but didn't get past the qualifiers, I don't think. Anyhoo, MAD sponsored her.

The key point I was raising though was that she was a little on the manly side, and it was related to your post. But never mind...

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Haha, you were the one who said it was 'cos she turned up on a bike...

Anyway, Rachel Burdett tried doing the original Hop Idol, but didn't get past the qualifiers, I don't think.  Anyhoo, MAD sponsored her.

The key point I was raising though was that she was a little on the manly side, and it was related to your post.  But never mind...

I get enough stick on here, don't try and pass the blame.

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sorry if it harsh.. but i am now seeing that you do post aload of shite..and you come across alittle big for your boots.

Your just now seing it? :blink:

i can also say sam howling(sp) not that i know of is NOT sponsored and she still gets some damn good results..

She got way less dabs than I did last comp I went to. :lol:

I still dissagree with saying 'female ridiers arn't as good as male riders because their bodys are different'. As trials is mostly technique,a nd very littlely based on strength. I personly think, like i said earlier, it's all in the mind.

Edited by JT!
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I still dissagree with saying 'female ridiers arn't as good as male riders because their bodys are different'. As trials is mostly technique,a nd very littlely based on strength. I personly think, like i said earlier, it's all in the mind.

That's incorrect.

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That's incorrect.

Which part?

Trials isn't strength. Especialy in comps. If you get the techniquite spot on, you can do it without even getting out of breath.

In street, it's more strength, but still technique plays a bigger part than strength does.

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