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Which Is More Fun To Just Pick Up And Play


Which would say is more "user friendly" if you will?  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. Which would say is more "user friendly" if you will?

    • BMX
    • Trials

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I have done both, I sold the bmx............theres your answer.

7 years ago I saw trials, so thats what I got into and I love it. Maybe if I had seen bmx 7 years ago, I would have gotten into that instead.

I found it hard to ride both sports, bmx is soo different to comp trials. One problem I had was that I was just really scared of falling on the bmx.

I also didnt like the weight, and all the sharp sticky out bits like pegs and pedals, they would always get me.

Another thing I didnt like was the brakes, I spent loads on the best calipers, pads, cables, rims and it was still crap, I just cant trust a bike with crap brakes.

even though I was crap (another reason I didnt enjoy it as much) I never really tried dangerouse stuff, but I always came home hurt after riding it. I just got fed up of it and gave up.

so I recken trials is easier to pick up and ride, there are more places to ride, its more fun and more satisfying

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If you can ride a bike normally, bmx is easier to pick up and just have a bash at

Trials is more accessable as there are always walls etc really.

Both are as expensive although BMX is probably cheaper to get started

At the top end, Id say trials is more demanding mentally and physically. But for outright balls and bike confidence, bmx probably takes it

Swings and roundabouts

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I'd say trials is easier to get into at a low level. It seems to me that with BMX you really need to have quite a lot of balls right from the start if you intend to actually achieve anything, whereas with trials it's quite easy to play around with a lot of slow tech stuff until you build some confidence.

Although if you've got balls the size of watermelons I guess bmx could be more fun to start with as you can probably pull off things that feel a lot more impressive with less skills than you need to do something equally impressive on a trials bike.

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I voted "BMX" just because I the option that really does it for me isn't there- Freeriding.

I ride all the time with BMXers, and when we ride on the street, I ride with trials style, mostly, and with a little BMX style, and a "whatever I wanna try" style (I ride a Giant STP mountain bike). (So I think that's freeriding? :"> ) Either way, BMX is a little easier becuase at the lower levels, it requires less skill and more speed (speed=fun?). Trials is trickier because in order to do it you need a lot of balance and practice.

For some people, trials is definitely more user friendly (and they probably have great balance), but for people like me, I just like to ride fast and bunnyhop up and down things :P" .

Great topic. :rolleyes: :">

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I think if your going to just pick a bike up and go riding on your tod then BMX is going to be quicker, you just ride down the local park/trails whatever and jump about as much as you want, trials is ride to all local spots, get used to em, get your technique back, get into it, exert loads of effort, etc etc. But maybe Trials is more fun? Don't know!

James (Y)

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I have done both, I sold the bmx............theres your answer.

7 years ago I saw trials, so thats what I got into and I love it. Maybe if I had seen bmx 7 years ago, I would have gotten into that instead.

I found it hard to ride both sports, bmx is soo different to comp trials. One problem I had was that I was just really scared of falling on the bmx.

I also didnt like the weight, and all the sharp sticky out bits like pegs and pedals, they would always get me.

Another thing I didnt like was the brakes, I spent loads on the best calipers, pads, cables, rims and it was still crap, I just cant trust a bike with crap brakes.

even though I was crap (another reason I didnt enjoy it as much) I never really tried dangerouse stuff, but I always came home hurt after riding it. I just got fed up of it and gave up.

so I recken trials is easier to pick up and ride, there are more places to ride, its more fun and more satisfying

Maybe BMX would be more satisfying if you had stuck with it and got to a high level as you are at Trials Ali? I think BMX is definately harder because you can't half arse tricks or jumps etc. Hard to explain. Both are fun, I think both have awesome people that ride it that can have a laugh, although I think Trials is a younger riders sport at the mo.


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I kinda see where Tom's coming from with this. I was trying to do a manual line at our local ramp where you like pop out of the ramp, manual along the deck, hop up to backwheel onto the edge of the extension, then back into the ramp. On my BMX, it's a b*****d 'cos you've got to be *so* precise with it, just getting into it, but also 'cos you have to be able to apply pressure which will in effect be forcing the back wheel down as you hop. Anyway, on my BMX it's a mission just because I can't rely on ultra powerful brakes and knobbly, grippy tyres. Don't get me wrong - my BMX's brake is damn good, but it's not as good at holding as my Magura is. You HAVE to be accurate with it, and because of the nature of a lot of moves in skateparks/street/trails, it's balls out first time almost every time, whereas with trials with a lot of stuff you can work up to it a lot more easily...

I can't really answer though, 'cos I love riding my BMX now, but I still feel the urge to ride the T-Pro every now and again too...

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Ive had a go on a few peoples bmx's and i have to say it does seem like a sport i would want to get in to, the jumping side of it. Nothing else.. the whole idea of riding street etc and flatland just.. scares me it just feels like theres a lump of steel under you trying to hurt you at any chance it can get. I'd go for trials.. afterall your on trials forum, then if its not for you get a cheapo bmx and start that up to. I do feel though that you get more out of trials, you can do it wherever and whenever you want. Where as bmx if the facilities arent there your stuck doing "boring" stuff.

oh and mark the 4 words in your sig are: you are all gay (N)

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oh and mark the 4 words in your sig are: you are all gay (N)

There was like 6 words in there at first, you are all gay, plus, kay and something else. He's so silly B) That makes me sound like his bitch/gay lover. But that's what I am, so yeah, I don't mind.

It's a f**king cool idea though. Next forum trend.

Mark, stop editing my posts you whore.

Edited by MrMonkey
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Well the thing is, your asking on TRIALS-forum so I'm rather guessing that the majority of the votes will be trials.

Anyway in answer to your question.. Trials. I've ridden bmx too and its shit, besides you've been on this forum for quite a while now so no doubt you have picked up a lot of trials tips, tricks and bits about bikes.


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