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I did read the thread and most of it was all of that Simon/Kerry bullshit, and others moaning that the ending had been ruined, so shut the f**k up.

Only one of 5 posts in this thread was referring to Kerrie, and they was all on topic.

Nice Ben, nice.

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And the reason I said I'd read War and Peace is cos we're studying it in English for GCSE, and we've been advised to read it, but to be frank I couldn't be arsed....but other people have suggested it now, so I decided to give it a go.....

Oh, what board is your examination run by? Because I didn't know any of them ran War and Peace, as it isn't the most user friendly of books.

Around 1500 pages (I think) and remembering quotes from it, as you can't take your books into exams anymore. Yeah. Catching my drift?

Edited by MrMonkey
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You could save yourself the time reading J.K rowling now you know the ending and read a far superior book like something by steven king or Wilbur smith.

While some of Steven King's stuff is quite enjoyable, he's not exactly a superior author to J.K. Rowling. If anything he's a bit crap, relying on a lot of cheap shots and crappy horror. Having said that, I really liked the Bachman books, but I still wouldn't class him as a particularly good (and certainly not superior) author.

If you want a really good author you want to get into some Philip K Dick (every single thing he ever wrote is excellent), Orwell (although Orwell had a few duds, notably Burmese Days, but we can forgive him that for the utter brilliance of his other work), Heinlein (more miss than hit, but Starship Troopers and Citizen of the Galaxy are utterly fantastic works) or Silverberg (mostly for Dying Inside, which is a master work paralleled only by 1984).

Sorry, sort of slipped into book geek mode there :)

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dont worry sam , its fake anyways  (N)

I did read the thread and most of it was all of that Simon/Kerry bullshit, and others moaning that the ending had been ruined, so shut the f**k up.

ahem , anyways , i'm just finishing dreamcatcher actually steven king is an pretty good author but i couldnt read many of his

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Oh, what board is your examination run by? Because I didn't know any of them ran War and Peace, as it isn't the most user friendly of books.

Around 1500 pages (I think) and remembering quotes from it, as you can't take your books into exams anymore. Yeah. Catching my drift?

I have absolutely no idea which exam board we are using, our English teacher just said that we would study War and Peace as well as the Anthology....

And, drift caught (N)

Cheers, Liss xxx

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The first bit is all good, but it's the bit in bold I don't like. "He said in a scottish accent" would have been acceptable.

Anyway the guy who acts Hagrid (name escapes my multiply concussed brain) lives fairly near me and his kids go to my school. So if you're being rude about us scots, I'll have him set on you. B)

Also in my defence I read that thred at about 7 minutes to midnight and was about to go to sleep. (N)"


A "thick" accent is one which has a strong sound to it. Therefore, a blatantly "thick" accent like Robbie Coltrane's is a "thick" accent... Thick means the same as strong in accent terms, it's just that people tend to use "thick". So there we go...

Munki got demoted for raping Danny. Fact.™

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If it makes you feel better Sam, someone's put "Spoiler Inside" in the title now so it's people's own gamble as to whether it might spoil something for them  (N)

It spoilt my life B) I'm going to go bum my dog now to make me feel better. As I love cock fun with animals.

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I'm gonna ignore MrMonkeys post... *Deep Breaths*

But surely it should say... HARRY POTTER SPOILER. You still don't actually know what it's spoiling... (N)

It just peeved me off 'cause I actually enjoy the Harry Potter books and was looking forward to it and now I'm gonna know exactly what's gonna happen.

Sure you guys might think I'm being petty and getting bothered about nothing but it's not really on.

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I'm gonna ignore MrMonkeys post... *Deep Breaths*

But surely it should say... HARRY POTTER SPOILER.  You still don't actually know what it's spoiling... (N)

It just peeved me off 'cause I actually enjoy the Harry Potter books and was looking forward to it and now I'm gonna know exactly what's gonna happen.

Sure you guys might think I'm being petty and getting bothered about nothing but it's not really on.

Well, some people have said it's false, so who knows? Drama drama. Surely that means the tension's increased, so you'll have even more joygasms.

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Well actually only one person said it's false...

And it blatantly isn't.

It might be fake though  (N)

Ah well, I thought it was funny either way...

Go and read the book, then you can find out if it's real or not.

It's not B)

Edited by Has anyone seen my shoe?
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