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Complete Lack Of Respect


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It's got a lot to do with history. That word in particular is rooted in the slave trade and so carries a lot of pretty dark connotations. Infact I think a lot of the problems with racism (at least white on black racism, which is traditionally the biggest problem) stem from the way black Africans were treated by the Europeans over the last 500 years or so. Conversely, the reason people don't react so much to black on white racism could largely be due to an undercurrent of guilt - something which is much less evident in the younger generation, who have mostly grown up after apartheid and all the horrors that came before it had become just another history lesson.

I saw some guys on a program today, saying how there would be more bloodshed if our troops didn't get out of Iraq and Afghanistan, then they went on to burn a British flag. Hoho how I thought to myself "If we did that we'd be locked up" and once again the rights of the minorty beat the rights of the people who's decendents built the country.

Dunno why I quoted your post delusional, just tryna follow the racism theme.

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Its only the coloured people that are racist.

We arnt, we arnt really bothered if they call us "white boy's" Cause thats what we are, they dont get done for calling us that, but if we say, "hey N***er" then we get done... i dont get it.... at all!!!

"White boy" is describing your skin colour and sex.

"Nigger" is using a term that was intended to show that coloured people are a lower class and are our slaves.

Bit of a different. Kinda the same difference between me calling you a boy and me calling you a fanny. Get it?

Anyway, yeah, that program that showed the Muslim's outside a mosque in November last year saying that Blair is a "Pig" and so on was the only time I've ever thought "Then get out of the f**king country, dickhead." Just the way that they were bleating away about how Blair's such a loser, yet they're still living here. Just kinda annoyed me. That's like the only instance I've ever thought that though...


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is racism an actual crime?

can you go to jail for having racist opinions, cos suley its just a variation on free will?

as-long as you don't act on it, i don't see why we can't feel a certain way.

I can see this being taken the wrong way but i don't give a hoot.

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is racism an actual crime?

can you go to jail for having racist opinions, cos suley its just a variation on free will?

as-long as you don't act on it, i don't see why we can't feel a certain way.

I can see this being taken the wrong way but i don't give a hoot.

I think, voicing your opinion in a way that causes an offense, or actually taking action like you said are punishable by law. But thinking it is fine.

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I personally this racism is just a label used by coloured people against whites as its an easy card to play.

If I hate a white person for something they have said or done, its just seen as hatred.

But if I hate a coloured person for something they have said or done its almost always seen as racism.

If everyone is equal, (we all know that everyone isn't equal and never will be, its just self rightious bullshit) but anyway, if everyone is equal, then suley i'm allowed to hate a black person as much as a white person.

I feel the same about jewish people that beef about jewish jokes. Its just a joke about a certain group of people, like blonde jokes, or pope jokes, or jokes about the queen, Its nothing personal yet they almost always take it the wrong way and blow it out of proportion just to get attention.

If everyone just chilled out and wasn't on the defensive all the time the world would be a much better place.

I'll probably get slated for this but i really don't care, the more people get uptight about this stuff, the more it proves my point.

I'm sure many other people will agree that majority of rascim is only maintained by coloured people, If they just laughed it off and ignored it, it would go away.

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Nah Rich you're right, if someone slates you for that then they're a bit weird. When I was in primary school a boy called me a "nigger", his mum was called into school and she said "Is he actually black?" the reply was obviously no, so she said "It doesn't matter then does it." What the f**k is that? The words an insult no matter who it's said to. It can't be just against black people.

Then a extremely disruptive child at the school my mum works at (same primary school as mentioned before) is, "Half cast" (sorry if that affends anyone) and his mum says he's only naughty because the other children bully him because he is a "half cast". She says it everytime he gets in trouble, and because the head teacher is currently as soft as fresh curry like poo, he gets let off everytime. Racism card for the win, I might use it.

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I personally this racism is just a label used by coloured people against whites as its an easy card to play.

If I hate a white person for something they have said or done, its just seen as hatred.

But if I hate a coloured person for something they have said or done its almost always seen as racism.

If everyone is equal, (we all know that everyone isn't equal and never will be, its just self rightious bullshit) but anyway, if everyone is equal, then suley i'm allowed to hate a black person as much as a white person.

I'm sure many other people will agree that majority of rascim is only maintained by coloured people, If they just laughed it off and ignored it, it would go away.

It's fine to hate coloured people because you don't like them as a person, it's just that if it's 'cos they're black that you hate them that it's racist. I thought that'd be pretty self explanatory? Using an extreme stereotype response to try and condemn something is a bit weak, to be fair. There are coloured people that I don't like in the same way there are white people I can't stand, but the colour of their skin has nothing to do with it, so it's obviously not racism...

I'm guessing also that seeing as coloured people are a minority, they're more likely to be abused either physically or verbally, hence they're probably a little touchy. Think apartheid, a load of places in the south of America, and so on...

The words an insult no matter who it's said to. It can't be just against black people.

Yes, it can. It's a derogatory term made up by white people to describe black people. Therefore, it IS only derogatory to black people. In the same way "Queer" can only really be "used" against gay people as it is a put-down towards gay people.

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Yes, it can.  It's a derogatory term made up by white people to describe black people.  Therefore, it IS only derogatory to black people.  In the same way "Queer" can only really be "used" against gay people as it is a put-down towards gay people.

Same as people call each other gay as a derogatory term, when they aren't actually gay?

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Same as people call each other gay as a derogatory term, when they aren't actually gay?

When people use the term 'gay' like that, they're insinuating that being 'gay' is a bad thing, and are saying that the target is gay. It's still a slight against gay people because it's only used to describe someone/thing in a negative way

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When people use the term 'gay' like that, they're insinuating that being 'gay' is a bad thing, and are saying that the target is gay.  It's still a slight against gay people because it's only used to describe someone/thing in a negative way

Well that's what I mean. If nigger is such an offensive word, if I call a white person it they should be offended just as much.

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Well that's what I mean. If nigger is such an offensive word, if I call a white person it they should be offended just as much.

No, that would be offensive to black people because by using that as an insult you're insinuating that being black is an insulting thing to be. It's not insulting to the person you're actually talking to, because it's merely an incorrect statement. Of course they may be offended by your use of the word, but not by it's application to them!

Although having said that it may be considered offensive if you use 'nigger', as that's not solely used to describe black people these days. It's kind of grown to cover anyone from a deprived group in society.

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You're missing the point though (this is at Monkey, before anyone says anything): black people find it offensive because whoever it's used at, the root of it all is that the person is describing them negatively by using "Nigger". This is because (repeating myself again :rolleyes: ) they are calling someone a "nigger", they are saying they're black, which - by using that term - becomes a negative thing.

Therefore, if you called a black person a 'nigger' they'd find it offensive because it's a slight on them. If a person calls a white person a 'nigger', they're retarded either way seeing as it's the wrong term, but mainly it's just that it doesn't mean anything to a white person because they know they aren't black. In the same way as I could call my friend gay and he'd know it was a joke because we know it isn't true, if you called a white person a 'nigger' they'd know it was meant as a joke because it blatantly isn't true. If the person saying it means it in a negative way, again it's because they're ignorant of the actual meaning of the word. You can't really use f**ktards as a decent defence, Monkey :P

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sorry , but they didnt die to acheive anything for the general good ( eg people who died fighintg in wars ) so why should i respect them? just because they are dead?

do you stop and have a 2 minute silence everyday for people who died in an idraeli bomb attack? , as a matter of fact do the israeli's?

Er... Do you ever watch TV? When some one dies in Arabic countries, the parents/relations run around with the body, hollering and screaming and crying and wailing and just generally being loud. So yeah, they do.

Also, black people and Asians here are no longer a minority, not even slightly, so using the positive discrimination is clutching straws. I've been working in London this week, around Oxford Street, and other than having never seen so many I-Pods in my life, you come to realise that most of the richest business men are black, asian, or indian. So colouered people saying that they are poor and living in a poor area because they are racially opressed is bullwhack. They arent there because of there colour, theyre there because theyre stupid.

I mean, one of the suicide bombers was a 19 year old, had been to university, played cricket a lot, had travellled the world and his parents had a fish and chip shop (most owners of which are pretty damn rich) and had just come back from Pakistan where he had been to a course about religion, (which is supposed to be the cause of his decision to bomb London0, and he was father.

So lets look at this:

- He lived in council paid property (givin when his father moved to the country)

- He frequently played cricket (a rich mans sport, he was playing it before he left for London)

- He had a grant for university, so he had got cheap money from the government, and been studying for a degree in the best county in the world to get a degree in

- He had travelled around, using Britains cheaply priced flights and aircraft

- He had a son, which means the government would have been giving him benefits to help look after him//her.

So he had taken all tnat, and decided to give back his life in the form of suicide bombing. That gratitude for you.

Edited by andyroo
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It's fine to hate coloured people because you don't like them as a person, it's just that if it's 'cos they're black that you hate them that it's racist.  I thought that'd be pretty self explanatory?  Using an extreme stereotype response to try and condemn something is a bit weak, to be fair.  There are coloured people that I don't like in the same way there are white people I can't stand, but the colour of their skin has nothing to do with it, so it's obviously not racism...

I know its not ACTUALLY racism, i was saying that it is made to look like racism and is mostly brought up by black people in their own defense.

Like i said, if i have a problem with a white guy, and i do something about it like fight or have an argument, its just an equal dispute on both sides (me vs them, them vs me)

however, if i have the same issues with a black person, and i fight them or shout abuse at them, it is always catogarised as racist.

My point is, for me racism is something extreme like the KKK or me running round the street abusing black people, purely because of their colour. However nowadays there is so much tention around it that it seems to be used in the most petty cases, (such as a joke on someones colour/steriotype)

anyway, back to the topic i guess,

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All this racism crap just makes matters worse really. Like they banned people saying 'blackboard' in schools because its 'racist'..HOW?! Its like the word 'black' is a swear word or something...

It makes it seem like its bad to be a black person which makes it a lot worse, like we're meant to feel sorry for people with a different skin colour :rolleyes:

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All this racism crap just makes matters worse really. Like they banned people saying 'blackboard' in schools because its 'racist'..HOW?!  Its like the word 'black' is a swear word or something...

It makes it seem like its bad to be a black person which makes it a lot worse, like we're meant to feel sorry for people with a different skin colour  :rolleyes:

You sure that's not just the same as that hospital removing Gideon Bibles because they thought they might offend people, despite Muslims and other religious people in the area saying they didn't care and thought they should stay?

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Its only the coloured people that are racist.

We arnt, we arnt really bothered if they call us "white boy's" Cause thats what we are, they dont get done for calling us that, but if we say, "hey N***er" then we get done... i dont get it.... at all!!!

Calling black people coloured is the racist thing though, they don't see themselves as coloured as that implies that they are strange so they are bound to take offense from being called coloured. If you say they are black it is fine it is just describing what black people look like just as black people call you white. If a black person called you coloured wouldn't you think its racist? because you don't see yourself as coloured.

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Calling black people coloured is the racist thing though, they don't see themselves as coloured as that implies that they are strange so they are bound to take offense from being called coloured. If you say they are black it is fine it is just describing what black people look like just as black people call you white. If a black person called you coloured wouldn't you think its racist? because you don't see yourself as coloured.

Actually no I wouldn't, I wouldn't find it remotely racist, because I am not white, I'm tanned so I ain't white, if you can't describe my colour I wouldn't be offended by someone calling me coloured.

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Er... Do you ever watch TV? When some one dies in Arabic countries, the parents/relations run around with the body, hollering and screaming and crying and wailing and just generally being loud. So yeah, they do.

So he had taken all tnat, and decided to give back his life in the form of suicide bombing. That gratitude for you.

I thought he meant when theres an attack on Israel?

And about the grattitude, that's what I've been saying loooong time.

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