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Complete Lack Of Respect


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Some people amaze me. We just had the 2 minute silence at work. All stood outside, silent with our hands behind our backs.

Someone came up to us and said "Oi what's all this abaaat?" and laughed because we didn't reply. After the two minutes one colleague said "It's a mark of respect you twat".

People just walk around a chat like normal. It's not hard to keep quiet for two minutes, and remember people that lost their lives in London. Some people are so f**king selfish.

I bet it would be different if members of their family had died that day.

Sorry but it really gets to me.

Rant over :shifty:

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We all just need to get used to the fact that there are some people just dn't care about anyone but themselves. There are also people so ignorant, and arrogant that they don't realise the things that matter.

No matter where you go, there's always going to be people who deserve to live. Harsh, but true.

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I didnt stand but I did sit and say nothing for 2 minutes.

The country should unite as one and we will not be defeated. Oh and please no one go blame the muslims its not them it the twats that take their religion one step too far.

Now I never thought I would say that about reigion still I believe in banning religion

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some twat rang support at work, i picked up the phone (we are legaly obligated to by contract unless written to all i clients prior) and i just said 'its a two minute silence dude, and he hung up the phone without saying a word.

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Yeah I didn't have a clue either, was on a school trip and so walking around a gallery in silence was preety normal... To be honest though 2 minutes silence does'nt really make up for the lifetimes lost by the victims...Nice gesture though


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Something like this happened in my School today. We were told that a bell would go at 12 and another one would go at 12:02 for a 2 min silence. When the bell went a few people went quiet then loads of other people just started messing about and talking. I just thought it was really disrespectful ;) :shifty:

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This two minutes silence thing actually pissed me off somewhat today. How is an enforced silence going to a) bring back the people who were killed by the murdering criminals or ease the pain of the families, and b ) prevent it from happening again. I can see the other side of the argument where people who would not otherwise have the events of last thursday at the forefront of their mind had it brought to their attention, but as I was actually in the queue for lunch, my immediate thought was that I was hungry and I could see it on the faces of everyone else. The only real worthwhile thing to do to commemorate the victims is to take a real active part in preventing it from happening again. This is something that I, and I believe all of you, will not have the time or the inclination to do. Therefore I say let the loved ones of those killed mourn their loss in private, anything else is only to make ourselves feel better.


edit from (Y) to b )

Edited by on that? u must be joking
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This two minutes silence thing actually pissed me off somewhat today. How is an enforced silence going to a) bring back the people who were killed by the murdering criminals or ease the pain of the families, and b ) prevent it from happening again. I can see the other side of the argument where people who would not otherwise have the events of last thursday at the forefront of their mind had it brought to their attention, but as I was actually in the queue for lunch, my immediate thought was that I was hungry and I could see it on the faces of everyone else. The only real worthwhile thing to do to commemorate the victims is to take a real active part in preventing it from happening again. This is something that I, and I believe all of you, will not have the time or the inclination to do. Therefore I say let the loved ones of those killed mourn their loss in private, anything else is only to make ourselves feel better.


edit from (Y) to b )

Its a mark of respect that i think is worthwhile. Its shows others that we care e.g victims families potential terrorists everyone

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This two minutes silence thing actually pissed me off somewhat today. How is an enforced silence going to a) bring back the people who were killed by the murdering criminals or ease the pain of the families, and b ) prevent it from happening again. I can see the other side of the argument where people who would not otherwise have the events of last thursday at the forefront of their mind had it brought to their attention, but as I was actually in the queue for lunch, my immediate thought was that I was hungry and I could see it on the faces of everyone else. The only real worthwhile thing to do to commemorate the victims is to take a real active part in preventing it from happening again. This is something that I, and I believe all of you, will not have the time or the inclination to do. Therefore I say let the loved ones of those killed mourn their loss in private, anything else is only to make ourselves feel better.


edit from (Y) to b )

I don't think the point of it was to turn back time or whatever, but to just remember what happened and stuff. If people took that attitude to World War Two then who would remember by now the atrocities that went on? History is there to remember, not forget.

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My point is that any silence is only a token gesture, and as such serves only to ease people's conscience so that they may feel 'yes, i am really doing something to help' when in actual fact real help is the one thing they are not prepared to give.

I think the second world war would be a lot harder to forget since almost anyone in our generation has had long term contact with either a parent or grandparent who lost friends or relatives. The second world war shaped the way our entire existence is. All the tragic events in London will do is possibly tighten the security in England. How much exactly did the Madrid episode really affect the way you live?

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Nice gesture though

Exactly my point.

And to those that didn't know about it, it's fair enough, but if you see a whole office congregated out the front, heads bowed and all silent, why say "Wots this abaaaat?". It's not f**king rocket science. Some people just don't give a shit and it annoys me.

I know 2 minutes doesn't do much, but it's respect.

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sorry , but they didnt die to acheive anything for the general good ( eg people who died fighintg in wars ) so why should i respect them? just because they are dead?

do you stop and have a 2 minute silence everyday for people who died in an idraeli bomb attack? , as a matter of fact do the israeli's?

No I don't think they do, they just get on with their lives, they believe the greatest respect they can pay is to not be beaten. Different culture, different mourning rituals.

I know of a case after 9/11 where some moslem kids not only refused to be silent, but insisted on staying in class and chanting, banging desks etc etc, one of the boys in the class got extremely pissed off and set on one of em, didn't do much damage, just taught the guy a wee lesson. The kid got suspended and almost got done with racially aggravated assault. (Y)

I think theres something extremely wrong with the world today, anyone else agree?

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I know of a case after 9/11 where some moslem kids not only refused to be silent, but insisted on staying in class and chanting, banging desks etc etc, one of the boys in the class got extremely pissed off and set on one of em, didn't do much damage, just taught the guy a wee lesson. The kid got suspended and almost got done with racially aggravated assault. :angry:

I think theres something extremely wrong with the world today, anyone else agree?

HAHA, can you imagine if it was the other way around. The white kids banging the desk would of got rollocked for being racially abusive. Ahhh what a wonderful world.

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Everyone at work yesterday went into the centre of the zoo and had the silence there... i stayed where I was.. I think making a public show of it [with notices telling the customers and stuff] was a joke.

the respect comes from taking your own time out to remember what happened which i did and especially because it affected me directly.


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Everyone at work yesterday went into the centre of the zoo and had the silence there... i stayed where I was.. I think making a public show of it [with notices telling the customers and stuff] was a joke.

the respect comes from taking your own time out to remember what happened which i did and especially because it affected me directly.


Were the animals quiet aswell?

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Its only the coloured people that are racist.

We arnt, we arnt really bothered if they call us "white boy's" Cause thats what we are, they dont get done for calling us that, but if we say, "hey N***er" then we get done... i dont get it.... at all!!!

It's got a lot to do with history. That word in particular is rooted in the slave trade and so carries a lot of pretty dark connotations. Infact I think a lot of the problems with racism (at least white on black racism, which is traditionally the biggest problem) stem from the way black Africans were treated by the Europeans over the last 500 years or so. Conversely, the reason people don't react so much to black on white racism could largely be due to an undercurrent of guilt - something which is much less evident in the younger generation, who have mostly grown up after apartheid and all the horrors that came before it had become just another history lesson.

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