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ok benefits of smoking:

Is that a piss take ? (Y)

It makes you look 'cool' in the same way boybands from the 80's look 'cool' in their leather jackets and matching suits... ie; only you think you're cool, everyone else just thinks your a tool. :)

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Im more atticted to sweets and icecream to be honest, guess you could argue that was just as bad because it makes you fat but least it doesnt make you smell or make you unhealthy

So being fat isn't unhealthy? I'd say being overweight is quite close to smoking in the unhealthy stakes.

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at last, well done alexx

i think my humour is wasted here

hehe, trust me, it's not that we're all brain dead, just:

a ) there are so many tools on here, posts like that wouldn't be un-common to be a true post

b ) sarcams never carries well over the internet (Y)

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i smoke, fags and pot. not really proud of it, but i do it,

i enjoy smoking pot, and it was only till recently that i was smoking so much i did nothing else,

but i could say i have my reasons and deffence for smokers, you will never be able to judge something the way non-smokers do about smokers,

it just is not possible, to understand why smokers smoke, you need to be in that position and smoke to see how it feels,

giving up is only easy if you want to, if you dont want to give up, but try you wil probably fail

people enjoy smoking, in a strange way it does help, poeple have free will and should be allowed to smoke if they want, within reason to where they are smoking

non-smokers do not understand


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there was an element of dry humour I thought in my last post, but never mind.

Yeah, my bad i guess.

Thing is, 90% of smokers actually believe those points you said. So i thought you was part of that 90%. Sorry.

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poeple have free will and should be allowed to smoke if they want, within reason to where they are smoking


They should only be allowed to smoke in there homes, not in public places. Why should non-smokers have to be put in a position that jepordises their health? Fair enough in Pubs and Clubs that allow smoking, it's the non-smokers choice weather or not they go there, but in train stations, bus-stops and in the street everyone needs to use these public facilities and so they should be made as safe and healthy as possible.

Naturists aren't allowed to strole around naked in public, only in there homes or in special resorts and their interests don't cause cancer or lung disease, so why should smokers be allowed to blow/waft smoke in your face?

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nowadays the 'pollution' produced by cars is a lot less harmful that say, 10 years ago.

Catalitic convertors and other new fangled trickery takes care of that for us, if car pollutions really damaged our health directly then i think we would have noticed and done something about it by now.

Plus i've never heard of anyone getting lung cancer or other problems as a direct cause of car pollution.

I have however heard/seen many people getting ill from smoking and it's proven fact that it damages you health, it even says it on the packet.

I would much rather run behind a modern car/truck for an hour than sit next to a smoker for 15 minutes.

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nowadays the 'pollution' produced by cars is a lot less harmful that say, 10 years ago.

Catalitic convertors and other new fangled trickery takes care of that for us, if car pollutions really damaged our health directly then i think we would have noticed and done something about it by now.

Plus i've never heard of anyone getting lung cancer or other problems as a direct cause of car pollution.

if it wasnt bad for us, why have we got all this "new fangled trickery" to save us from pollution that doesnt exist?

driving a car makes carbon monoxide which is pretty much anti air (nothing can breath it, and if it does, it dies).

its makes holes in the ozone layer, killing forests (our air to breath) and gives us extra UV rays which gives us skin cancer.

not too healthy as it is, and getting worse.

I have however heard/seen many people getting ill from smoking and it's proven fact that it damages you health, it even says it on the packet.

I would much rather run behind a modern car/truck for an hour than sit next to a smoker for 15 minutes.

ill agree with this, because its true.

but ive got free will to smoke, when i like, and its not that bad for you in moderation, especially if you do the exercise to compensate for it.

when people loose moderation (40 a day) they get lung cancer. i hope no one on here smokes that much, and i know for sure i dont.

i havnt had a shisha in ages, but its got me thinking about one.

do the people who have them on here use coals for the top?

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do the people who have them on here use coals for the top?

Yep :) . Got 3 of 'em now, all tunisian ones. I usually have orange squash in the water (Y) , apple flavour tobacco, cover in foil, punch holes in it (with a pin), light a coal and put it on the side of the bowel above the foil, and as you smoke slowly work it around till it gets to the middle. Makes a b-e-a-utiful smoke :P

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I'm 21, when I was 15 I smoked occasionally to "fit in" with mates. At 16, I smoked a lot of weed / solid. At 18 I smoked a few joints now and then, but by 19 I grew out of it, it didn't interest me anymore.

So there we go... my life story lol

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They should only be allowed to smoke in there homes, not in public places. Why should non-smokers have to be put in a position that jepordises their health? Fair enough in Pubs and Clubs that allow smoking, it's the non-smokers choice weather or not they go there, but in train stations, bus-stops and in the street everyone needs to use these public facilities and so they should be made as safe and healthy as possible.

Naturists aren't allowed to strole around naked in public, only in there homes or in special resorts and their interests don't cause cancer or lung disease, so why should smokers be allowed to blow/waft smoke in your face?

you cannot classifie to where poepple can smoke, it doesnt work anyway

their was a research study done in america, it was sponsored by a tobacco company to prove that passive smoking does not exist

and it doesnt, no-one has actually ever died from passive smoking, and hopw can someone justify that they did die of passive smoking, you just wouldnt be able to tell

the problem with the study became appartent to non-smokers, they said it was being fixed, by the tobacco company sponsoring the research study,

a few months later another independant researcher did the same sort of study about passive smoking,he was a non-smoker, and he fixed the results so poeple would think that poassive smoking kills 10,000 poeple a year.

its all bullshit, ok, smoking is bad for you,. but you cannot take away anyones rights, if you want to be able to smoke in public, then why the f**k not?

all you lot are just too afraid of things, you read to many surveys and believe everything,

i would give up smoking, but i enjoy it too much, thats why poeple dont give up,

give smokers a break


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Smoking causes cancer. Not just lung cancer. smoking causes cancer. Ask a radiotherapist how many of the people who have cancers also smoke. 99% of the people who use this forum are under 25 I bet. There are no excuses, anybody on here who smokes is a complete tool.

It would almost appear that it is cool to say that you smoke but then go on about trying to quit. With the current "victim" culture we have, people seem to be drwn in to the idea that they can't do anything about a situation which they themselves have created. Fat people are a good example of this.


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*big pile of guff*

pretty much no one apart from smokers wants to defend it. never mind saying non-smokers have a blind spot about your points, you lot have a serious blind spot about how much you stink. Sounds petty, but you work in a confined space for a few hours with a smoker and you'll pretty much want to brain them with their lighter....

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something i forgot to say earlier

i am a pot smoker and fags aswell, but I am fit, i go to the gym, i ride everyday to work/back, ride trials al least 3times a week, and bmx also

i eat healthy foods, all that, but i smoke, its not stopping me from doing what i do, and i enjoy it, i just cant go down to the pub and not smoke, its booring,

the thing is about pot, its a sociable thing to do, just go round a mates, watch the tv, do whatever, have a couple of joints, or as much as your willing to handle and you have a great night,

whats worse, a loads of drunks starting fights in the streets, or a load of stoned guys who are probably more concered about avoid trouble instead of starting it

i say this because over here in guernsey, drinking is a big thing (im not into it too much, but have had my times) over here, we have a serious problem with ass holes, and i know that there is alot of trouble in the uk about it too

what more can i say, living life on the edge, if i want to smoke, then i will

oh, and smoking prevents Alzheimer's disease, there is a proven study


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The only 'benefits' from smoking come from when you are addicted to them - the calming effect and the enjoyment of smoking a cigerette. It because your body craves the cigerette.

the vast majority of people of that have tried smoking, hated the first time they smoked - i know i did - i didn't become calm and i didn't enjoy it.

I don't hold anything against smokers, i have many friends who smoke - i don't care that they smoke, but when they are at my house, they are always polite enough to ask if they can smoke or go outside.

pot is different - because there are medical benefits and of course the high, but have you ever been in a room full of stoned people (and you not been stoned) - its possibly the most antisocial thing ever :angry:

it does annoy me sometimes when people smoke at public places, because its smelly and its harming me.

i am a pot smoker and fags aswell, but I am fit, i go to the gym, i ride everyday to work/back, ride trials al least 3times a week, and bmx also

but if you didn't smoke, you would be fitter (Y)

a few random thoughts


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i just cant go down to the pub and not smoke, its booring,

Woo, let's have a party! Crack open them Marlboro's and get this shit started. 'Cos not smoking is soooo square!

whats worse, a loads of drunks starting fights in the streets, or a load of stoned guys

This is totally off the topic. Unless you are implying that people who don't smoke cigarettes cause fights? Some people are arseholes and get drunk and fight regardless of whether they smoke ccigarettes or not (just that the smoking kind are a dumber brand of arsehole, IMO)

living life on the edge, if i want to smoke, then i will

Living in blinkers is more like how I see it. You crazy mo'fo, you.

oh, and smoking prevents Alzheimer's disease, there is a proven study

I get it! The reason you started smoking was because, at the age of 14, you thought: "I'm really worried about the potential of developing Altzheimer's Disease in later life. I'll get me some of these here Berkley Menthols as a preventative measure."

Don't make me laugh! :angry:


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