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pretty much no one apart from smokers wants to defend it. never mind saying non-smokers have a blind spot about your points, you lot have a serious blind spot about how much you stink. Sounds petty, but you work in a confined space for a few hours with a smoker and you'll pretty much want to brain them with their lighter....

goes 2 ways, only non smokers will say smoking is stupid blah blah blah.

i used to be a stong anti smoker, when i lightened up a bit, accepted what happens in the world and tried it, i enjoyed it.

i wont smoke inside a non smokers house/non smoking areas, because i down want to make someone else smell.

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Never smoked anything, hopefully never will.

I think it;s just the thing of actually smoking it, as if someone made some weed cakes i'd give it a lil try :angry:

Yeh...As long as poeple don't smoke around me, then i don't really give a shit. Their lives...

My grandma is a smoker, and i had to help my mum clean her house once...That pretty much put me off smoking for the rest of my life.

Her whole kitchen was yellow.

We had to paint the whole ceiling because i accidently cleaned a part of it, after cleaning the cooker top.

It was seriously disgusting.

Light wouldn't penetrate through the (clear glass) lampshade because of the build-up of tar.

So if that's what it's doing to her kitchen, imagine what her lungs look like...


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Never smoked anything, hopefully never will.

I think it;s just the thing of actually smoking it, as if someone made some weed cakes i'd give it a lil try :angry:

Yeh...As long as poeple don't smoke around me, then i don't really give a shit. Their lives...

My grandma is a smoker, and i had to help my mum clean her house once...That pretty much put me off smoking for the rest of my life.

Her whole kitchen was yellow.

We had to paint the whole ceiling because i accidently cleaned a part of it, after cleaning the cooker top.

It was seriously disgusting.

Light wouldn't penetrate through the (clear glass) lampshade because of the build-up of tar.

So if that's what it's doing to her kitchen, imagine what her lungs look like...


Similar to my grandad's house. Every time you went in it seemed dark and dingy, the light wasn't coming through the windows fully. (Y) Cool to the max.

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I was wondering when the annual 'anyone smoke' topic was supposed to happen.

I still smoke... not exactly proud of it... not thinking of quitting yet... ask people EVERY TIME I HAVE ONE if its ok for me to smoke near them

my addiction not theirs...

i think i hate hardcore anti-smokers just as much as they hate smokers

not saying its right but the only way people can live together in this world is through acceptance and tolerance...

im sure there are things you do as non smokers that piss me off as much as my smoking does for you... you may argue that those things probably arent detrimental to my health but thats the way it goes.

and can you all please learn to spell... please!


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Bollox to it, if I wonna smoke ill smoke.

What u guys gonna be doing when ur 60+ anyway, runnin marathons in tip top health because you havent smoked. Life is to short :angry:

I dont smoke, I dont care if people smoke but i dont see why everyone has such a problem. Seems its cool to be anti smoking nowa days. GEEKS

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Bollox to it, if I wonna smoke ill smoke.

What u guys gonna be doing when ur 60+ anyway, runnin marathons in tip top health because you havent smoked. Life is to short  :angry:

I dont smoke, I dont care if people smoke but i dont see why everyone has such a problem. Seems its cool to be anti smoking nowa days. GEEKS

haha you tard.

Yeh lifes short, but yours is even shorter :o and lifes short so we should all smoke? yup that makes perfect sense, nice one i wish we all thought like you (Y)

and yes i must be a geek because i dont agree with it, but i dont have a problem with people doing it.

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I get it! The reason you started smoking was because, at the age of 14, you thought: "I'm really worried about the potential of developing Altzheimer's Disease in later life. I'll get me some of these here Berkley Menthols as a preventative measure."

Don't make me laugh!  :angry:


i didnt start smoking when i was 14, i hated it back then, i thought smokers were twats and could not see how anyone would start, i was one of 11 poeple who did not smoke in my year at secondary school from year nine upwards

i have only been smoking about 14months, the reason i started was because i couldnt cope with my life

everything was shit, i was going through parent divorce stuff, which has been going on for over two and a half years now, try living with someone that makes your life shit everyday, everytime you see them you just want to go insane

i had a cigarette, all of my mates smoked back then, and it seemed to help, as did pot, its not because i wanted to be cool, i just did it.

and nobody is going to stop me but myself when i feel i can give up,

give smokers a f**king break, you would never know whats its like


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Oh, for those who don't believe passive smoking doesn't kill, a trumpet player (forgot his f**king name) who used to play in alot of night clubs caught lung cancer that is usually seen in smokers. After never smoking in his entire life.

He's called Roy Castle. Thanks Mark you sexy mofo.

Edited by MrMonkey
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the reason i started was because i couldnt cope with my life

everything was shit, i was going through parent divorce stuff, which has been going on for over two and a half years now,  try living with someone that makes your life shit everyday, everytime you see them you just want to go insane

you would never know whats its like


you solipsistic little fart. The weight of the world is on your shoulders is it? You know jack shit about what happens in my life or most other peoples who come on here, so don't go acting like nobody knows how bad you've got it. What a weak character you are!


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MrMonkey Posted Yesterday, 11:58 PM

  Oh, for those who don't believe passive smoking doesn't kill, a trumpet player (forgot his f**king name) who used to play in alot of night clubs caught lung cancer that is usually seen in smokers. After never smoking in his entire life.

He's called Roy Castle. Thanks Mark you sexy mofo.

We shouldnt have to put up with everyone elses bad habbit :rolleyes:

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you cannot classifie to where poepple can smoke, it doesnt work anyway

their was a research study done in america, it was sponsored by a tobacco company to prove that passive smoking does not exist

and it doesnt, no-one has actually ever died from passive smoking, and hopw can someone justify that they did die of passive smoking, you just wouldnt be able to tell

the problem with the study became appartent to non-smokers, they said it was being fixed,  by the tobacco company sponsoring the research study,

a few months later another independant researcher did the same sort of study about passive smoking,he was a non-smoker, and he fixed the results so poeple would think that poassive smoking kills 10,000 poeple a year.

its all bullshit, ok, smoking is bad for you,. but you cannot take away anyones rights, if you want to be able to smoke in public, then why the f**k not?

all you lot are just too afraid of things, you read to many surveys and believe everything,

i would give up smoking, but i enjoy it too much, thats why poeple dont give up,

give smokers a break


OK, first off if you're going to present an argument let's see a little consistency; you say the non-smoker fixed the results, but seem to skip over the fact that the tobacco company will have a multi-million dollar vested interest, bad mistake number one right there.

Passive smoking exists, it's common sense for crying out loud, if I'm around someone who is smoking I am inhaling smoke, and just because I didn't pay for it doesn't mean I don't get the negative effects (as well as the positive of course, nicotine rush and what have you). Continuing on from that, the number of elderly people in retirement homes that contract lung cancer and other respiratory cancers (throat, mouth etc) and don't smoke is a lot higher than that of the normal population, basically because they are in close proximity to people who smoke.

On a separate point, smoking doesn't guarantee you lung cancer, what it does is increase your chances. As I'm sure most of you know cancer is caused by the DNA of a cell being screwed up in such a way that it reproduces uncontrollably leading to a tumour and the failure of whatever tissue the tumour is in unless the faulty cells are removed or killed. Said f**king up of DNA is caused by radiation, which you're constantly surrounded by at low levels, so anyone can contract cancer. However, cigarette smoke contains chemicals that emit radiation, especially when hot. Inhaling these particles past tissues that are sensitive as it is makes it far more likely that some of your cells are gonna get f**ked, basically.

Never even tried a cigarette in my life, quite proud of that. I don't dislike people on the basis that they smoke, everybody has some daft habits. I don't mind the smell of it particularly, but that doesn't mean I like it, and I'll always stand upwind of someone who smokes, mainly 'cos I'm asthmatic and it makes me cough and generally feel really unpleasant.

In conclusion, you smoke, you take a risk, fine your decision. Some people will react aversely to your decision, accept that, you're not going to change it. You will damage yourself through inhaling smoke, passively or actively. I don't choose to, don't make me (Y)


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In conclusion, you smoke, you take a risk, fine your decision.  Some people will react aversely to your decision, accept that, you're not going to change it.  You will damage yourself through inhaling smoke, passively or actively.  I don't choose to, don't make me  (Y)


Yeah you're right. Just because you can't prove outright that someone has died from passive smoking doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. It's actually not possible to prove that smoking DEFINITELY causes lung cancer, because you can get cancer in any cell without smoking (Also, cancer usually develops a couple of years AFTER the carcinogen damages the DNA, so you won't find evidence of the carcinogen in the cancerous cell on a biopsy - I.E. "hit and run"). But there is such strong correlation between smoking and lung cancer that everyone knows smoking = cancer, only stupid people can't see the link.

To be honest I don't mind if people smoke. That's their own problem. I can't see the point myself, but I'm not gonna lose any sleep over people that decide to smoke. What I do mind is people breathing their smoke over me. Fair enough, f**k up your own health, but don't drag me down with you. I can't wait until they ban smoking in pubs and stuff. Maybe I'll enjoy a nice pint a bit more often, knowing that I'm not at risk of getting what must be about the worst disease in the world.

P.S. Carcinogens don't have to be radioactive (Y)

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To be honest I don't mind if people smoke.  That's their own problem.  I can't see the point myself, but I'm not gonna lose any sleep over people that decide to smoke.  What I do mind is people breathing their smoke over me.  Fair enough, f**k up your own health, but don't drag me down with you.

That is pretty much my view exactly, and I think the best one for a none-smoker to hold.

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Did no-one notice that JOKER might have joking in his post untill afterwards...oh dear me. I don't smoke never tried one or smoked anything,been around a lot of people who do/have and never really been tempted. I totally disagree with people who say no drink and fags is a bad night out. All you need is a good group of mates in the mood for a laugh, sometimes it might be nice to have a social drink/smoke or even make it better but it is by no means essential in my opinion.

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sometimes it might be nice to have a social drink/smoke or even make it better but it is by no means essential in my opinion.

Of course it isnt essential but its the greatest feeling in the world coming home from a ride roll up a joint watch a few films with freinds its just a relaxant (amyl nitrate does the same thing (Y) works a charm) (Y) no I didnt mean that sort of relaxant but yeh its to enhance your level of calm :-


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Of course it isnt essential but its the greatest feeling in the world coming home from a ride roll up a joint watch a  few films with freinds its just a relaxant (amyl nitrate does the same thing  (Y) works a charm)  (Y) no I didnt mean that sort of relaxant but yeh its to enhance your level of calm :-


Poppers aint it?

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