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There are no real reasons to start smoking in the first place. The most common reason people give is peer pressure. But that just shows poor character and judgement on their behalf. I don't smoke, none of my close friends smoke and I would never date a girl who smoked.

Recently there was a movement to ban smoking in public in Liverpool, the local council voted overwhelmingly in favour of the ban and the motion had to be put before parliament for a law to be passed. The government didn't agree however. WTF is that all about?!! I was pissed off for weeks and made a massive point of letting anybody smoking near me in a confined space know about it.

I see smoking a public declaration of stupidity.


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im smoking right now, its not too clever, but im still able to ride (when my bike works), still able to get on with my day and i enjoy it.

the only downside is the money involved, but i dont mind spending it.

i started because oneday i got offered one and enjoyed it.

if i had a reason to stop, i would.

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I smoked for a week becasue I was always drunk.

Although it never stuck and apart from that week Ive never smoked before and I never will again.

You were drunk for a whole week? :shifty:

What did you drink?

Recently there was a movement to ban smoking in public in Liverpool, the local council voted overwhelmingly in favour of the ban and the motion had to be put before parliament for a law to be passed. The government didn't agree however.

Thats shit.

This government that is soooooo concerned about our health.


Alot of people in school used to say to me 'Why don't you try it you might like it'

WTF inhaling smoke is nice?

I'm not going to even try fags, i've resisted the temptation uptil now.

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im smoking right now, its not too clever, but im still able to ride (when my bike works), still able to get on with my day and i enjoy it.

the only downside is the money involved, but i dont mind spending it.

i started because oneday i got offered one and enjoyed it.

if i had a reason to stop, i would.

That it kills you, and costs almost 1/3 of the average persons salary. Or around £1,000 to £2,000 a year depending on how much you smoke. Don't believe me? Work it out.

Not to mention its considered anti social amongst most groups of people and has so many other effects.

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i sometimes hold my breath when goign past smokers in lanes etc, may seem queer but i dont want to inhale smoke let alone other peoples smoke! :shifty:  ;)  (N)  (N)  (N)  (N)  (N)

I do the same. I hate smokers. Ive never tried or want to try smoking. I find riding my bike gives me the buzz I need.


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im smoking right now, its not too clever, but im still able to ride (when my bike works), still able to get on with my day and i enjoy it.

the only downside is the money involved, but i dont mind spending it.

i started because oneday i got offered one and enjoyed it.

if i had a reason to stop, i would.

Ignorance, to the max.

Max Power, dooo da deee da dooo.

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I smoke the green stuff regularly and the odd roll up but I much prefer my green  :turned:

Indeed. I occasionally light up a rolly these days and then put out in disgust before I get half way through it. I've even been thinking about looking into some of these herbal smoking mixtures they sell in head shops so I don't have to use tobacco at all any more; even only smoking green I'm probably smoking on average about 10 roll ups worth of tobacco a week, which all adds up over time. Mind you, it's a drop in the water to the years I spent actually smoking :o/

That it kills you, and costs almost 1/3 of the average persons salary. Or around £1,000 to £2,000 a year depending on how much you smoke. Don't believe me? Work it out.

Lies, damn lies and statistics :) While I'm not disagreeing that it's stupidly expensive (unless you smoke black market roll-ups, in which case it's probably cheaper than eating a few bars of chocolate a week), I don't think 1/3 of the average salary ties in with £1,000 - £2,000 a year (infact that's more like 5 - 10% of the average salary).

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You were drunk for a whole week?  :shifty: 

What did you drink?

Thats shit.

This government that is soooooo concerned about our health.


Alot of people in school used to say to me 'Why don't you try it you might like it'

WTF inhaling smoke is nice?

I'm not going to even try fags, i've resisted the temptation uptil now.

I finished my exams for the second year of uni so decided to go out every day and spent it in the pub, uni life was great. I wasnt drunk al dayjust once I got drunk I had a fag, peer pressure shallow me. But I dont know it was only a week so wasan experiment

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That it kills you, and costs almost 1/3 of the average persons salary. Or around £1,000 to £2,000 a year depending on how much you smoke. Don't believe me? Work it out.

Not to mention its considered anti social amongst most groups of people and has so many other effects.

well Si, i just did the maths.

im not a hardcore smoker, those statistics are for people who smoke 20 a day, im on about 5-6 (alot to a non smoker, little to people who are on 40).

i spend (on average) £260 a year on tobacco alone. not alot better i could spend it on (IMO)

toking gana (just a £10 a week, as said on here) is £520 a year.

see the difference?

as for sociality of it, i know alot of people who hate smoking, and i do get abuse for it (including close friends). It doesnt stop me being myself.

yet i know alot more people who smoke and alot of them are close friends, so im happy with it.

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You guys that smoke should use a shisha instead ;) (N)

ive never smoked a cigarette and really dont want to but ive got a few shishas and they are deeeeelicious, and good sociable thing


also a little bit healthier, and you cant do it as often and it takes about 5 mins to set it up and you cant carry it in your pocket :shifty:

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You guys that smoke should use a shisha instead  (Y)  :)

ive never smoked a cigarette and really dont want to but ive got a few shishas and they are deeeeelicious, and good sociable thing


also a little bit healthier, and you cant do it as often and it takes about 5 mins to set it up and you cant carry it in your pocket  :lol:

I've been thinking about getting one of those at some point, but to be honest, I don't think I'd use it that much. It'd be more of a novelty item, or something to use when I run out of tobacco/rizlas.

I think as much as anything, I enjoy the whole rigamarole of skinning up and smoking a J as much as the effect it has.

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Shishas are good, especially handy when you want to stop smoking green but still enjoy the social side of sitting down with a mate and chilling with a smoke. Plus it doesn't have the tar that regular tobacco has ;)

If you havn't (this is shisha smokers), try putting a teeny bit of Ouzo with the water, adds to the already nice taste :shifty:

It'd be interesting to also see the amount of a persons income that is spent on alcohol, I doubt it'll be as high as fags, but it'd still be interesting to see (on average) how much of a bunch of piss-heads we are (N)

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We've got a couple of those things, dad uses it quite often. I don't use them though. The good side of them is you don't reak afterwards.

Yer i once had one and 3 of my m8s parents commented on how nice they smelt when they got home not knowing what they had been getting up to.

Never smoked or tried weed, hardally see the point. Just wastes money. I know people use it to destress you but musics better for de-stressing you i find

Im more atticted to sweets and icecream to be honest, guess you could argue that was just as bad because it makes you fat but least it doesnt make you smell or make you unhealthy

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I don't smoke and I really don't like people smoking around me,it makes my eyes sore and i find it hard to breathe. Thats why I hate going to clubs etc, because I don't want to smell like a manky old ashtray.

It cost to much and its not a very attractive.

My mummies quit smoking for a few months now after smoking since she was 15... wooo go mum (Y) :">

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ok benefits of smoking:

1. prevents old age

2. makes you look cool

3. makes you look older

4. calms your nerves

5. keeps girls slim

6. goes well with a pint

None of that is true!

1) actually makes you age quicker

2) yellow nails and smelly breathe....real cool

3) smoking no way makes you look older, you just think you are

4) there are healthy ways to calm your nerves

5) bollocks! look at all the fat girls that smoke, and all the skinny girls that don't. If you really think thats true then why do people quit smoking and go to the gym and get much healthier?

6) do you really like the taste of ashtray in your pint

apologise for ranting

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I dont smoke and NEVER will for definate, this topic has been done as a poll i think before.


1. Costs too much Money

2. Puts you fitness down

3. If you start your never stop....

Well 1 and 2 have been said alot of times and as for 3 that my friend is bull!!!1111

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I think I could be described the same as Tim, I don't smoke ever at home, or at a mates house, but if I go out and start drinking and get offered one I will, just for the social side of it! I've never spent money on fags or anything and I wouldn't arround my family so never will at home etc and so don't really have enough chance to get addicted or anything.

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