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It costs alot money.

It makes your breath stink.

It's killing you / making you ill.

But on the plus side it............ nope, there's nothing good about smoking. So why the f**k do people do it?!

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Ugh it's rank, i just don't get why people start. It doesn't get you high, makes you stink, costs loads, and wrecks your health, and you look like a wannabe if your like 14 or 15 or something when you start (like most people).

I can understand how hard it must be to quit though, but i can just never get my head around starting in the first place.

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I dunno, maybe I ain't cool enough, but I don't even drink, that's pretty much accepted globally. Nevermind smoke. It ain't good for your health, but it's the sort of, I'll stab myself in the lung with this flaming piece of paper type thing that makes me wonder why people do it. I watched an old guy in a wheelchair smoke 5 cigarettes in the space of around 10 minutes, he put each one out with his finger and thumb. My grandad was at a similar standard, he had alot of heart attacks and lost both of his legs to smoking. So if you like moving don't smoke.

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You couldn't even pay me to smoke, nevermind blow my own hard earned cash on it.

I don't even like being in the same place as smokers cos it just pisses me off.

I hope the government enforce a full scale 'no smoking in public' ban, then when we see people smoking we can run over and stamp on there face, vigilante style. :P

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dont smoke, but dont mind a bit of the good ole green stuff... but im not silly with it like some peop. ill make a tenners bag last a week + ,, i no people that do that in a day!

i like it cos it relaxes you after a hard day at work, of ride, or to generally help me goto sleep and have nice dreams!

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I used to smoke but I realised I wasn't cool enough and gave up.

Unfortunately my girlfriend does occasionally and it's f**king rank. I won't go near her for like 10 minutes afterwards lol She's in the process of giving up though so it's not too bad and she doesn't smoke too often. Really crap when she does though, stupid girl :shifty:"

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It costs alot money.

It makes your breath stink.

It's killing you / making you ill.

But on the plus side it............ nope, there's nothing good about smoking. So why the f**k do people do it?!

it makes you look kool!!!

i smoke, WILL quit on the 1st of August due a ban at work...smoke a lil weed now and again, used to smoke loads...and stopped that totally....till NASS...oops!

total feking waste of pennies

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smokers CAN BE inconsiderate little bastards!! i know people that smoke including most of my family but i hate it and personally think it should be stopped.

what smokers dont take into consideration is that they are smoking through a filter everyone else gets their lungs filled but with the shit and crap straight up!

i could write so much more on this topic but id get very offensive :shifty:


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I smoke pot occasionally, but I also run about 4 miles every other morning, eat all my fruits and veg, and drink alot of water and get all my vitamins, so I'm still healthier than most of the slags on here :shifty: (except Alexx, he's a machine)

Proper against smoking cigarettes though, you ask people who smoke constantly why they started and they just shrug their shoulders and have another puff, it's f**king pathetic, relying on a little stick to take the edge off your day, when all you need to do is something to take your mind off whatever it is that's pissing you off for about 5 minutes.

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but in healthy people its a very good method of calming you down / stress releif , simliar to coffee or sugar

its their coping mechanism

in the hospital my doctor was telling me that if it wasnt for cigarettes and black coffee nothing would get done around there

i personally dont do it , but dont have a problem with people who do

and holding your breath when walking past smokers? you probably breathe in more shite walking past a main road , but to each their own :shifty:

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FADOM, you didnt know this one did you? seeing as i havent seen you in soooo long. But yeah i smoke, it really does suck to hell. My reason was a super harsh break up with a girlfriend, yeah since her i havent managed to find anybody. But a lot of my mates smoke so it was easy to try and release the stress by sticking a fag in you mouth.

Really is not a clever idea, its hard to stop once you start but by the end of this week i should have quit fully, i have broke it down to 1 a day so far so (fingers crossed) and lots of will power it should be quit.

DONT SMOKE its really stupid and thats coming from a smoker.

stu :shifty:

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I started smoking at about 13 on and off. After a couple beers i neede to light up a fag.

Now i seem to need a fag after i have riden, eaten, or put under and kind of pressure when i was at school or work.

This just maybe my way to cope with stress and also phycologically i think have a fag things will seem abit better.

Yeh Gap To Maual is right dont judge. Once you pop u just carnt stop :shifty:

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