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Luke Drewery

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Right, I recently got myself a t-rex frame and I am having trouble finding a good bottom bracket that allows my 22t middleburn pro trials ISIS cranks to clear the chainstays. Adam@tartybikes has already recommended one but you have to run spacers on the drive side so there are less threads in the frame. I was just wondering what other people run with 22t ISIS cranks? I was looking at the try-all one on bikedock, but it is seriously overpriced and i dont know if it will even fit. So anyone running a t-rex frame and a 22t chainring please post up here hat you are running so i can get an idea of what is available. I have looked around but cant find any 73 by 128mm bb's anywhere that are ideal. Any help would be very much appreciated, cheers (Y)

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steve-o tried his very best with muscleman cranks, and the tensile screw-on bash + 22t ring combo. We tried a 127.5mm BB axle and even 4mm worth of drive side spacers but the ring rubbed on the chainstay. He bought a 20t ring from CRC and managed to get it to fit. When he came to take it off though, he may have bent the ring slightly, but it had rubbed a wee grove in his chainstay. Nothing major, just a bit miffed really.

He's got front freewheel now....

You may have more luck with isis stuff, i don't really know....

good luck!


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shaun...and anyone else (Y)

(this isn't the first time.....)

Anything to do with a BB on a t-rex involves 127.5mm

nothing else seems to work without muchos effort (or at all)


EDIT: and before someone corrects that....if isis, 128mm :P"

Edited by ad101
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