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Nass 2005 - Full 3 Day Camping Report


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Haahaa Adam Mackenzie has a rather interesting picture of you Jenn and G-G-G u Nick in there. Looks like you where shall we say, "busy"  Nick didn't like it and I doubt you will to so I'm not sure if Adam will post it...

Haha Wtf!!

I have seen the picture and nothing looks like its going on...

And Nick was looking after me, which was extremely nice of him..


Okay apparently theres another picture, which i havent seen (Y)

Edited by Jenn24
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Hey, James, hows your pants?

:) They got pretty close to being pulled over your head at one point.

I cant belive you stole someone elses pants cos "someone" broke yours :P"

Who needs NASS, we should organise a weekend of trials camping, somewhere sunny, where we can "ride" in the day, and have drunken fun at night, without the chavs stealing tents.

Oh yea, and no bastards writing on my tent in Gaffa tape........

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its even smaller than it was, and that girl you got with said that cant be possible :P .

lee that sounds like a forking ace idea, i say we go down to the coast so instead of having a little paddaling pool to feck around in we can have the sea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) be ace that.

lee got me with some good wedgies, the one on friday night is one to remember :( , i couldnt be arsed trying to do anything about it so i went along with it, was worth it, lees good :P

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Ok then, we shall organise.

xWxYxCx style, STDS

Southeren trials drunken series.

Friday, arrive, set up and get settled.

Saturday, trials comp, judged by Master trials stacker, James Porter.

Late night beer drinking contests.

Sunday, Bottle to face comp.

Judged By Br3n C3P0

Wedge Comp, who can hoick the highest Pants. And freestyle Boxer tugging.

Through out the weekend, there will be swiming, drinking, sun, and whatever else you can find to do.....

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urm trials pimp the x's in your crew name would signify to me that you guys were edge? yet you have drinking contests?

Irony and humour obviously doesn't convey across very well on the interweb. (Y)

Thats the whole reason for the name. Piss take to the x max. :)

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right but still, arent you guys into hardcore?, not starting an arguement just curious

Hardcore music? No. We like what ever we like. Brendan likes house/rock/soft trance, i likes punk/rock/soft metal, Lee likes hardcore stuff.

If however you mean hardcore sex. We are into that on a big scale. (Y)

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Dont listen to Simon, he knows nothing

I listen to Hardcore.

The whole Worthing Youth crew came about when another friend of mine, who is very well into the "scene" was messing around while we were riding.

he was telling us about the USA youth crews, and started messing around calling us the Worthing Youth crew.

It kind of stuck with a few of us, and now is just a laugh all the Worthing riders have.

The guy who came up with it is Edge, so thats why its all X'd up.

Now its just used as a collective name for us lot, better thatn Saying "all the riders from worthing"

And it allways gets a laugh.

Some Non riders tried to copy ans started calling themselves Worthing youth crew, but ti didnt really catch on.


So, xWorthingxYouthxCrewx, represent.........

So I take it buy your knowlage of this, your into Hardcore aswell?

Im into the music but cant stand the "scene"

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The NASS competition this year was run with a computerised scoring system to make it as fair as possible.

Score sheets from Martyn Ashton, Ot Pi & Cesar Canas were entered into a specially designed excel spreadhseet which totalled the scores for each rider based on Style, Technique, Innovation and Showmanship.

All Entrants had the opportunity to show their talents to the judges for 3 minutes and the three highest scoring Riders were then given the opportunity to compete again in a Grand Final for the judges to make their final decision as to who should take the prize.

The Expert final was particularly close and as those who witnessed it will remember the judges felt that it was just too close to call.

A ride off was called between the 2 top riders being Matt & Sam. However, although Sam tried his best he was disadvantaged by the fact that his bike had broken in the previous final and so he was forced to use someone elses.

Sam valiantly attempted to ride the difficult course set out by Ot Pi, but on a bike that he was not used to this proved to be too difficult. It was therefore decided to revert to the scores from the original round to decide the winner which showed that Matt had stolen vistory by only 5 clear points.

I hope this clarifies the situation but should you require further clarification or even a copy of the full breakdown of Comp scores, please do not hesitate to email madnews@btinternet.com.

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The NASS competition this year was run with a computerised scoring system to make it as fair as possible.

Score sheets from Martyn Ashton, Ot Pi & Cesar Canas were entered into a specially designed excel spreadhseet which totalled the scores for each rider based on Style, Technique, Innovation and Showmanship.

All Entrants had the opportunity to show their talents to the judges for 3 minutes and the three highest scoring Riders were then given the opportunity to compete again in a Grand Final for the judges to make their final decision as to who should take the prize.

The Expert final was particularly close and as those who witnessed it will remember the judges felt that it was just too close to call.

A ride off was called between the 2 top riders being Matt & Sam. However, although Sam tried his best he was disadvantaged by the fact that his bike had broken in the previous final and so he was forced to use someone elses.

Sam valiantly attempted to ride the difficult course set out by Ot Pi, but on a bike that he was not used to this proved to be too difficult. It was therefore decided to revert to the scores from the original round to decide the winner which showed that Matt had stolen victory by only 5 clear points.

I hope this clarifies the situation but should you require further clarification or even a copy of the full breakdown of Comp scores, please do not hesitate to email madnews@btinternet.com.

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Hey Grant

I thought the scoring was done well, a better system than previous years.

I know alot of people didnt like the end "ride off", but I enjoyed it.

It was a differnt format, and no one was expecting it.

The riders really had to try, just like any comp, and make sure they didnt dab.

Would be an interesting concept for another style of comp maybe???

(Lee McCaw)

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