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Nass 2005 - Full 3 Day Camping Report


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I know there hi-jacking Matt's thread in Rides & Locations, but thought i would put one up here, and be different, so the masses can see what went down, (or up as the case may be (Y) )

(This post may contain excessive swearing, Hobbs and Fizzy James have rubbed of on me ^_^)

NOTE: I can't remember half of what went on, or in the correct order, so sorry if anythings incorrect or on the wrong day or what ever. Long read too, so heres some highlights. :-


- Porter getting thrown in the paddling pool.

- Massive sausage fight which involved Hobbs tent getting attacked with sausages, and his pillow getting covered with sausage.

- Hobbs drunk, and me and Porter taping his tent up with him collapsed in it.

- Lee crowd surfing and getting chucked out the rock tent.

- Porter and Hobbs getting refused ice cream, and getting threatened by the ice cream man with a knife.

- Porter getting thrown off dodgems because he broke some plastic chain.

- Watching Scott and The Flesh (Fletch, but we changed his name) having a pulling competition and chatting up the most random people, and randomly getting off with two girls whos chatup line was "do you wan't to pull us". Hahaha.

- Bens tenting getting collapsed, harsh, but was funny at the time. (Sorry Ben)

- Hobbs getting the water contents of the paddling pool thrown over his tent.

- Porter and Lee paying 7 quid to ride shit and brake things haha. Aka, the NASS trials competition.

- See'ing Fred with "No Advertising" taped onto his back haha.

- More sausage fights, ending with it splitting on someones tent.

- Hobbs and Porter getting thrown out of the aftershock tent.

- Destroying and flattening some poor kids tent over in the other trials rider camp.

- Ben getting hit sqaure in the face with a water bottle.

- Flaming tennis ball getting launched across the site.

- Stealing a picnic bench and walking for 5 minutes across the other end of the camp site to put it in the center of our area.

- Turning Hobbs tent into an irish tent. This is where you turn the inside of the tent around, but leave the outside sheet the same, so the person opens the outside sheet to be greeted by what would usually be the back of the tent.

- Having a water fight with the SUPER hot girls that where tented next to us.

- Quotes such as "f**ks saaaaaaaaaaaaake", "No Advertising!", "Wheres the pussy", "Sausage".


After arriving at 8:30, we queued for like 3 hours i think it was, with a little session of this bench in the middle of the field. Once in we setup camp around a tap, as we said we would. Fletch tried tapping this box while we all slaved away setting up, but he didn't make it, gutted. (:)) We setup the paddling pool, and used it as a beer cooler, at first. We then went off to check out the trials area, and the general NASS area. Trials course was pretty rad, but those sleepers with those nobbly bits where super annoying. Get rid of them! :D

Drink had started flowing too. Camp area was ruined by about 3 with rubbish everywhere. Went to the rock tent and Scott, Dan and Lee moshed, and Lee got crowd surfed, which got him thrown out haha.

A sausage fight had started at our camp with our de-frosted sausages that had gone to mush. Br3cpo (Brendan) threw some at Hobbs tent, but they went in and landed on his pillow. Hobbs wasn't impressed :P. About this time we filled up paddling pool with fresh water, and threw it over Hobbs tent, twice. Hobbs didn't like this again haha.

We headed over to a friends site, which was by the walkway, and they was singing "get your tits out, get your tits out for the lads" to every girl, and a few answered correctly ( :P ).

By about 9 Hobbsie was wrecked. By this time the whole "No Advertising!" joke had started, so had the Diet Simon stuff. Yes i like Diet Coke, yes i bought Archers and then didn't even like it.

By this time i believe Porter had gone into the paddling pool, and ruined atleast 2 t-shirts, and his jeans. His boxers where also ripped from a wedgie given by Lee. Went to bed at about 2/2:30 ish


Saturday started at 6am for some of us, being awaken by the big scottish security guards shouting abuse at some chav fanny how wen't onto Wally & Co's tent on friday and stole everything. He had also stolen some womens makeup and clothes, along with an in-haler. Who the f**k steals and in-haler? haha. He got chucked out and Wally & Co moved to quiet camping after getting most there stuff back. No bikes where gone. Zip tied Lee's tent zips together, but he had tools in his tent so got out ( (Y) ).

Once everyone was up, we headed of to Tesco for a fried breakfast, drifting round the car park on the way out haha.

Today was day of the competition so they entered that, Lee did a dance ontop of the van, Porter rode bad, snapped a pedal, Fred wore a "No Advertising" sticker on his back (i can't explain this joke, its a long story), Wheeler and Staples rode stupidly good. Matt 1st, Wheeler 2nd and Andy Chai 3rd. In practise Matt was picking the quarter pipe heh, so he didn't not deserve it, but i would say the tie breaker wasn't exactly fair though.

Once that was over me hung about for a bit, and me, Porter and Br3cpo went to watch the breakdancing, which was damn good. At about 7:30ish we was cooking our food, and once it was finished, Porter had some ginger ale donated by Dave, which no longer then 2 minutes after being donated, was being thrown around. One of the cans had the top blown clean off from the pressure, with the ring pull area being pushed upwards.

We also then found a frisbee and a tennis ball, which was getting thrown around. It ended up being a who can hit someone else the hardest with it, and Porter being the prime suspect, and he didn't even throw the ball once haha. Lee then started to use a fold up chair as a bat, hitting at anyone and everyone, in any direction. It then turned into a throw full bottles of water at eachother. However, as Br3cpo swung to throw the bottle, Bens face got in the way of the swing mid day, smacking him square in the face. Br3cpo stepped it up again though and sprayed gt85 on the tennis ball, and threw it across the camp on fire, bounced a foot or so away from a tent and had to be stamped out. Owners of the tent weren't very happy haha.

The Flesh then threw the ball over the fence we was sort of next to and into a little forest as we all wanted to go to dogdems. So we go on the bumpers car, was fun, and Porter got chucked out as he was pulling himself and Hobbs along when they was off, by this plastic chain, and he proceeded to break it, so got chucked out while we had another go, for free. :rip:

On the way back, we went to Wheelers & Co area. Some kid started a huge fire, for which security came over and has a massive go. Something about setting tents on fire, but when the security kicked it over the hot ash nearly set two tents on fire? :shifty: We ended up randomly tripping up everyone, and Porter was pushed into some poors guy tent, completly destroying it. Once Porter was stood up again, he was pushed again, then Adrian picked him up and slammed him into it again, snapping a pole.

Went back for a bit, and decided to head back "down town" later on. We ended up getting caught up in the middle of a mini riots. Apparently loads of people had stormed the half pipe, climbing up it and stealing banners, and doing the same to the mini ramp. We joined them when they raided the FMX stands and did a stampeed at the security. We started to head back going past the R'n'B hut, which had a picnic bench area next to it. Hobbs was like "wouldn't it be funny to steal a picnic bench". So, at 11/12 ish, we walked over, picked up a full on pub like picnic bench, and walked of with it, right through the center of everyone. Had a few funny comments like "A PICNIC BENCH?, You f**king leg-ends". We walked it back and took it to our camp area.

While we where sat down, Hobbs went off somewhere, so (mentioning no names) Br3cpo and Porter turned Hobbs tent into an irish one. Hobbs reaction had us all in stitches for hours.

Bed at 3:30 ish.


Woke up, just hung out for a bit. Packed up our tents and then went to ride the course for a bit, but we ended up just hanging around cause non of us could be bothered. When me and James returned, there was a massive water fight going on, with the SUPER hot girls from the campsite next to us. Girls in wet tops, lush.

Z end.

Was the best weekend ever, and i've got so many stories i can't remember, or can't remember when they happened that its not even funny.

Hopefully will be there next year, and i hope the same people go, and more.

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fooking ace weekend! easiest way to get off with girls "hey its my birthday can i have a kiss" f**king works a charm! seeing my mate get beat up by 3 girls cos he squirted a water pistol in their face has got to be one of the highlights of my weekend i nearly pissed myself. sam wheeler should have won the expert comp for sure.

best commentator quote, about fred grillet in the trials comp, "he may look gay in that hat, but he can ride a bike"

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i hardly saw any trials, gutting! went hammering it round on sunday on my mates 4x race bike with back to front brakes pissed up and rode over a tent, went home with some ones sheep shouting tip the van at strange folk...

who ever the lads were with the ZOO! with gold rims a blue koxx? and some other bikes that camped near the 4X enterance gate thingy that we got to play system of a down for those scanky chavv birds that my mates were trying to pull, sorry if you got any shit off them for ran sacking their tent....was my mate with the black revelle and 24's....she copped off with some one else and he got jealous!

NASS ruled even if i dent see any trials, i blagged my way into the 4x riders camping area because we got there at 1:30 saturday morning, scared oggy ogdens kid shitless when we walked the track, saw some huge bails, super dirt and great racing...

roll on next year...and bring the 3 man catapults!!

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From what I've heard, (friends included) Sam should of won the competition, and it should never of gone as far as the 'Section'. I rode aweful from what I remember, apart from the tie-break section, where Sam wasn't riding his own bike, so it can hardly be considered fair.

I did say to Mister Ashton and Giles that I didn't think it was fair, and asked if we could share the win, as Sam couldn't ride his own bike...but Giles said there had to be a vinnor (Gahy).

I can't wait to see footage of it, so i can get a better idea of what the judges were thinking. :shifty:

I was priddy happy and suprised with the win, as I felt like shit from Saturday morning onwards, and had been riding trials on 24'' GT Cruiser for the 5 weeks leading up to NASS.

Also, did anyone else collect their certificates from Giles afterwards ? As I fogottended.

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Highlights for me were:

Landing flat to Ot Pi's foot :P"

The FMX, fooking amazing

Trials comp, the round with porter in was crazy you guys were just killing yourselves out there! lol

Serious amounts of drunkness, was passed out by 1 on friday night lol

The roadtrippin to get there :rip:

Didn't like the large amount of underage chavs that were there purely to get drunk

Oh and the twat on the mini moto that knocked the midget off his cool custom lil bike (sounds funny i know, but wasn't)

All in all a damn good wknd!! Defo a go for next year. Set myself the target of entering inter as well so had better get riding! :shifty:


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I cant believe how well no advertising took off :shifty: Brilliant :P

Matt, I f**king loved how you rode and no offence to sam, he rode great but I think you deserved the win, Perhaps not in comp style but still...

Anyways, Since when is nass about riding? Highlight of the week was b-boying for me, fookin awesome.

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Sounded bloddy fun :P Wish I could go but had a comp to organise for the sunday.

Don't get the irish tent thing :shifty:

By the sounds of it Porter is bit of a rebel, reading that i'm surprised anymore :rip:

Get some vids up!!!

Edited by Xdream
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friday -

got in after being queued up for forking ages cause of the crappy pikey security guards and set my tent up blah blah. nout really happened from then apart from  chilling out at camp site, riding the course a couple of times and watching hobbsie drunk.

bout 6 we started drinking doing bbq's etc and then headed down town at like 8ish. hobbsie was in a mood with br3cpo for some reason so he went to buy him an ice cream to make it all up to him. went to the ice cream van and there we had a sketchy spanish man. got him to do a 99 thing and asked for sauce, but the amount of sauce which was given was not acceptable (litterally 1 drop) so we asked for more but he told us we had to pay 10p more, at which brendan said f**k off. he looked at us and and wacked it back in the top of the machine and how we laughed. then i think we went into the big blue tent where the band werent playing for some reason but they were all stood up there :rip: . so we went out then we heard them start playing and went back in and started moshing blah blah, i got right to the front and lost everyone so went back to the camp site and met up with everyone again and had a few more beers.

then we went back down to town where i tried to get another ice cream from the same man by asking him "6 free ice creams mate" and his reply was "f**k off" and mine was something like "ahhhh why" and again he just shouted f**k off and picked up a knife, then hobbsie comes running in next to me chanting "free ice cream" and then he started going MAD and waving his knife around saying "f**k off" ahahahahahhahahahha. so we moved on to somewhere and i cant really remember what happened untill we got back up to the camp site where we messed around doing stuff untill about 2:30 then we all went to bed, yet i couldnt sleep (Y)"  ^_^  :) .

saturday came and i woke up well early cause some basterd was shouting "bollox" through a mega phone in the tent behind me at like 5 in the bloody morning. so i just lyed down untill someone got up. when everyone was up we yet again sat at the camp site for ages just chilling out eating, brushing teeth, showering (Y) and stuff. then the time came to head down to the trials course where we messed around and talked for ages and where i made the big mistake of signing up for the trials competition. then the time came to ride the comp and what a f**k up that was, lee ruled but the judges werent impressed with his ace dancing skills on top of the pipes and i just messed up and taught ot pi and the other spanish bloke some new english words like "for f**k sake" and "you basterds". my tyre would not grip and my brake would just not hold all put together with too much sun (for a ginger anyways) and not a lot of water and still a weeeeee bit drunk i thinks. but it was a laugh and i need new pedals.

then again we went upto the camp site where again everyone just chilled out having a laugh. i had a nice foam party with the paddaling pool and lynx shower jel kindly donated by scott.  then the water fights (round one) began with the ladies in front, which was a laugh but i think we won :- .

then tennis ball and frizby came out. started off as a nice game of catch which then turned into a harder game of catch which then turned into a try and hit porter cause hes doing nothing to anyone just sat down chilling, whcih i thought was nice as, so thanks.

then our team got the GT85 out and douced the ball in it and set it alight, which may have been a bit stupid but oh well, aha.

after "catch" had finished being played lee got a chair and brendan got a bottle of something and we played a sort of see how well you can hit the ball, and we did actually get it quite far. but then came one of the funnist bits of the weekend. brendan goes for a mega swing and ben is stood behind him, brendan swings it round and wallups ben stupidly hard in the face, everyone was just laughing their heads off and myself and sean just could not stop laughing for ages after.

this game then got boring so we headed back into town. on the way down we went past staples and his g/fs tent and dont ask how but i can remember getting his in the bollox by his g/f  :shifty: really dont know how that came about, but thankfully it didnt seem to hurt.

so we headed down town, which we then decided was boring so we all met up at the benches and walked up to the other happy campers site and from here its a little blurry, but i know someone destroyed a coupel fo tents :"> and some other stuff must have happened, im sure it will come back to me when someone says. then we walked about for a bit more, not sure what happened untill we ended back up at the camp site where someone else *cough* not me and brendan *cough* made hobbsie and nice irish tent which was soooo funny :P <<that emotion says it all. then again we headed back down town where we met up with some more people messed around and stole a picknic table from that bit by the brum and base tent and walked it up to the camp site where it did actually come in very handy. when we got up with the table hobbsie noticed what had been down to his tent and everyone was just laughing their heads off and hobbsie was just nelt in his tent praying, or what seemed to be praying :D . dunno what happened next, hobbsie crashed in my tent for that night, i slept on my brake lever, hobbsie managed to sleep on my tooth paste and got it EVERYWHERE!.

woke up sunday after a good nights sleep, and started packing up, headed down town and really just chilled out, i werent feeling to great which i really think was down to to much sun, i headed off home at like 2ish got home at 4 ate and gto sorted out untill 4 and slept from then on pretty much untill 9:30 this morning.

this was a weekend to remember and someone else can fill you in on the bits i have missed out.

sorry if the post is a bit sketch.

thats my report on it, slightly different

you have made me look like a right nobba simon i wasnt the only one being a basterd, i admit i must have been being well annoying but hobbsie was just as bad.

no one has mentioned lee with his hotpants and dog collor.

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thats my report on it, slightly different

you have made me look like a right nobba simon i wasnt the only one being a basterd, i admit i must have been being well annoying but hobbsie was just as bad.

no one has mentioned lee with his hotpants and dog collor.

Hahaha. I havn't made you look like a nobba, made you look cool! :shifty: :P

Lee and his collar hahaha.

Basically, it was hot, so Lee rolled his 3/4 lenghts up into hotpants type style, and he didnt have a tee on, so put one of those belts with studs on around his neck. You've never seen anyone look more bondage haha.

Told you i would forget some stuff. :rip:

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I had a great time, even though i got all my clothes, food, toothbrush, deoderant, phone, etc, nicked on the first night. Oh and a big stash of brake pads in a bag.

Had to spend all weekend in the same t-shirt and shorts. A big thanks to Tarty for letting me borrow his coat when i got cold.

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Had to spend all weekend in the same t-shirt and shorts. A big thanks to Tarty for letting me borrow his coat when i got cold.

Ahhh, just like in a romantic movie. :shifty:

Bad luck though wally, f**king theving twats.

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