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War... Huh... Yeah...


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Ok, amidst all of this blowing up of stuff in London I have been thinking. Like I normally do, just on a far greater capacity compared to you lot (Y) I have a feeling this thread may or may not go down well but never the less I shall post.

After watching Black Hawk Down, for like the 10,000th time as it is by far one of the greatest movies of all time. I thought, who actually wins a war nowadays, to win a war in ye olde times it was a case of thrash the enemy until they surrender or you have the land you want. Nowadays it isn't like that. It isn't Team A vs Team B on a patch of land, wars are no longer a "fair" as such match. In times gone by, the leader of each "Team", usually a King or Queen would address each other in the middle of the battlefield. This is not done anymore, we are far superior to middle eastern countries, but yet we choose to fight them in a fair manner. Yet they break the rules by killing innocent civilians far far away from the battlefield. I know what you're going to say, we killed civilians too blah blah blah. But to be truly honest, I don't give a damn about them. If you want to start a fight with a world super power prepare to get f**king ahnialated in every sense of the word. In my opinion right now we should trace the roots of the people who created these bombs, follow any link, if that link has a possible malicious intent.... Kill it. Why should we leave in a world of fear when we try to help these people. The people who we give our money to help, the people are governments have been recently discussing to remove their debt. The people who need our help. Why should we care, why don't we just remove them, they are far inferior. Now this is where it gets interesting, I'm sure you're all thinking, how can they be inferior. Well for starters they are brainwashed, I know you may think they aren't, religion is ok, if you choose it. When it is forced upon you from day one, it becomes you, you don't choose it, it in a way has chosen you and you have to be a part of it. Also, if they aren't inferior why are they living in such terrible conditions in comparison to us. This will be blamed on leaders, I never would of seen that coming. But their leaders can only be held responsible so far, I'll prove that with a single name. Oliver Cromwell. These people aren't helping themselves, they can arm themselves to fight a Western world, yet they can't arm themselves to fight a true enemy within.

So as you can see, I have typed a fair whack. It looks like alot because I didn't use paragraphs. I could of but too much hassle now. Most of it was spur of the moment typing, so I ain't expecting it to be a piece of literacy genius either.

In conclusion, I believe, that firstly, no-one gets into this country for the next 10 years. Secondly, the government shouldn't pussy foot around minority groups, if they want to come to this country then they live by our rules and laws. They have no more rights than a 10th generation British person, nor do they have more rights than a person who has been here a day. No more of this, "You don't teach our children OUR religion in your schools." Why should we teach a different religion, that should be the last of your concerns after fleeing from your "war torn" country and coming to the first country that isn't at war, after going through France. (Y) Then when we are at war with Iraq, we still allow people to come in. Thirdly, someone starts a fight from now on, we make sure we finish it for good. We prove that we've still got what it takes to play with the big boys, if we owned 2/3 of this planet, I think we can, hmmm what's the word, dear me, how about oblierate some shitty little terrorist organisation.

Thank you for your time if you managed to read all of this.

What's your opinions?

By the way if you think I'm a racist that's nice. I think you'll find I've just got the balls to say what most "British" British people think.

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in the modern society it isnt possible to have a fair war now , its all pussyfooting about with " police actions "

and the politics just makes it all so shocking , the army is there to defend the united kingdom, not to sort out the problems of other nations , thats what the un are for

so why should brittish people have to fight and die for some iraqi's over something that will have never affected them ( wmd's anyone? )

the navy are there to allow free trade and prevent piracy on the high seas

so wtf are they doing in iraq?

alright so now that the uk and u.s feel like big men for crushing some "tyrannic dictator"

and now there are reprisals all over iraq and more and more people dying for someone elses problem . it was only so that monkey could live up to what daddy did , and so princess tony could try and act like maggy for a few months , and look where its got us

i bet he feels a right willy now after london got bombed

yeah africa is a hole and has many problems like poverty , and aids and dictators , but what do we have here ? we have aids ,we have poverty and a stupid f**king prime minister alright not on the same level as africa but the problems are similar ,

its a very childish mentality to discard something that doesnt work properly , you need to look forwards and try to fix it before disposing of it , all the africans have the right to live , but they dont do anything about it , instead of going and giving them wells and food and medicine , they need to be taught how to farm crops and dig wells and build proper houses and once they have learned and the knowledge has spread the people will be able to sustain themselves .

and then theres the nanny state

its just rediculous , being told what you can and cant say , effectivley putting to waste those who died for the right of free speech , if i want to say something i will say it , im not going to ask for a coffe without milk so that a black person might not get offended , or not teach my children baa baa black sheep because it promotes racism , i mean for christs sake even down to removing crosses from crematorioums as not to offend other religions.

its just pathetic , they need to spend more time sorting out the nhs and the emergency services than spending millions of pounds integrating asylum seekers into our society .

now im not about to take on the jackboot wearing " sieg heil" attitude of the daily mail and say " gas the bastards" but i do beleive the real asylum seekers have the right to be here , and we've ended up with an influx of lazy moochers who come here because the system is too soft.the moochers are the one who need to be kicked out you cant just come here and end up living the life of riley at the taxpayers expense i just cant see why it happens , i've also no problem with those who can work and support themselves and their familys , but i dont care for those who live off the state ( be they asylum seeker or brittish )

at the end of the day , there are more pressing things to deal with as opposed to africa and other countrys dictatorships , because how many of you can say that saddam hussein affected your day to day life? how many of you can say that starving africans affects your day to day ?

we dont NEED to sort those things out , once we've sorted our own country out , then we can help t'others

its late , and im off to sleep


edit : taking into account most terrorist organisations are armed with american weapons from the huge donations and training they got in the 80's

edit 2 : monkey terrorism isnt a big problem on the grand scale of things , and most of them are defending what they beleive to beleive to be right , and the one major factor of this is that terrorism is a good thing for the government ( not that people get killed ) but people are easier to control when their scared , if its not asylum seekers eating babies , or mrsa its the fact that an arab is going to blow you up or maybe its that saddam is going to nuke us all or you'll die of cancer if you eat paracetamol and all sorts of shit like that , because once the public are scared , they will do anything you tell them to , you get it drilled into you from an early age , if you f**k up in school you will be a f**k up for the rest of your life and die poor and lonely , and in the media too if you dont use lynx you wont get laid , if you dont use colgate your teeth will rot and fall out , if you dont own this sort of car you wont get invited to squash with the execs and wont get that promotion you wanted etc etc, fear and consumption and the governmeant has tried to exploit it , and payed dearly . hopefully in a few years someone like ken livingstone will get pm and sort this country out

Edited by daahnhillaaaa
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I have to say, by playing fair england is going to loose every time. These people are idiots, they don't know jack all about their religion, no religion would want to kill others, thats not the point behind them, it's just some bitter ass hole who can tell young people that the western world are killing their religion etc etc. Its a bunch of balls! I really hope they just get shot, because its the only way, not killed, just shot a kind of "My religion won't kill you, just maim you, YO"

Another thing, if they are doing it in the name of religion surely it'd help if they hit churchs where all those present believed, not a train, where atleast 50% dont believe in anything but getting to work on time... TWATS


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Then when we are at war with Iraq, we still allow people to come in.

Er, don't really see the link there (Y) Iraqi refugees mostly went into the surrounding countries, so I don't really see much of a link at all?

I think we can, hmmm what's the word, dear me, how about oblierate some shitty little terrorist organisation.

Terrorist organisations aren't all in a neat little office block with "Terror Co." on the door. Little cells of people all around the world = not possible to "oliberate some shitty little terrorist organisation".

By the way if you think I'm a racist that's nice. I think you'll find I've just got the balls to say what most "British" British people think.

Sigh... Monkey, you think you're f**king amazing on here. You think you basically own this forum. However, again, despite your so-called "amazing" brain, you still can't actually comprehend you don't mean anything. Your existence doesn't mean shit. On this internet forum you have quite a presence, but you seem to be letting the fact you can speak your mind on here actually think that you speak for other people. You don't. SAying you speak for '"British" British people' is completely and utterly shit. I'm a "British" person (I didn't bother typing it twice, by the way (Y) ) and I don't really think that immigration is the huge problem that you do. Illegal immigration is a problem. Immigration as a whole isn't. It's the illegality of it's that the problem. However, you're too retarded to notice this. Typically, I don't really speak to people who hold this view like I am to you now. However, this is also typically because people who hold views like your's don't voice it in the "I am speaking for the good people" sort of way you are, and don't generally consider themselves so high above everyone. No doubt you'll probably think of this as another fun arguement to try and start with me, or that you'll have 'won' because I have reacted 'angrily'. But to be honest with you, I actually have a life. I do other stuff. Currently, I am on here whilst my food is cooking. Once that's done, I'm gonna go up to the ramp and ride, then meet some friends. You, however, just play around on this forum. Therefore, a 'victory' in an 'arguement' on here may seem like it makes any difference to you in the real world, but sadly, it doesn't. No doubt again you'll say "But I'm a nice person in real life, so it doesn't matter what I do here" - it's still you, Carl. If you have the capacity to be a total dick on here, it would seem pretty likely that being a total dick is manifested in your personality, otherwise you probably wouldn't do it.

Anyway, food's cooked. Shit to do, stuff like that.

Feel free to have a differing opinion, but saying this self-righteous "I'm being brave and speaking for the voiceless" crap is just total bollocks.


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Well big wars are actually pretty good for medical progression (Y) , such as war world II and the production of penicillin, over the years war has helped medicine improve quicker and people to come up with new ideas, such as Ambrose Pare and cauterisation and not using boiling oil to help heal wounds from wars etc and finding other solutions, so thats partly what wars can be good for. Other than that there pretty crappy.

I havent bothered to read what the rest of you have posted about this thread im just posting from what it says in the topic title.

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Mark I think its about time england did start doing things on its own, thats how we keep ending up like this!


Haha, yeah, uber powerful England (Y) You do realise that England isn't as almighty and powerful as you imagine? Hence not having done anything alone previously? And how do you mean "Ending up like this"?

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lets be honest this country is going to the dogs everyday the place gets worse its awful!

the day this country sorts itself out ill be bloody happy instead of having stupid bitching monkeys in a room ranting about crap and not sorting much out (Y) the price off living is also very high? and why this country is shite, also immigration is an issue immigration in this country is far too easy, try and get immigration in nthe us its bloody hard why do you think so many come to the uk? were a push over simple as (Y)

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lets be honest this country is going to the dogs everyday the place gets worse its awful!

the day this country sorts itself out ill be bloody happy instead of having stupid bitching monkeys in a room ranting about crap and not sorting much out (N) the price off living is also very high? and why this country is shite, also immigration is an issue immigration in this country is far too easy, try and get immigration in nthe us its bloody hard why do you think so many come to the uk? were a push over simple as :angry:

That's why people from Zimbabwe who will be persecuted upon their return are being deported? :)

why do you think so many come to the uk?

Shitload closer than America for a lot of places where people are fleeing (European based, leastways)?

the price off living is also very high?

This is because of taxes though, which help pay for fun stuff like the NHS? General town and city maintainance (like renewing walls that have been bashed to f**k? :P)? Police force? Help maintain the fire brigade and ambulance service too (unless they've both been privatised, not 100% sure)? That sorta stuff?

Stopping illegal immigrants coming in won't change the fact that in the general world scene we're still regarded as being c**ts.

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It sounds like most of the people on here are just repeating what they've heard other people saying, with regards to this country getting worse. Fact is, if people are wanting to come here, surely there must be something worthwhile in it for them? People say this country's going to shit, the vast, vast, vast majority of us have food, shelter, clothing and lead a comparitively easy life. We have healthcare, schools and employment opportunites, we have clean water, we have benefits.

If people don't like it then they should try living in a 3rd World country, hell, why not go out camping for a week, then at least you might appreciate having 4 solid walls. Some people really do take all this for granted. Maybe the reason it is going to shit is because of this stupid morality and way of thinking.

Anywho, I think Mark totally owned Monkey with his original post so no more really needs to be said on the whole war thang.

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Rather than ranting your rather closed minded opinions, maybe you should just be happy that you weren't born into a middle eastern or third world country, eh Monkey?


Hurrah! a voice of reason!

lets be honest this country is going to the dogs everyday the place gets worse its awful!

the day this country sorts itself out ill be bloody happy instead of having stupid bitching monkeys in a room ranting about crap and not sorting much out (N) the price off living is also very high? and why this country is shite, also immigration is an issue immigration in this country is far too easy, try and get immigration in nthe us its bloody hard why do you think so many come to the uk? were a push over simple as :angry:

when were you ill last time Craig? Did you go to the doctors? Did you pay for that treatment?

If your bike was stolen who would you report it to? and you would, contrary to popular belief, have more faith in the "pigs" finding it than trying to find and retrieve it yourself.

oh yes, and how's your education? you look like you can spell pretty well!

This country might seem pretty crap with it's chavs and tax etc but these problems are relatively tiny compared to those of other countries.

Also remember that a country is made by it's people. If you arent happy why dont you go stand for parliament?

You wouldn't be able to do that in most other countries.

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I know what you mean Mr Monkey. What annoys me are the designer clothes wearing university students clutching copies of Socialist Worker protesting against capitalism. Too many do-gooders saying we should help everybody out but why??

Why does everybody feel the need to help everybody else out? Why do foolish people stop and hand out money to tramps on the street who sit there and smoke all day while we work? I think it's guilt. I don't feel guilty, I worked damn hard at school and damn hard at university and I'd like to reap the benefits of our capitalist society. I have no problem with student debt (of which I have ten grand), I have no problem with the health service and I have no problem with the government.

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I have to say, by playing fair england is going to loose every time.

These people Another thing, if they are doing it in the name of religion surely it'd help if they hit churchs where all those present believed, not a train, where atleast 50% dont believe in anything but getting to work on time... TWATS


There is no such thing as a "fair" or "clean" war, war is by definition dirty and cruel. It can't be regulated.

Also why the hell should they go blowing up anyone? In fact these people don't think of christians as infidels, the ones they hate are the atheists. Thye believe that the christians believe in the same g-d as them.


When was the last time "England" did ANYTHING on their own?

Well, I think that would be never. :angry:

oh yes, and how's your education? you look like you can spell pretty well!

This country might seem pretty crap with it's chavs and tax etc but these problems are relatively tiny compared to those of other countries.

Also remember that a country is made by it's people. If you arent happy why dont you go stand for parliament?

Well, I can spell except when my typing lets me down, but it is in no way thanks to my supposed education. (N)

I know people who have gone through the same schools as me and still can't spell simply because the education system here sucks, that includes Scotland too for anyone who wants to nit pick.

I know what you mean Mr Monkey. What annoys me are the designer clothes wearing university students clutching copies of Socialist Worker protesting against capitalism. Too many do-gooders saying we should help everybody out but why??

Hmm, I think what they're saying is that we should be totally biased and racist and only pick on one country for war crimes "violations" while ingnoring the violations of its neighbours.

Edited by div
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It sounds like most of the people on here are just repeating what they've heard other people saying, with regards to this country getting worse. Fact is, if people are wanting to come here, surely there must be something worthwhile in it for them? People say this country's going to shit, the vast, vast, vast majority of us have food, shelter, clothing and lead a comparitively easy life. We have healthcare, schools and employment opportunites, we have clean water, we have benefits.

If people don't like it then they should try living in a 3rd World country, hell, why not go out camping for a week, then at least you might appreciate having 4 solid walls. Some people really do take all this for granted. Maybe the reason it is going to shit is because of this stupid morality and way of thinking.

Anywho, I think Mark totally owned Monkey with his original post so no more really needs to be said on the whole war thang.

That first be depends on the persons perspective, looking from within and looking in are two different perspectives with different results.

Point about standing for parliment from another person is crap, why both you wont win this country is based on what people want, cheap car travel, taxes etc anything that is radical will never be voted in unleass there is a concensus by all parties then it will come in because everyone agrees. Will that happen no becasue politics is just grown men argueing and being bullies, thats how I see it. Dont belive me watch in tnside the commons programs they arwe slagging each other off hardly professional.

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Personally instead of having world leaders discussing how to take out people like saddam hussain or Osama bin Laden, there should be an organisation that blended between the one in the Bourne Identity, the technology in Mission Impossible 2 (where they can impersonate other people) and a bit of James Bond in there aswell. Well for all we know there could be, as if it was doing it's job, we wouldn't know about it. With the amount of films that bring up this concept of a secret organisation, it makes me think there has to be some. However if there is, they are either not doing what I'm explaining, or are very crap at it. They could have expert training that made them almost superhuman with skills in everything they need, and I think this would help to get rid of some of the terrorism that goes on.

As some people have said, there needs to be less fannying around finding reasons, and just in secret get the job done.

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Personally instead of having world leaders discussing how to take out people like saddam hussain or Osama bin Laden, there should be an organisation that blended between the one in the Bourne Identity, the technology in Mission Impossible 2 (where they can impersonate other people) and a bit of James Bond in there aswell. Well for all we know there could be, as if it was doing it's job, we wouldn't know about it. With the amount of films that bring up this concept of a secret organisation, it makes me think there has to be some. However if there is, they are either not doing what I'm explaining, or are very crap at it. They could have expert training that made them almost superhuman with skills in everything they need, and I think this would help to get rid of some of the terrorism that goes on.

As some people have said, there needs to be less fannying around finding reasons, and just in secret get the job done.

MI-5 is actually real though, the people who James Bond works for.

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