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The Boy With The Incredible Brain


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Anyone watching this on channel 5.

Guy that the film rain man was based on has just been in it, photographic memory.

he can read a book using left eye to read left page, right eye to read right page, and understand 98% of what he has read.

anything he reads, he never forgets :)

guy the docu is following is maths genius, he is kinda doing maths sums without working them out, they just come to him.

he spoke the numbers of Pie (JT) too something like 20,000 decimal points in about 5hours :lol:

its really mind blowing and crazy.

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Watched that was very interesting. 25,000 digits of pi he did.  Did you see the japanise kids with the abacus' that was crazy.  The little boy that did it into thin air all in his head.

That was quite crazy, but the perfect memory guy pissed all over him.

I can't add 5 and 7 without using my fingures ..... realy. :)

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Yeah, it would be pretty swish. But I'm pretty sure most "normal" people can't begin to do it. There's just something in his brain that is way different to most people. Like they said on the program - he probably has a form of Autism, but also has more social skills that a lot of autistic people.

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Might be the same person... Remember reading an article up at uni about an autistic man... Basically he had <insert second condition name (sounds vaguely like savage i think)> which is likely to pop up in 1 out of 10 autistic people and 1 in a 100 'normal' people. Basically like smo said he see's stuff as patterns and images in his mind so he can do immense calculations very easily. And yeh he counted pi up to 20,000 dp using this technique. Basically scientists are trying to work out his brain structure or some shizzle to see whether they could increase us lower mortals chances of getting the same advantage and therefore technically making us cleverer at maths.

Downfall is that if they did work it out then we may start showing autistic signs as well so can't realistically see it ever happening... For example the bloke can't go to the beach 'cause he'll instantly try working out how many stones there are... Which is near impossible for him so it screws him over.

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That ray man geezer was f**king imense i just sat there like wtf.

He was asked if winston churchil was still alive today how old would he be and what day would his birthday fall on the guy just responded pretty much instantly like he had it writen down on a peice of paper infront of him.

His dad said he remembers every book he reads.

It takes him 8 - 9 seconds to read a page that would take a normal person 3 mins to read.

this guys proper insane its unreal.

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The name these people have been given by scientists is 'Savants' (sp?). They're able to use more of their higher brain capacity than most people. Such as the Rain Man, but unfortunately, the gift of 'Genius' also comes with a price, as you can see.

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The name these people have been given by scientists is 'Savants' (sp?). They're able to use more of their higher brain capacity than most people. Such as the Rain Man, but unfortunately, the gift of 'Genius' also comes with a price, as you can see.

Yep, just look at me (Y)

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The name these people have been given by scientists is 'Savants' (sp?). They're able to use more of their higher brain capacity than most people. Such as the Rain Man, but unfortunately, the gift of 'Genius' also comes with a price, as you can see.

I would rather have social skills than maths skills. When you think about it, social skills are incredibly complex, so I don't think he's lucky to be almost devoid of these things. People with autism find it very hard to feel emotions any more complex than happy or sad - they will never know love.

Think about it, this guy is not really any cleverer than a calculator or a simple 1980's style computer that can store text It is generally acknowledged that humans are cleverer than computers. The reason is that we are so socially advanced - which is why we rule the earth.

Also, humans were made/evolved (depending on your viewpoint (Y)) to reproduce and carry on the species. Not to do a few sums in their heads. There is obviously something wrong with someone who can add up in their head amazingly well, but can't hold a conversation with anyone...

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My mum used to work with one of these people can´t remeber what they are called but if you told them what date your birthday was they could tell you the day you were born instantly, and they can memorise landscapes and paint them perfectly it´s amazing, also there good at languages.

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I'm not religious but my unlce/auntie/cousins are. Theres this guy called Tim who goes to the church and he has one of these memories. In the church is a big book of where everyone lives that visits the church. He has access to this book.

It is also a fact that he likes to go up to small girls and talk to them and touch them. This combined with his memory makes it possible for him to know exactly where they live, and he goes and visits these small children.

Clive, the vicor of the church is a policeman in his space time. He says "Tim is under the church and would do nothing to harm the children"

My 10year old and 8 year old female cousins have told my auntie/uncle that Tim touches thier legs. My auntie/uncle have spoken to the vicar/pig and he doesnt seem to be doing much about it.

Tim is a bit retarded and has only the mind of a yong child even though he has a physical age of 20. The church think he is fine because he goes to church.

Only conclusion.. Religion promotes and accepts paedophilia.

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I'm not religious but my unlce/auntie/cousins are. Theres this guy called Tim who goes to the church and he has one of these memories. In the church is a big book of where everyone lives that visits the church. He has access to this book.

It is also a fact that he likes to go up to small girls and talk to them and touch them. This combined with his memory makes it possible for him to know exactly where they live, and he goes and visits these small children.

Clive, the vicor of the church is a policeman in his space time. He says "Tim is under the church and would do nothing to harm the children"

My 10year old and 8 year old female cousins have told my auntie/uncle that Tim touches thier legs. My auntie/uncle have spoken to the vicar/pig and he doesnt seem to be doing much about it.

Tim is a bit retarded and has only the mind of a yong child even though he has a physical age of 20. The church think he is fine because he goes to church.

Only conclusion.. Religion promotes and accepts paedophilia.

A baseball bat + Tim's skull will sort this problem.

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Did you ever see the southpark episode where all the priests were gay paeodphiles?

I think there is some truth in it.

Yes, and that one was telling them it was wrong. But they wouldn't have it so he went to the Vatican. But still, purchase an aluminium baseball bat, then connect it to this Tim fellows brain. Or give your cousins knives and let them touch, twist and just generally gyrate them inside Tim's leg.

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Yes, and that one was telling them it was wrong. But they wouldn't have it so he went to the Vatican. But still, purchase an aluminium baseball bat, then connect it to this Tim fellows brain. Or give your cousins knives and let them touch, twist and just generally gyrate them inside Tim's leg.

This guy needs to be sorted, even if he is very retarded. Serioulsy, its no beating him up really, besides I have enough to sort out with the police and social services atm so going bashing him up its going to ease anything right now.

Just have to get all the mothers and fathers of the children of the church to get down to the police station and get this Tim sorted for good.

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